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File and Printer Sharing for Windows 8

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Table of Contents:

  1. Setting up File and Printer Sharing
  2. File and Printer Sharing Issues

This article provides links to other articles concerning how to set up file and printer sharing as well as troubleshooting steps for when file and printer sharing is not working for Windows 8.

Issue 1. Setting up File and Printer Sharing


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Issue 2. File and Printer Sharing Issues

  1. Move the mouse cursor to the upper right corner of the screen until the Charms Bar appears.

  • Click Search.

  • In the Search box, type homegroup.

  • Click Settings below the Search box.

  • Click Find and fix Problems with homegroup.

Artikelnummer: 000146658
Artikeltype: Solution
Laatst aangepast: 21 feb. 2021
Versie:  3
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