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ECS: Geodrive: cómo habilitar el registro del sistema de archivos

Resumen: Registro del sistema de archivos

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Contenido del artículo


Para capturar las operaciones Crear/Leer/Actualizar/Eliminar (CRUD) de Geodrive - Cargar y Descargar realizadas por Geodrive como se documenta en la guía del usuario. El registro del sistema de archivos se puede habilitar para investigar el rendimiento o cualquier problema relacionado con CRUD.


Los archivos de registro son texto codificado en UTF-8. Se formatean como valores separados por comas (CSV) y se pueden leer con Excel.
El nombre del archivo tiene el siguiente formato:



003: El número asignado a la definición
de unidad de nube2015_06_02_13-43-56-471: Fecha y hora en UTC. Los últimos tres dígitos son milisegundos.


Cómo acceder a los detalles.
Para obtener más detalles sobre cómo hacerlo, consulte la guía del usuario de Geodrive. Un ejemplo para 2.2 sería
Consulte siempre la guía más reciente para obtener información al respecto.


Información adicional

Registro del sistema de archivos

Table 22   Logged operations   

   Operation                         Select the checkbox          Description 
   FileCreate                        Create                       File is created. 
   FolderCreate                      Create                       Folder is created. 
   FileDelete                        Delete and Rename            File is deleted. 
   FolderDelete                      Delete and Rename            Folder is deleted. 
   FileStubDelete                    Delete and Rename            File stub is deleted. 
   FileUpdate                        Data update                  File data is updated. 
   FileAttribUpdate                  Attribute Update             File attribute is updated. 
   FilePermUpdate                    Permission Update            File permissions are updated. 
   FolderRename                      Delete and Rename            Folder is renamed. 
   FileRename                        Delete and Rename            File is renamed. 
   StubRename                        Delete and Rename            File stub is renamed. 
   SectionWrite                      Data update                  File is updated using a section write. 
   Upload                            CIFS-ECS Operations          CIFS-ECS uploads the file to ECS. 
   Restore                           CIFS-ECS Operations          CIFS-ECS restores a file stub from ECS.
File operations  logged.


Column                Description
Time                  Time of the operation in UTC. 

Operation             Operation that occurred. See Table 22 above. This will be  FileCreate ,   FolderCreate , etc. 

State                 State of the file at the time of the operation. Values can be: NotUploaded,  Uploaded, UploadedModified, and Stubbed. 

File                  The file path without the cache path root. 

RenameTo              If rename, this is the target path. 

First Open            1 if a process opens a file that is not opened by any other process. It is 0 if it is a subsequent open. 

Directory             0 if file. 1 if directory. 

Process               Process path that caused the operation. 

User                  User account that the process was running under. 

Duration              Duration in seconds that the operation took. This field is only available for the following operations: 
					  Upload, Restore, Stub, FolderSync, FileDeleteGD and  FolderDeleteGD. 

File Size             Size of file, if available. 

Attributes            File attributes. This is displayed as a hex value. Possible file attributes are listed in  File attributes  
					  Multiple attributes are OR ed together. 

Disposition           This shows how the file was opened. Possible values are listed in  File dispositions 

Advanced CIFS-ECS Features


Table 23  Log file column information  (page 2 of 2) 

 Status             File open status. This shows what happened as the file was opened. Possible status  
					values are listed in Open status below after file dispostion

 Access             Shows what access was requested in the file open. It contains values such as:  

 Exclude            The exclude mask. This indicates if the user has instructed specific operations to  
					be excluded using the Process tab of the Options dialog. Multiple values are  
					OR ed together. Values for this are: 
					0x4   Not Found 
					0x8   Restore 
					0x10   Sync file 
					0x20   Sync path
File attributes


Possible file attributes and their hex values are: 

#define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY             0x00000001   
#define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN               0x00000002   
#define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM               0x00000004   
#define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY            0x00000010   
#define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE              0x00000020   
#define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DEVICE               0x00000040   
#define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL               0x00000080   
#define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY            0x00000100   
#define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SPARSE_FILE          0x00000200   
#define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT        0x00000400   
#define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED           0x00000800   
#define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE              0x00001000   
#define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED            0x00004000   
#define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_INTEGRITY_STREAM     0x00008000   
#define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_VIRTUAL              0x00010000   
#define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NO_SCRUB_DATA        0x00020000   
#define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_EA                   0x00040000

File dispositions


Possible file dispositions and their hex values are: 

#define FILE_SUPERSEDE                  0x00000000 
#define FILE_OPEN                       0x00000001 
#define FILE_CREATE                     0x00000002 
#define FILE_OPEN_IF                    0x00000003 
#define FILE_OVERWRITE                  0x00000004 
#define FILE_OVERWRITE_IF               0x00000005

Open  Status


Possible open status values and their hex values are: 

#define FILE_SUPERSEDED                 0x00000000 
#define FILE_OPENED                     0x00000001 
#define FILE_CREATED                    0x00000002 
#define FILE_OVERWRITTEN                0x00000003 
#define FILE_EXISTS                     0x00000004 
#define FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST             0x00000005 

      Dell EMC CIFS-ECS Tool User Guide


Propiedades del artículo

Producto afectado

ECS Appliance


GeoDrive for Windows, ECS Appliance Hardware Gen1 U-Series, ECS Appliance Software without Encryption

Fecha de la última publicación

13 feb 2024



Tipo de artículo

How To