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VNXe: The system was unable to connect to the ESRS server. Please verify your network settings and EMC Support credentials are correct and try again. Contact support if the problem persists. (Dell EMC correctable)

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Error Code:0x6400b85: The system was unable to connect to the ESRS server. Please verify your network settings and EMC Support credentials are correct and try again. Contact support if the problem persists.

Device status is missing from the ESRS Page.

ESRS status is not enabled from the GUI.


Device got re-registered to the old backend ESRS (not from ESRS to ESRSv3).

Ports (80,443,8443,9443) are blocked.

Network connectivity issue.


If this scenario is matched, then contact the ESRS team or field team to raise the request for migration from ESRS to ESRSv3.

Dotknuté produkty

