Dell PowerVault 35F, D9908E

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PowerVault 35F firmware version d9908e.

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d9908e, D9908E

Data da versão

06 fev. 2001

Tipo de download



Fibre Channel


A Dell Technologies recomenda analisar esta atualização para determinar se ela é válida para seu sistema. A atualização contém alterações que afetam apenas determinadas configurações ou oferece novos recursos que podem ou não ser válidos para seu ambiente.
Formatos disponíveis

Formato do arquivo: Uma ou mais imagens de disco de autoextração dentro de um zip de autoextração
Nome do arquivo: D9908E.exe
Tamanho do arquivo: 553 KB
Este é um arquivo pesado. Dependendo da velocidade da sua conexão, o download pode demorar um tempo para ser concluído.
Descrição de formato:
Este arquivo contém um conjunto compactado (ou zipado) de arquivos. Faça download do arquivo em uma pasta no disco rígido e, em seguida, dê dois cliques para descompactar o conjunto de arquivos. Siga as instruções para concluir a instalação.
Para garantir a integridade do download, verifique o valor da soma de verificação.
Não disponível
Não disponível

Ao fazer o download, você aceita os termos do Contrato de Licença de Software da Dell (em Inglês).

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PowerVault 35F Firmware Download Instructions

The PowerVault 35F can either use FTP, TFTP or a serial connection
(using the XMODEM protocol) to update the firmware. In order to
update the firmware via the serial connection, the PowerVault 35F
must be connected to a terminal emulation program supporting
XMODEM transfers. This menu item does not appear when accessing
the configuration menus through Telnet.

To download firmware using FTP:

1. Connect your computer to the PowerVault 35F’ s Ethernet port.

2. Start your FTP program using the PowerVault 35F’ s IP address:


Note: The default IP address is See the Change IP
Address section of this chapter for information on changing
the PowerVault 35F IP address.

3. Use root as the user name and password as the password.
To change the user name and password, see the Change Security
Settings section of this chapter.

4. Specify binary mode:


5. Specify the firmware’s path and filename with the put command:

The file will transfer and the PowerVault 35F will reboot. The
PowerVault 35F is now using the new firmware.

NOTE: You may want to confirm the new firmware level by
checking the PowerVault 35F’s reboot messages through the
serial interface.

To download firmware using TFTP:

1. Connect your computer using the PowerVault 35F’s
Ethernet port.

2. At the command line, type the following command:

tftp -i put

The file will tranfer and the PowerVault 35F will
reboot. The PowerVault 35F is now using the new

NOTE: You may want to confirm the new firmware level by
checking the PowerVault 35F’ s reboot messages through
the serial interface.

To download firmware using a terminal emulator:

NOTE: For quicker downloading, configure the PowerVault 35F
and the terminal emulator utility session connected to it
(such as Hyperterminal) to run at 115200.

1. Establish a Serial Connection to the PowerVault 35F.

2. From the Advanced Options menu, select the Download a
new revision of the Firmware command to start the download

3. When you confirm you want to download, the PowerVault 35F
will start the download process.

4. Use the Transfer® Send File option in the terminal emulator

5. Select the location of the firmware. Use the Browse button,
if you need help finding it.

6. Make sure you select XMODEM as the protocol.

7. Press the Send button.

8. The firmware will begin to download.

When the download is complete, the system verifies that the
firmware image was successfully written to the FLASH memory and
then reboots the PowerVault 35F. Upon reboot, the PowerVault 35F
detects that there is a newly downloaded firmware image and
copies that image to the boot sector of the FLASH and then boots
with that image. At that point the PowerVault 35F is using the
new firmware image.

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