LSI Logic PERC3/DCL, PERC3/DC, PERC3/QC, PERC3/SC, PERC 4/Di, PERC 4/SC, PERC 4/DC, PERC 4e/DC, Perc 4e/Di, PERC 4e/Si, v.1.03, A02

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MegaPR for Windows is a utility that allows the user to start and stop Patrol Read on specified PERC controllers from the Windows environment. MegaPR can also display the current status of Patrol Read on a given PERC controller. Online help is available by typing 'MegaPR ?'. For further information concerning Patrol Read, see the latest PERC User's Guide on

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Initial Release of MegaPR for Windows.


1.03, A02

Дата выпуска

07 Jun 2005

Тип загрузки

Служебная программа




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Дополнительные сведения

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- MegaPR for Windows requires a minimum level of firmware in order to operate with a PERC controller.

- MegaPR for Windows is only supported on firmware versions listed in the MegaPR Release Notes document or later versions. Do not run MegaPR on controllers with firmware older than the versions listed in the Compatibility/Minimum Requirements section of the MegaPR Release Notes.

- MegaPR will display 'Option not supported for adp 0' for any operations attempted when Patrol Read mode for the controller is set to Disable. The adapter number referenced in the message will correspond to the adapter number specified in the MegaPR command. The Patrol Read mode must be set to Auto or Manual for MegaPR to start or stop a PR iteration. To change the Patrol Read mode on an adapter, enter the PERC BIOS configuration utility by pressing CTRL+M at controller initialization during system POST. Go to Objects, and then select the Adapter menu. If multiple adapters are in the server, select the appropriate adapter. Now choose Patrol Read Options. Change the Patrol Read Mode to Auto or Manual. MegaPR will now be able to start, stop, or display status for Patrol Read from Windows.

- Typing 'megapr ?' displays help information for the MegaPR utility. The example given for command specific help displays '-ctlrInfo ?', which is not a supported option. Supported options include -dispPR, -startPR, and -stopPR.

- For further information concerning the MegaPR utility or the Patrol Read feature, see the latest PERC User's Guide on
Windows Server 2003
Windows 2000
Windows Powered
Windows Server 2003 x64
Custom Instructions for MegaPR_Windows_A02.exe:

1. Click the Download Now link to download the file.
2. If the Export Compliance Disclaimer window appears, click the I agree link to accept the agreement.
3. When the File Download window appears, click Save to save the file to your hard drive.

Extract Files
1. Browse to the location where the file was downloaded and double-click the file to unzip the download package.
2. Specify the location to unzip the files.
3. Click on the unzip button to extract the files.

Files included in this release:

- MegaPR executable file

- MegaPR for Windows readme file

Custom Instructions for MegaPR_Windows_A02.txt:

Download the readme file 'MegaPR_Windows_A02.txt' for information concerning this release.

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