Broadcom NetXtreme Family of Adapters, v.7.100, A00-7.7

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Windows 2003 base and intermediate (teaming) driver for the Broadcom network devices, Family Driver Version 7.7.

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Fehlerkorrekturen und Verbesserungen

This release fixes some minor teaming issue when utilizing a standby adapter in and disabling the primary adapters and restoring them to the team, removing and restoring the primary adapters many times may cause the team to stop passing traffic.

This release also adds a new feature to SLB teaming
The purpose of LiveLink is to detect link loss beyond the switch and to route traffic only through team members that have a live link. This function is accomplished though the teaming software (for Windows operating systems, see Configuring LiveLink; for Linux operating systems, see Configuring LiveLink). The teaming software periodically probes (issues a link packet from each team member) one or more specified target network device(s). The probe target(s) responds when it receives the link packet. If a team member does not detect the response within a specified amount of time, this indicates that the link has been lost, and the teaming software discontinues passing traffic through that team member. Later, if that team member begins to detect a response from a probe target, this indicates that the link has been restored, and the teaming software automatically resumes passing traffic through that team member. LiveLink works only with TCP/IP.

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7.100, A00-7.7


30 Aug. 2005






Dell Technologies empfiehlt, dieses Update zu überprüfen, um festzustellen, ob es für Ihr System gilt. Das Update enthält Änderungen, die sich nur auf bestimmte Konfigurationen auswirken, oder bietet neue Funktionen, die für Ihre Umgebung gelten können aber nicht müssen.
Verfügbare Formate

Dateiformat: Update-Paket für Microsoft Windows 32-Bit
Dateiname: NIC_DRVR_WIN_R94810.EXE
Dateigröße: 1.13 MB
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Dell Update Packages (DUP) im Microsoft Windows 32-Bit-Format können auch unter Microsoft Windows 64-Bit-Betriebssystemen ausgeführt werden. Dell Update Packages (DUP) im Microsoft Windows 64-Bit-Format hingegen können nur unter Microsoft Windows 64-Bit-Betriebssystemen ausgeführt werden. Stellen Sie bei der Auswahl eines Gerätetreiberupdates sicher, dass Sie das für Ihr Betriebssystem passende Update wählen.
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Dateiformat: Extrahiert Dateien direkt auf die lokale Festplatte
Dateiname: Bcom_LAN_77_W2K3_A00.exe
Dateigröße: 17.45 MB
Dies ist eine große Datei. Abhängig von Ihrer Verbindungsgeschwindigkeit kann das Herunterladen einige Zeit in Anspruch nehmen.
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Mit dem Download stimmen Sie der Dell Softwarelizenzvereinbarung (in Englisch)  zu.

Custom Instructions for Bcom_LAN_77_W2K3_A00.exe:

1. Click the "Download Now" link to download the file.
2. If the Export Compliance Disclaimer window appears, click the "I agree" link to accept the agreement.
3. When the File Download window appears, click "Save" to save the file to your hard drive.

Extract Files
1. Browse to the location where you downloaded the file and double-click the new file to unzip the download package.
2. Specify the location to upzip the files.
3. Click on the unzip button to extract files.

Using the Files
1. To install the drivers, start the Windows 2000 Server hardware installation wizard and browse to the directory where you placed these files when prompted to by the on screen instructions.
2. Download the HTML User's Guide (file
Bcom_LAN_77_Manual_A00.exe) for detailed instructions on installation

Instructions for NIC_DRVR_WIN_R94810.EXE:


1. Click the Download Now link to download the file.
2. When the File Download window appears, click Save to save the file to your hard drive.


1. Browse to the location where you downloaded the file and double-click the new file.
2. Read over the release information presented in the dialog window.
3. Download and install any prerequisites identified in the dialog window before proceeding.
4. Click the Install button.
5. Follow the remaining prompts to perform the update.

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