Dell Microsoft Hotfix and KB Updates for NAS, v., A00

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This contains Windows Storage Server 2008 Update 1 and Update 2 which consist of updates for the following issues:

• KB968675 - Storport Update
This update prevents a memory leak that is caused by a temporary unit condition.

• KB970662 - Single Instance Storage (SIS) Update
This update resolves the following issues with SIS:
A memory leak can occur with Groveler.exe if a forced rescan is initiated.
There can be timing issues in SIS copy-on-first-write operations.
NTFS re-ordering might be incorrectly handled after a forced shutdown.

• KB971191 - SIS links that have file sizes less than 1KB get set to normal files after restoring SIS v1 data to a SIS v2 volume.
This issue can occur when backing up and restoring SIS files (links) that have been truncated to a length less than or equal to 1 KB from a migrated Windows Storage Server 2003 R2 SIS-enabled volume to Windows Storage Server 2008.

• KB970658 – iSCSI initiator appears to fail on reconnection
After a lost iSCSI initiator connection is recovered, the session state in iSCSI Initiator interface may continue to display "Reconnecting." This issue only applies to application servers connecting to Microsoft iSCSI Software Target using the iSCSI Initiator.

• KB971365 – Added support for GPT disks greater than 2TB.
This update supports assigning a GPT disk (greater than or equal to 2TB) to a failover cluster using the Share and Storage Management MMC snap-in.

• KB974564 - Single Instance Storage (SIS) Update
This update resolves the following issues with the SIS filter driver:
The SIS filter incorrectly uses paged memory for copy-on-first-write requests and SI_COPY_THREAD_REQUEST.

SIS may corrupt link files that have data written beyond end-of-file (EOF). This update prevents the issue.

NOTE: SIS is only available on the Standard and Enterprise editions of the operating system. Only the necessary updates will be applied to the system.

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Fehlerkorrekturen und Verbesserungen

This contains Windows Storage Server 2008 Update 1 and Update 2 which consist of updates for the following issues:

• KB968675 - Storport Update
This update prevents a memory leak that is caused by a temporary unit condition.

• KB970662 - Single Instance Storage (SIS) Update
This update resolves the following issues with SIS:
A memory leak can occur with Groveler.exe if a forced rescan is initiated.
There can be timing issues in SIS copy-on-first-write operations.
NTFS re-ordering might be incorrectly handled after a forced shutdown.

• KB971191 - SIS links that have file sizes less than 1KB get set to normal files after restoring SIS v1 data to a SIS v2 volume.
This issue can occur when backing up and restoring SIS files (links) that have been truncated to a length less than or equal to 1 KB from a migrated Windows Storage Server 2003 R2 SIS-enabled volume to Windows Storage Server 2008.

• KB970658 – iSCSI initiator appears to fail on reconnection
After a lost iSCSI initiator connection is recovered, the session state in iSCSI Initiator interface may continue to display "Reconnecting." This issue only applies to application servers connecting to Microsoft iSCSI Software Target using the iSCSI Initiator.

• KB971365 – Added support for GPT disks greater than 2TB.
This update supports assigning a GPT disk (greater than or equal to 2TB) to a failover cluster using the Share and Storage Management MMC snap-in.

• KB974564 - Single Instance Storage (SIS) Update
This update resolves the following issues with the SIS filter driver:
The SIS filter incorrectly uses paged memory for copy-on-first-write requests and SI_COPY_THREAD_REQUEST.

SIS may corrupt link files that have data written beyond end-of-file (EOF). This update prevents the issue.

NOTE: SIS is only available on the Standard and Enterprise editions of the operating system. Only the necessary updates will be applied to the system.
Mehr erfahren

Version, A00


12 Apr. 2010






Dell Technologies empfiehlt, dieses Update während Ihres nächsten planmäßigen Updatezyklus durchzuführen. Das Update enthält Änderungen zur Aufrechterhaltung des Gesamtsystemzustands. Es stellt sicher, dass die Systemsoftware aktuell und kompatibel mit anderen Systemmodulen (Firmware, BIOS, Treiber und Software) bleibt und möglicherweise andere neue Funktionen enthält.
Verfügbare Formate

Dateiformat: Update-Paket für Microsoft Windows 32-Bit
Dateiname: APP_WIN_R255746.EXE
Dateigröße: 4.21 MB
Dies ist eine große Datei. Abhängig von Ihrer Verbindungsgeschwindigkeit kann das Herunterladen einige Zeit in Anspruch nehmen.
Beschreibung des Dateiformats:
Dell Update Packages (DUP) im Microsoft Windows 32-Bit-Format können auch unter Microsoft Windows 64-Bit-Betriebssystemen ausgeführt werden. Dell Update Packages (DUP) im Microsoft Windows 64-Bit-Format hingegen können nur unter Microsoft Windows 64-Bit-Betriebssystemen ausgeführt werden. Stellen Sie bei der Auswahl eines Gerätetreiberupdates sicher, dass Sie das für Ihr Betriebssystem passende Update wählen.
Um die Integrität Ihres Downloads zu sichern, prüfen Sie bitte den Prüfsummenwert.
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Custom Instructions for APP_WIN_R255746.EXE:

This release contains updates for the PowerVault NAS Windows Storage Server 2008 based systems.

Download and Install Instructions
1. Click the "Download Now" link to download the file.

2. When the File Download window appears, click "Save" to save the file to your hard drive.

3. Copy the package to a USB key, removable media, or network share that is accessible by the PowerVault NAS system that will be updated.

4. Log into the PowerVault NAS system and browse for the software package that was downloaded.

5. Double click on the package, only the updates applicable to your Operating System Edition (Basic, Standard, Enterprise) will be installed.

6. If the PowerVault NAS system does not reboot automatically, please reboot the system manually.

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