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Dell Server System BIOS, A06

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900 MHz B0 Stepping BIOS for PE8450.

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Fehlerkorrekturen und Verbesserungen

BIOS Release A06 contains B0 microcode to support 900MHz processors on
Mehr erfahren


A06, A06


28 März 2001






Dell Technologies empfiehlt, dieses Update zu überprüfen, um festzustellen, ob es für Ihr System gilt. Das Update enthält Änderungen, die sich nur auf bestimmte Konfigurationen auswirken, oder bietet neue Funktionen, die für Ihre Umgebung gelten können aber nicht müssen.
Verfügbare Formate

Dateiformat: Extrahiert Dateien direkt auf die lokale Festplatte
Dateiname: B6899R06.exe
Dateigröße: 738.85 KB
Dies ist eine große Datei. Abhängig von Ihrer Verbindungsgeschwindigkeit kann das Herunterladen einige Zeit in Anspruch nehmen.
Beschreibung des Dateiformats:
Dieses Dateiformat umfasst ein Dateiarchiv, das in einem Verzeichnis auf der Festplatte dekomprimiert werden kann. Die Installation kann anschließend von diesem Verzeichnis aus durchgeführt werden.
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Server System BIOS
This utility must be executed in a system without memory managers
If EMM386, QEMM, 386MAX, or Windows is active, then the FLASH update
is not safe. Remove any memory manager or exit Windows before executing
the FLASH Memory Update Utility.

I. BIOS Update

To update the BIOS, do the following:

1. Note the settings of the SETUP parameters. Enter SETUP by hitting
the F2 key during boot up. Write down the settings for each of
parameters. At the end of the BIOS update process you should set
the parameters to default values by hitting the F9 key, and then
re-enter these values you have written down.

2. Insert the BIOS Update Diskette into drive A:.

3. Reset the system.

4. System boots the BIOS Update Diskette.

5. Choose option 1 to update the BIOS.

6. System will automatically reboot once the BIOS update is completed.
Please remove the floppy diskette from drive A:.

7. Check to make sure the BIOS version is the new version as the
system reboots.

8. Enter Setup by pressing the F2 key during boot up. Once in Setup,
press the F9 to set the parameters back to default values.
Re-enter the values you wrote down at the beginning of this process.
If you do not set the CMOS values back to defaults using the F9
key, the system may function erratically.

II. BIOS Recovery

To recover the BIOS from a corrupted Flash or bad BIOS update, do the

1. Turn system power off.

2. Move the BIOS recovery Switch number 2 to the recovery (ON) position.

3. Insert the BIOS recovery diskette containing the latest BIOS files
including user binary file.

4. Turn system power on.

5. At this point, the system boots from the DOS-bootable recovery
diskette without video display. BIOS emit one beep when it passes
control to DOS. DOS then execute a AUTOEXEC.BAT that contains
IFLASH.EXE. It emits one high pitched beep to indicate the beginning
of the flash operation. After it recovers system BIOS, it emits two
high pitched beeps. Then it recovers user binary code. It emits two
high pitched beeps to indicate the recovery completed successfully. If
the recovery fails, it emits a continuous series of beeps. The entire
process takes between three to five minutes.

6. Turn system power off.

7. Remove the recovery diskette.

8. Restore the switch to the original position.

9. Turn system power on for normal operation.

Note: you may encounter a CMOS Checksum error or other problem after
reboot. Try shutting down the system and booting up again. CMOS
checksum errors require that you enter Setup, check your settings, save
your settings, and exit Setup.

Benötigen Sie Hilfe bei BIOS-Problemen?

Sie finden eine Lösung im Dell Benutzerhandbuch zur Verwendung des BIOS und zum Troubleshooting.

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