INTEL SSD S320 firmware 0362 Dell A00

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The Intel SATA Solid-State Drive firmware update tool provides the latest firmware for the following Intel Solid-State Drives in all capacities:
Intel X25-M X18-M SATA Solid-State Drive on 50nm (black case)
Intel X25-E SATA Solid-State Drive on 50nm (black case)
Intel X25-M X18-M SATA Solid-State Drive on 34nm (silver case)
Intel X25-V Value SATA Solid-State Drive on 34nm
Intel Solid-State Drive 320 Series

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Fehlerkorrekturen und Verbesserungen

Initial Release
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0362, A00


05 Sept. 2012






Dell Technologies empfiehlt, dieses Update während Ihres nächsten planmäßigen Updatezyklus durchzuführen. Das Update enthält Änderungen zur Aufrechterhaltung des Gesamtsystemzustands. Es stellt sicher, dass die Systemsoftware aktuell und kompatibel mit anderen Systemmodulen (Firmware, BIOS, Treiber und Software) bleibt und möglicherweise andere neue Funktionen enthält.
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Dateiformat: Eine Textdatei, die benutzerfreundliche Fehlerkorrekturen und Informationen über Verbesserungen enthält
Dateiname: EndUser LicenseAgreementType S_Rev. 040512.txt
Dateigröße: 11.4 KB
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Dateiformat: Ein oder mehr selbstextrahierende Festplattenimages in einem selbstextrahierenden Zip
Dateiname: INTEL_S320_FW0362.exe
Dateigröße: 1.64 MB
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Mit dem Download stimmen Sie der Dell Softwarelizenzvereinbarung (in Englisch)  zu.

Intel 320 Serial 2.5" 160GB SSD
1. Load the .ISO image onto a blank CD (CD-R or CD-RW) using
CD-ROM burning software of your choice.
2. Ensure the Intel SSD is attached to a SATA port in the system.
For best results, ensure the SATA port is a native control
port of your south bridge controller (generally
SATA ports 0 through 4). SATA ports attached to a third-party
SATA controller bridge chip or add-in SATA controller
expansion cards are not recommended for use when updating
the firmware. For more details, consult your system technical
3. Insert the Intel SATA SSD Firmware Update CD into the system.
4. Ensure the CD-ROM drive is enabled as a bootable device in BIOS
and the CD-ROM boot priority is ahead of the drive containing
the OS boot partition. For more details, consult your
system documentation.
5. Complete a safe system shutdown and power off completely, count to
10 (seconds), and then reboot the system. A restart or warm reset
(CTRL-ALT-DEL) is not adequate.
6. Power on your system to start the update process.
- The tool will prompt you through the update process
for all the SSDs that qualify for the firmware update
in your system.
- To verify that the firmware update is complete, power down per step 5
above with the CD still installed and let the
firmware update software scan for SSDs in your system
again. The scan should now display your SSD and the
firmware should now show the new firmware number for your
specific SSD.
- Once the firmware has been verified, remove the CD and
power down the system again.
- If you changed SATA port mode from AHCI to "Compatibility" or
or "Legacy" mode for the firmware update, ensure you
change the port back to AHCI mode for best performance.
Note: For computers booting into Windows 7 after a firmware update,
a message appears when the operating system starts that prompts
you to restart the computer. Restart when prompted.
If you have questions about any of these steps, please contact
Intel Customer Support for further assistance at the following

Do not use or load this software and any associated materials
(collectively, the "Software") until you have carefully read
the following terms and conditions. By loading or using the
Software, you agree to the terms of this Agreement. If you
do not wish to so agree, do not install or use the Software.

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