Dell OpenManage Offline Bundle and VIB for ESXi, v.6.4.0, 1266_A00

AUTOMATICKY NAINSTALOVÁNO Tento soubor byl automaticky nainstalován v rámci nedávné aktualizace. Pokud máte jakékoli problémy, můžete jej stáhnout a přeinstalovat ručně.
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Opravy a vylepšení

The release highlights of OpenManage Server Administrator 6.4:
Dell OpenManage Server Administrator user interface redesign that improves the overall customer experience, which includes:
If there is an error condition, such as wrong username/password, in the login page, the error message is displayed for 30 seconds and then the login prompt is displayed. To get to the login prompt before 30 seconds, click Try Again.
The Back to Server Administrator button is renamed as Home.
The OK button is renamed as Submit button in the login page.
The Email, Export, Refresh buttons are now represented as icons.
The Help button is clubbed with the Email, Export, and Refresh icons in the top right corner of the page.
The custom buttons like Save as, Clear Log, Restart, and Reset to Default are grouped under the Options section.
The User Rights and Host Name buttons are now available on the top left corner of the page instead of the top right corner.
The Manage Remote Node, About and Support links are available at the bottom of the login page.
All the buttons such as Print, Export etc. are displayed in all the OMSA pages. Only the buttons applicable to a particular page are enabled while the rest are grayed out.
Tooltip feature for buttons and links in the data area is active.
In the System Summary and Summary of Asset Information page, the Jump to and Back to top links are not available. Instead, you can expand and retract each section in the page.
The Details button in the About page no longer exists. All the details are displayed in the same page.
Express service code (ESC) attribute added.
Added support for the following operating systems:
Microsoft Windows 2008 HPC Edition Server R2
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
ESX 4.0 U2
ESXi 4.0 U2
Deprecated the following operating systems:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.8
ESX 4.0 U1
ESXi 4.0 U1
Skins preference feature is deprecated.
Page level health status icon feature is deprecated.
Další informace


6.4.0, 1266_A00

Datum vydání:

07 pro 2010

Typ souboru ke stažení



Správa systémů


Společnost Dell Technologies doporučuje tuto aktualizaci zkontrolovat a zjistit, zda je pro váš systém vhodná. Aktualizace obsahuje změny, které mají vliv pouze na určité konfigurace, nebo poskytuje nové funkce, které se mohou nebo nemusí vztahovat k danému prostředí.
Dostupné formáty

Formát souboru: ZipPack (externí)
Název souboru:
Velikost souboru: 4.45 MB
Jde o velký soubor. Stahování může nějakou dobu trvat, v závislosti na rychlosti připojení.
Popis formátu:
Tento soubor obsahuje komprimovanou (případně komprimovanou do archivu ZIP) sadu souborů. Stáhněte soubor do složky na pevném disku, a poté jej spusťte (poklepejte na něj), rozbalí se sada souborů. Podle pokynů dokončete instalaci.
Chcete-li zajistit integritu stahování, ověřte hodnotu kontrolního součtu.
Není k dispozici
Není k dispozici
Není k dispozici

Stažením souhlasíte s podmínkami Licenční smlouvy na software společnosti Dell. (anglicky)

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Custom Instructions for

Download VMware vSphere Command Line Interface (vSphere CLI) from and install on your Microsoft Windows or Linux system. Alternately, you can import VMware vSphere Management Assistant (vMA) into your ESXi 4 host.

Instructions when using vSphere CLI:
1. Copy the Dell OpenManage bundle to a directory on your system.

2. If you are using Microsoft Windows, navigate to the folder where you have installed the vSphere
CLI utilities to execute the command mentioned in step 4.
If you are using vSphere CLI on Linux, you can execute the command in step 4 from any directory.

3. Shut down all guest operating systems on the ESXi 4 host and put the ESXi 4 host in maintenance mode.

4. Execute the command --server -i -b

NOTE: The .pl extension is not required if using vSphere CLI on Linux

5. Enter the root username and password of the ESXi 4 host when prompted.
The command output displays a successful or a failed update. In case of a failed update, see "Troubleshooting".

6. Restart the ESXi 4 host system.

Instructions when using the vMA:
1. Log on to the vMA as an administrator and provide the password when prompted.

2. Copy the file to a directory on the vMA.

3. Shut down all guest operating systems on the ESXi 4 host and put the ESXi 4 host in maintenance mode.

4. In the vMA, execute the following command:
vihostupdate --server -i -b

5. Enter the root username and password of the ESXi 4 host when prompted. The command output displays a successful or a failed update. In case of a failed update, see “Troubleshooting".

6. Restart the ESXi 4 host system.


• When attempting to use the vihostupdate command, the following error may be displayed:
“unpacking c:\ does not exist
signature mismatch :
Unable to unpack update package. “
This error is displayed if you are using an older version of the Remote CLI. Download and install the vSphere version of the CLI.

• When attempting to use the vihostupdate command, the following error may be displayed:
"Unable to create, write or read a file as expected.I/O Error (28) on file : [Errno 28] No space left on device"

See the VMware KB article 1012640 at to fix this error.

• When attempting to use the vihostupdate command, the following error may be displayed:
“This operation is NOT supported on 4.1.0 platform.”
This error is displayed if you are using vSphere CLI for 4.0 platforms. Download and install the vSphere CLI for 4.1 platform.

You must enable CIM OEM providers on the VMware ESXi 4 system after installing the Dell OpenManage bundle to manage a system with Dell OpenManage Server Administrator Web Server version 6.3

NOTE: The below mentioned section can be ignored if the CIMoemProviderEnabled field is by default set to 1 after installation of Dell OpenManage bundle.

To enable CIM OEM providers on the VMware ESXi 4 system using vSphere Client:

Note: To enable CIM OEM providers using VMware vSphere Client, you need to have the vSphere Client tool installed. You can download and install the tool from https:// where is the IP address of the VMware ESXi 4 system.

Log on to the VMware ESXi 4 host system using vSphere Client.
1. Click the Configuration tab.

2. Under the Software section on the left side, click Advanced Settings.

3. In the Advanced Settings dialog box, click UserVars on the left pane.

4. Change the value of the CIMoemProviderEnabled field to 1.

5. Click OK.

6. For the changes to take effect without restarting the system, use the Restart Management Agents option in the Direct Console User Interface (DCUI) on the local console of the VMware ESXi system.

If the c

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