Treiber für USI Remote Access Host Card

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This package provides Remote Access Host Card Driver For FX100 is supported on Precision R5x00 Series, Tx600 Series and FX100 running the following Windows Operating systems: NA.

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Fehlerkorrekturen und Verbesserungen

- Fixed problem where Portal devices could not connect to VMware View Connection Server 3.1
- Modified the algorithm that reorders imaging packets. The changes improve the performance of sessions operating over low bandwidth links that experience small imaging changes such as mouse movements
- Fixed problem where PCoIP sessions operated across a firewall were being dropped because the firewall was closing ports that were idle for 5 or more minutes.
- Fixed problem where the Portal monitor was not turned off when the operating system attempted to turn it off
- Fixed problem where the OSD Password reset feature failed to work properly

- Added support for advertising default EDID information when no monitor is detected
- Added support to display the PCoIP logo on the web browser path bar when connected to web server of a PCoIP device.
- Modified the VMware View web and the OSD interfaces such that the default port number is used when the field is left blank.
- Addedsupport to display an overlay when no PCoIP traffic is received for 2 or more seconds.
- Added support to report PCoIP Host network link status and session statistics to the PCoIP Host Software
- Modified the format of the magic packet, which is sent by a Portal when it attempts to wake a Host that is in a low power state. The new formats allow Portals to wake Hosts located on different subnets.
Mehr erfahren


tera1x00_rel2-2_v223.all, A08


12 Apr. 2012






Dell Technologies empfiehlt, dieses Update während Ihres nächsten planmäßigen Updatezyklus durchzuführen. Das Update enthält Änderungen zur Aufrechterhaltung des Gesamtsystemzustands. Es stellt sicher, dass die Systemsoftware aktuell und kompatibel mit anderen Systemmodulen (Firmware, BIOS, Treiber und Software) bleibt und möglicherweise andere neue Funktionen enthält.
Verfügbare Formate

Dateiformat: ZipPack, extern
Dateiname: R229083.exe
Dateigröße: 3.48 MB
Dies ist eine große Datei. Abhängig von Ihrer Verbindungsgeschwindigkeit kann das Herunterladen einige Zeit in Anspruch nehmen.
Beschreibung des Dateiformats:
Diese Datei umfasst einen Satz komprimierter oder gezippter Dateien. Laden Sie die ZIP-Datei in einen Ordner auf der Festplatte herunter und entpacken Sie sie mit einem Doppelklick. Befolgen Sie die Anweisungen, um die Installation abzuschließen.
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Mit dem Download stimmen Sie der Dell Softwarelizenzvereinbarung (in Englisch)  zu.

Remote Access Host Card For FX100
Hard Drive Installation (Winzip self-extractor) Instructions
1.Click Download now, to download the file.
2. When the File Download window appears, click Save or Save this program to your hard drive.

1. Browse to the location where you downloaded the file and double-click the new file.
2.The Self-Extracting window appears and prompts you extracting files to the dialog box indicated folder path (C:\DELL\DRIVERS\xxxxx). Write down this path so the executable (I.e.Setup.exe) file can be found later for reinstallation if needed.
3. The Self-Extractor window appears.
4. Click OK.
5. Follow the remaining prompts to perform the update.

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