Dell DVD ISO - Dell Systems Management Tools and Documentation, v.6.4.0, A00

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See Installation Instructions. 2 files are required. Instructions explain how to join the files together prior to creating the DVD. The Dell Systems Management Tools and Documentation DVD provides a consolidated toolset for managing Dell systems through the entire system lifecycle: deployment, monitoring and update. This DVD includes: Dell Systems Build and Update Utility, the IT Assistant console, the OpenManage Server Administrator agent, Systems Service and Diagnostics Tools and Systems Documentation.

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This release includes fixes, updates and enhancements available with OpenManage v6.4.0.
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6.4.0, A00


19 apr. 2011


DVD ISO-billeder


Sikker systemadministration


Dell Technologies anbefaler at gennemse denne opdatering for at afgøre, om den er relevant for dit system. Opdateringen indeholder ændringer, der kun har indflydelse på visse konfigurationer, eller tilvejebringer nye funktioner, der muligvis passer til dit miljø.
Tilgængelige formater Vis vigtige oplysninger

Filformat: Et ISO-billede på dvd – fil 1
Filnavn: OM_6.4.0_SMTD_A00.iso.001
Filstørrelse: 1.49 GB
Dette er en stor fil. Det kan tage et stykke tid at downloade den, afhængigt af din downloadhastighed.
Denne fil indeholder et ISO-billede, der kan bruges til at oprette et dvd-billede. Hent filen til en mappe på din harddisk, og opret derefter en dvd med dit valg af software til dvd-brænding.
Kontrollér kontrolsumværdien for at sikre overførslens integritet.
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Ikke tilgængelig

Filformat: Et ISO-billede på dvd – fil 2
Filnavn: OM_6.4.0_SMTD_A00.iso.002
Filstørrelse: 1.49 GB
Dette er en stor fil. Det kan tage et stykke tid at downloade den, afhængigt af din downloadhastighed.
Denne fil indeholder et ISO-billede, der kan bruges til at oprette et dvd-billede. Hent filen til en mappe på din harddisk, og opret derefter en dvd med dit valg af software til dvd-brænding.
Kontrollér kontrolsumværdien for at sikre overførslens integritet.
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Ikke tilgængelig

Når du downloader filerne, accepterer du samtidig betingelserne i Dells softwarelicensaftale. (på engelsk)

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The Dell™ Systems Management Tools and Documentation DVD provides a consolidated toolset for managing Dell systems through the entire system lifecycle: deployment, monitoring and update. This DVD includes: Dell Systems Build and Update Utility, the IT Assistant console, and the OpenManage Server Administrator agent.

Download of the ISO file segments requires the entry of a valid Dell Service Tag.

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DVD ISO - Dell Systems Management Tools and Documentation
Custom Instructions for OM_6.4.0_SMTD_A00.iso.001:

This is part 1 of 2 of the ISO file.

Download all ISO file segments into an empty subdirectory on your local hard drive. After you have downloaded all the file segments, run the following command to create the ISO file:

copy /b OM* OM_640_SMTD_A00.iso [Windows]
cat OM* > OM_640_SMTD_A00.iso [Linux]

Note: If the wildcard format above does not bring the file segments in the right order, run the following command instead to create the ISO file:

copy /b OM_6.4.0_SMTD_A00.iso.001+OM_6.4.0_SMTD_A00.iso.002 OM_640_SMTD_A00.iso [Windows]

cat OM_6.4.0_SMTD_A00.iso.001 OM_6.4.0_SMTD_A00.iso.002 > OM_640_SMTD_A00.iso [Linux]

Use your DVD burning software to create a DVD from OM_640_SMTD_A00.iso.

Custom Instructions for OM_6.4.0_SMTD_A00.iso.002:

This is part 2 of 2 of the ISO file.

Download all ISO file segments into an empty subdirectory on your local hard drive. After you have downloaded all the file segments, run the following command to create the ISO file:

copy /b OM* OM_640_SMTD_A00.iso [Windows]
cat OM* > OM_640_SMTD_A00.iso [Linux]

Note: If the wildcard format above does not bring the file segments in the right order, run the following command instead to create the ISO file:

copy /b OM_6.4.0_SMTD_A00.iso.001+OM_6.4.0_SMTD_A00.iso.002 OM_640_SMTD_A00.iso [Windows]

cat OM_6.4.0_SMTD_A00.iso.001 OM_6.4.0_SMTD_A00.iso.002 > OM_640_SMTD_A00.iso [Linux]

Use your DVD burning software to create a DVD from OM_640_SMTD_A00.iso.

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