LSI Logic PERC 4/Di, v.1.18c, A03

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PERC 4/Di Device Driver for Red Hat Linux 7.2.

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Not Applicable


1.18c, A03


13 elok. 2002






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Käytettävissä olevat muodot

Tiedostomuoto: Purkaa tiedostot suoraan paikalliselle levylle
Tiedostonimi: perc4di-118c-72c.tar.gz
Tiedoston koko: 538.62 KB
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Lataamalla tiedoston hyväksyt Dellin ohjelmiston käyttöoikeussopimuksessa (englanniksi) määritetyt ehdot.

Instructions for downloading and creating driver diskette:

You will need a formatted 3 1/2 inch floppy diskette for the following procedure.

Download the file PERC4di-118c-72c.tar.gz to a temporary directory on your working system.

Extract the file to the floppy disk as follows:

1. On a Linux system:

Type the following commands under a Linux command shell:
mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
tar xvzf -C /mnt/floppy
(Eg: /temp/PERC4di-118c-72c.tar.gz)
umount /mnt/floppy

2. On a Microsoft Windows system:

You can use Winzip to extract tar.gz archives. However,
note the following settings under Winzip to ensure correct
extraction of the files.

Start Winzip -> Go to Options -> Configuration

Under the Miscellaneous tab make sure "TAR file smart
CR/LF conversion" is unchecked.

Upon opening the tar.gz archive with Winzip, you get the
following prompt:

'Archive contains one file. Should Winzip decompress it to
a temporary folder and open it?'

Press 'yes' and extract the files normally under Winzip to
the floppy drive.

Install Red Hat Linux 7.2 driver for PERC 4/Di as a boot controller

There are two ways of installing Red Hat 7.2 driver onto the
PERC 4/Di as a boot controller. One is using a driver disk during
OS installation and the second is using a driver (megaraid) RPM to update
driver after OS is installed. The steps for both of these methods are
provided below. All the files needed for both methods are included in the
driver diskette created above.

For more detailed installation instructions of Red Hat 7.2, please refer
to the OS installation guide at

I. Installing driver during OS installation:

1. Boot normally from the Redhat installation CD-Rom.

2. Type 'linux dd' on the boot prompt.

3. When the install prompts for a driver disk, insert the
driver diskette created above and press 'Enter'.

4. Installation progresses normally. Continue until the
'Create Bootdisk' screen. Press CTRL-ALT-F2 to get to a
shell window and type the following commands:

chroot /mnt/sysimage
cd /boot
/sbin/mkinitrd -f initrd-2.4.7-10.img 2.4.7-10
lilo ( only if lilo was used as bootloader. If grub used - skip this step )

Press CTRL-ALT-F7 to get back to the install screen.

5. Complete the installation as directed by the install.

II. Update driver using RPMs after OS is installed

Type the following commands under a Linux command shell:

mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
cd /mnt/floppy

Than follow the on-screen instructions to install the RPM driver.

For more detailed information about the script,
please refer to the release_notes.txt included in the release.

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