Dell MD36XXi iSCSI RAID Controller, v.CFW and NVSRAM N26X0-780890-901, A04

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MD36x0i (iSCSI) series Controller Firmware and NVSRAM

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Fixes & Enhancements

This release of the RAID controller firmware adds the following new features:
* Support for larger than 2TB physical disks.
* Support for up to 192 physical disks.
--- By default, the storage arrays support up to 120 physical disks.
--- The support for more than 120 physical disks is offered through a premium feature option.
* Snapshot rollback.
* Snapshot scheduler.
* Simple performance monitor.
* MD Storage Manager operation completion progress indicator for prolonged operations.
* Support for 16 snapshots per LUN with a total of 256 snapshots per storage array.
* Support for 512 virtual disks.
--- Note: The actual number of virtual disks which a single host can access depends on the host operating system and cannot exceed 256 virtual disks per host.
* Added support for the following operating systems:
--- Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
--- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.6
--- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.7
--- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.1
------ Note: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.0 is not supported.
--- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP4
--- VMware ESX 4.1 Update 1
--- VMware ESXi 5

Previous Releases

Fixes for CFW and NVSRAM N26X0-775890-909
- Code fix to resolve a BBU learn cycle issue.
- Code fix to resolve a lockdown/panic situation caused by conflicting iSCSI initiator record in memory and that in persistent controller database.
- Code fix to resolve an incorrect display of management port IP address if management network cable is reseated during controller(s) boot up.
- Code fix to resolve a possible occurrence of invalid management port IP address if a change of management port from static IP to DHCP was enabled.
- Code fix to display complete diagnostic information on management port in the support bundle.

Fixes for CFW and NVSRAM N26X0-775890-909
- Remedy for low probability I/O path issue

Fixes for CFW and NVSRAM N26X0-775890-909
- Added fix to prevent false cache backup device errors

Fixes for CFW and NVSRAM N26X0-775890-909
- Addressed “Automatic Simplex Downgrade” behaviors during service events
- Resolved “Unresolved ITA in the Database” message in the support logs
További információ


CFW and NVSRAM N26X0-780890-901, A04

Kibocsátás dátuma

26 szept. 2011

Letöltés típusa





A Dell Technologies azt javasolja, hogy a frissítést a következő ütemezett frissítési ciklusban telepítse. A frissítés változásokat tartalmaz a rendszer megfelelő állapotának fenntartása érdekében. Biztosítja, hogy a rendszerszoftver naprakész és kompatibilis maradjon más rendszermodulokkal (firmware, BIOS, illesztőprogramok és szoftverek), és más új funkciókat is tartalmazhat.
Elérhető formátumok

Fájlformátum: Kibontja a fájlokat közvetlenül a helyi lemezre
Fájlméret: 53.04 MB
Ez egy nagy fájl. A kapcsolat sebességétől függően a letöltés eltarthat egy ideig.
Formátum leírása:
This file format consists of an archive of files that may be decompressed to a directory on the hard drive. The installation can then be done from that directory.
A letöltés integritásának biztosítása érdekében ellenőrizze az ellenőrző összeg értékét.
Not available
Not available

A letöltéssel Ön elfogadja a Dell szoftverlicenc-szerződés feltételeit.

További részletek

Show All | Az összes elrejtése
Novell SuSE Linux ES 11
Windows Server 2008 x64
Suse Linux ES 10
Red Hat® Enterprise Linux 6
Red Hat® Ent Linux 5
Windows 7 (32 bites)
Windows 7, 64-bit
Windows Vista (32 bites)
Windows Server 2008 x86
Windows Server 2003
Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows Vista, 64-bit
Windows XP
Windows Server 2003 x64
Custom Instructions for

ATTENTION: This firmware package requires Dell PowerVault MD Series Storage Software Resource DVD version or higher to be installed prior to the RAID controller firmware update.

Firmware Upgrade Instructions

IMPORTANT: It is highly recommended to gather support information from the "Support" tab of the MD Storage Manager prior to performing any firmware upgrade operations. This can also be achieved through the SMcli using the 'save storageArray supportData file="filename"' command.

If your PowerVault MD3200/MD3600 series storage array is currently running firmware version 07.70.xx.xx or 07.75.xx.xx, you cannot directly install the RAID controller firmware update version 07.80.xx.xx included in this release.

Instead, you must first install bridge firmware version After the bridge firmware is successfully installed, you can then install RAID controller firmware 07.80.xx.xx.

Specifically, follow these steps:
1. Download and activate RAID controller bridge firmware version
2. Wait until the bridge firmware installation is completed successfully.
3. Wait at least thirty minutes to allow the attached hosts to re-discover the storage array.
4. Download and activate the RAID controller firmware version 07.80.xx.xx and the NVSRAM configuration file version N26X0-780890-x01.

*** WARNING ***
If you have a single controller PowerVault MD3200/MD3600 series storage array you must stop all I/O operations before starting the firmware upgrade.

Upgrading RAID Controller Firmware Using MD Storage Manager

1. Launch Dell Modular Disk Storage Manager
2. Select your storage array from the drop down box in the upper left hand corner.
3. Click the Support tab
4. Click "Download Firmware"

If upgrading both the RAID Controller firmware and the NVSRAM:
5. Click "Download RAID Controller Module Firmware"
6. Click "Select File". Choose the RAID Controller Firmware file from the directory that you extracted it to. Click OK.
7. Select "Transfer NVSRAM file with RAID controller module firmware".
8. Click "Select File". Choose the RAID controller module NVSRAM file from the directory that you extracted it in. Click OK.
9. Click "Transfer" to initiate the upgrade.

If upgrading only the RAID Controller firmware:
5. Click "Download RAID Controller Module Firmware"
6. Click "Select File". Choose the RAID Controller Firmware file from the directory that you extracted it to. Click OK.
7. Click "Transfer" to initiate the upgrade.

If upgrading only the NVSRAM:
5. Click "Download RAID Controller Module NVSRAM"
6. Click "Select File". Choose the RAID Controller NVSRAM file from the directory that you extracted it to. Click OK.
7. Click "Transfer" to initiate the upgrade.

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