Dell UPS Firmware 01.06.0002 for 3750W and 4200W Online UPS (Dell PN 2Y6PP)

AUTOMATIKUSAN TELEPÍTETT Ez a fájl automatikusan települt egy korábbi frissítés részeként. Ha bármilyen problémát tapasztal, manuálisan letöltheti és újratelepítheti.
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This is the 01.06.0002 (A03) firmware release for the 3750W and 4200W Online UPS

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Fixes & Enhancements

Resolves an issue with the battery charger with a completely discharged battery which could permanently disable the charger, thus the UPS would no longer charge the battery. The new firmware prevents this condition while still meeting all specified battery recharge times.
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01.06.0002, A03 (2Y6PP)

Kibocsátás dátuma

17 máj. 2012

Letöltés típusa





Dell Technologies highly recommends applying this important update as soon as possible. The update contains critical bug fixes and changes to improve functionality, reliability, and stability of your Dell system. It may also include security fixes and other feature enhancements.
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Fájlformátum: Firmware Images
Fájlnév: UPS_FW_10X50_OL3750W_4200W.S
Fájlméret: 536.49 KB
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Resolves an issue with the battery charger with a completely discharged battery which could permanently disable the charger, thus the UPS would no longer charge the battery. The new firmware prevents this condition while still meeting all specified battery recharge times.
Dell UPS Firmware for 3750W and 4200W Online UPS
To install the UPS firmware on the UPS use the UPS Firmware Upgrade Tool revision 01.06.0003 or later. The User's Guides for the Upgrade Tool are provided as part of the Upgrade Tool download.

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