Dell ActiveArchive, v.v2.2 b2283, A04

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Dell Active Archive Version 2.2 Build 2283
Update to Active Archive SP3

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További frissítések. A SupportAssist segítségével megtalálhatja az eszközéhez elérhető legújabb illesztőprogram-frissítéseket.

Fixes & Enhancements

1. Fixed: Hang when out of virtual memory
If the system's virtual memory that is needed gets low, (or runs out), it may lead
to a hang. This hang may eventually lead to a bugcheck with an 0x0000004D error.
The reason is PSM was trying to use virtual memory when PSM was supposed to make
it available.

2. Fixed: Computer that is running Microsoft Windows Powered Network-Attached Storage 2.01 may stop responding, and the CPU usage may increase to 100 percent. Additionally, you may receive a Stop error message that is similar to the following:
Stop 0x0000004d

3. Fixed: Low stack was using worker threads as was NFS, which would compete for the same resources, causing a system hang when doing NFS client traffic. Now PSM have his own thread which queue the requests to.

4. Fixed for NFS Virtual Server hang during heavy io.

5. Fixed slowness issue in cluster environment: When snapshots created, then all deleted, then volumes failed over to other node, "My Computer" displayed volumes extremely slowly. Now there is no perceptible delay.

6. Fixed: Thread object leak when running on cluster. This would cause the OS to eventually eat all nonpaged memory for tag 'Thre'. This occurred when during failovers back and forth

7. Fixed: Handle writes that occur at dispatch level. This solves an interoperability issue with Veritas Backup Exec 9.x with their AOFO option (vsp.sys)

8. Fixed problems in OpenCacheFiles that happened when multivolume snapshot failed.

9. Fixed hangs that can happen if exception occurs in pd::searchAndInsertMultiple.

10. Fixed: No longer prevent snapshot creation just because cache usage is high.

11. Fixed low stack conditions.

12. Fixed accessing physical volume during mount. This solves an issue with NAV 8.0 when it scans for boot sectors.

13. Fixed: Leaking file system filter device object that was created during mount when mount fails for some reason.
További információ


v2.2 b2283, A04

Kibocsátás dátuma

20 febr. 2006

Letöltés típusa





Dell Technologies highly recommends applying this important update as soon as possible. The update contains critical bug fixes and changes to improve functionality, reliability, and stability of your Dell system. It may also include security fixes and other feature enhancements.
Elérhető formátumok

Fájlformátum: Kibontja a fájlokat közvetlenül a helyi lemezre
Fájlnév: AA_SP3.exe
Fájlméret: 185.99 KB
Ez egy nagy fájl. A kapcsolat sebességétől függően a letöltés eltarthat egy ideig.
Formátum leírása:
This file format consists of an archive of files that may be decompressed to a directory on the hard drive. The installation can then be done from that directory.
A letöltés integritásának biztosítása érdekében ellenőrizze az ellenőrző összeg értékét.
Not available
Not available

Fájlformátum: External release notes
Fájlnév: AA_SP3.txt
Fájlméret: 10.16 KB
Ez egy nagy fájl. A kapcsolat sebességétől függően a letöltés eltarthat egy ideig.
Formátum leírása:
This file format contains plain text which can be viewed with a standard text editor.
A letöltés integritásának biztosítása érdekében ellenőrizze az ellenőrző összeg értékét.
Not available
Not available

A letöltéssel Ön elfogadja a Dell szoftverlicenc-szerződés feltételeit.

További részletek

Show All | Az összes elrejtése
Custom Instructions for AA_SP3.txt:

1. Click the "Download Now" link to download the file.
2. If the Export Compliance Disclaimer window appears, click the "I agree" link to accept the agreement.
3. When the File Download window appears, click "Save" to save the file to your hard drive.

Viewing the File
1. Browse to the location where you downloaded the file and double-click the new file.

Custom Instructions for AA_SP3.exe:

1. Click the "Download Now" link to download the file.
2. If the Export Compliance Disclaimer window appears, click the "I agree" link to accept the agreement.
3. When the File Download window appears, click "Save" to save the file to your hard drive.

Extract Files
1. Browse to the location where you downloaded the file and double-click the new file to unzip the download package. The files are automatically extracted to c:\dell\Active Archive.


1. Open a web browser and browse to the NAS Manager web UI of the
affected system.
2. From the primary navigation bar, click Maintenance.
3. Select Software Update option.
4. Using the Wizard, browse for the location of the Active Archive
CAB file ( on the workstation.
5. Click Verify, and then click Next to continue.
6. Install and Finish the Active Archive Installation process.
7. Reboot the system manually to take the effect of newly installed patch.

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