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Wave Systems Corp EMBASSY Trust Suite, v., A03

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Wave Systems Corp EMBASSY Trust Suite, v., A03

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Correzioni e miglioramenti

Initial ETS Dell 2.1 release will include:
First Run Wizard Updates:
Separate Fingerprint Enrollment Wizard
The fingerprint enrollment wizard will launch automatically on user login upon
of a fingerprint device where the current user has no enrolled fingerprints
The first page of the Fingerprint Enrollment wizard will have an Opt Out checkbox, a cancel, and a next button
Cancelling or completing the wizard with the opt out checkbox selected will suppress subsequent automatic launch of the fingerprint enrollment wizard regardless of the fingerprint enrollment status

First Run Wizard with numbered steps and status bar
The wizard status bar shall be modified so that no scrolling is necessary
The wizard links will be modified as follows:
Blue with single underline for external hyperlinks
Black with dotted underline for click pop-ups and mouse over pop-ups
Descriptions will be added for Benefits of enabling the TPM, Owner Password, and Master Password
More Information link will be moved to the lower left corner
Prerequisites link will move upper right side of screen under title and above text
ETS Quick Start Guide on-line link will be removed

ESC Updates:
A help button or link will be added to the static portion of the U/I that launches ESC help
ESC and associated dialogs reviewed and updated for consistent terminology.
A link will be added for fingerprint enrollment.
Secure Login Updates:
Will substantially reduce the amount of time users must wait upon login, return from suspend and return from hibernate Updating User PoliciesPlease Wait
Dictionary Attack Status/Reset:
When the TPM reports a locked status due to dictionary attack, the ESC TPM status bar will display the string TPM Locked in red.
The help text (blue question mark) will have the following text added to the end When the status is TPM Locked, go to the Status Tab of the Trusted Platform Module section for information on unlocking the TPM
Trusted Drive (dependent upon Seagate/MS Vista fix)
Dell PBA TDM Co-existence use cases outlined below

Più dettagli

Versione, A03

Data di rilascio

08 feb 2012

Tipo di download





Dell Technologies consiglia di rivedere questo aggiornamento per stabilire se è applicabile al sistema. L'aggiornamento contiene modifiche che interessano solo alcune configurazioni oppure offre nuove funzioni applicabili o meno all’ambiente in questione.
Formati disponibili Visualizza le informazioni importanti

Formato file: ZipPack esterno
Nome file: R175929.exe
Dimensioni file: 151.88 MB
File di grandi dimensioni. A seconda della velocità di connessione, l'operazione di download potrebbe richiedere tempo.
Descrizione del formato:
Questo file contiene un set compresso di file. Scaricare il file in una cartella sul disco rigido, quindi eseguirlo (fare doppio clic) per decomprimere il set di file. Seguire le istruzioni per completare l'installazione.
Per assicurare l'integrità del download, verificare il valore del checksum.

Con il download l'utente accetta i termini del Contratto di licenza del software Dell. (in Inglese)

Ulteriori dettagli

Mostra tutto | Nascondi tutto
NOTE: This release no longer contains device drivers for devices such as TPM, SmartCard controller or fingerprint readers. In order to ensure full functionality, individual drivers have been posted for these devices and must be installed separately
Wave Systems Corp EMBASSY Trust Suite

Tutorial e guida ai driver