Dell CERC 6/i Integrated FW, v.6.2.0-0013, A11

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Dell PERC6/CERC6 firmware maintenance release version 6.2.0-0013 Performance enhancements include significant improvements in random-write performance, multi-threaded write performance, and reduction in maximum and average I/O response times.

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Correzioni e miglioramenti

1. Enhanced disk IO performance in multiple SAS and SATA configurations.

2. Improved random IO performance.

3. Improved response and completion times for random IO.

4. Increased SATA disk command queue depth.

5. Improved disk medium error correction in certain scenarios.

6. Improved handling of faulty backplanes and enclosures.

7. Resolved an issue where a predicted failure was still being reported after that drive was replaced.

8. Corrected an issue where SATA disks in an MD1000 may become foreign after the server and enclosure are power-cycled.

9. Resolved an issue where the controller could not handle a large number of rebuilds under heavy IO stress.

10. Fixed an issue where Windows Server 2008 installation in uEFI mode fails when installing to a virtual disk larger than 2 terabytes.

11. Fixed an issue where some Intel platforms with a PERC 6 installed occasionally fail with Windows Hardware Malfunction blue screen error during OS reboots.

12. Made several cosmetic and usability enhancements to improved customer experience.
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6.2.0-0013, A11

Data di rilascio

06 dic 2011

Tipo di download





Dell Technologies consiglia di eseguire questo aggiornamento nel prossimo ciclo di aggiornamenti pianificato. L'aggiornamento contiene modifiche per preservare l’integrità generale del sistema. Inoltre, garantisce che il software di sistema resti aggiornato e compatibile con altri moduli di sistema (firmware, BIOS, driver e software) e includa nuove funzioni.
Formati disponibili Visualizza le informazioni importanti

Formato file: Pacchetto di aggiornamento per Microsoft Windows a 32 bit
Nome file: RAID_FRMW_WIN_R216022.EXE
Dimensioni file: 5.95 MB
File di grandi dimensioni. A seconda della velocità di connessione, l'operazione di download potrebbe richiedere tempo.
Descrizione del formato:
I pacchetti di aggiornamenti Dell (DUP) in formato Microsoft Windows a 32 bit sono stati progettati per essere eseguiti su sistemi operativi Microsoft Windows a 64 bit. I pacchetti di aggiornamenti Dell (DUP) in formato Microsoft Windows a 64 bit verranno eseguiti solo su sistemi operativi Microsoft Windows a 64 bit. Quando si seleziona un aggiornamento dei driver di un dispositivo, assicurarsi di selezionare quello appropriato per il sistema operativo in uso.
Per assicurare l'integrità del download, verificare il valore del checksum.
Non disponibile
Non disponibile

Formato file: Un file GnuPG contenente una firma crittografica
Nome file: RAID_FRMW_LX_R216022.BIN.sign
Dimensioni file: 194 Bytes
File di grandi dimensioni. A seconda della velocità di connessione, l'operazione di download potrebbe richiedere tempo.
Descrizione del formato:
La firma GnuPG per il pacchetto di aggiornamento per Red Hat Linux può essere utilizzata per autenticare l'identità di Dell nel relativo pacchetto di aggiornamento per Red Hat Linux.
Per assicurare l'integrità del download, verificare il valore del checksum.
Non disponibile
Non disponibile

Formato file: ZipPack esterno
Nome file: DELL_CERC-6-I-INTEGRATED_A11_R216022.exe
Dimensioni file: 1.89 MB
File di grandi dimensioni. A seconda della velocità di connessione, l'operazione di download potrebbe richiedere tempo.
Descrizione del formato:
Questo file contiene un set compresso di file. Scaricare il file in una cartella sul disco rigido, quindi eseguirlo (fare doppio clic) per decomprimere il set di file. Seguire le istruzioni per completare l'installazione.
Per assicurare l'integrità del download, verificare il valore del checksum.
Non disponibile

Formato file: Note di versione esterne
Nome file: R216022.txt
Dimensioni file: 14.35 KB
File di grandi dimensioni. A seconda della velocità di connessione, l'operazione di download potrebbe richiedere tempo.
Descrizione del formato:
Questo formato di file contiene testo normale che può essere visualizzato con un editor di testo standard.
Per assicurare l'integrità del download, verificare il valore del checksum.
Non disponibile
Non disponibile

Formato file: Pacchetto di aggiornamento per Red Hat Linux
Nome file: RAID_FRMW_LX_R216022.BIN
Dimensioni file: 4.45 MB
File di grandi dimensioni. A seconda della velocità di connessione, l'operazione di download potrebbe richiedere tempo.
Descrizione del formato:
I pacchetti Dell Update Packages per Linux possono essere utilizzati come applicazioni standalone che assicurano che vengano soddisfatti criteri di convalida specifici prima di eseguire un aggiornamento.
Nota: i pacchetti di aggiornamento per Linux sono open source. Informazioni dettagliate sono contenute nel file leggimi dei pacchetti Dell Update Packages per Linux.
Per assicurare l'integrità del download, verificare il valore del checksum.
Non disponibile
Non disponibile

Con il download l'utente accetta i termini del Contratto di licenza del software Dell. (in Inglese)

Ulteriori dettagli

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1. When viewing SATA physical disk properties from Ctrl-R or other management applications, the Vendor Identification will be translated as "ATA" followed by blanks.

2. If all physical disks making up a virtual disk are removed from the system or enclosure, the RAID controller will delete the virtual disk. If the disks are later re-inserted, they will be marked foreign and can be imported using a management application.

3. If a virtual disk is configured with write-back cache enabled and some or all of its physical disks are removed from the system or enclosure, the RAID controller will preserve the virtual disk's write cache. The controller will flush the preserved cache when the physical disks are replaced and the foreign configuration is imported. Any attempt to update controller firmware will be blocked when cache is preserved for a virtual disk.

4. Physical disks determined to contain a foreign configuration are not available for configuration as a new dedicated or global hot spare, or as a member of a new virtual disk. The foreign configuration must be imported or cleared from the physical disk before it may be used as a hot spare or member of a virtual disk. Physical disks with a foreign configuration will not appear on the Create New VD screen in Ctrl-R.

5. Prior to performing a virtual disk migration to another system, the source system must be powered off before removal of the physical disks to preserve the correct virtual disk state. This is not required for the target system and the physical disks may be inserted while the system is powered on or off.

6. The controller restricts the importing of virtual disks that are undergoing RAID Level Migration or Capacity Expansion. Do not interrupt virtual disks that are performing either of these operations because it will disable the ability to import the virtual disk and the data will be unavailable. Dell recommends that the user perform a data backup before starting these operations.

7. EMM changes or drive migrations are not supported during a Capacity Expansion or Raid Level Migration. This may cause the VDs to go offline. Dell recommends the user to perform a data backup before starting these operations.

8. This version of firmware will not ensure complete compatibility with an older version of management applications. OpenManage 5.5 or greater is recommended.

9. It is recommended that the customer upgrade the management application and device driver to the latest version available from Dell at the time of installation of this firmware.

10. Important Information for Update Packages for Microsoft Windows

a. Do not run other applications while executing Dell Update Packages.
b. Do not run storage controller update packages if the controller is in use
by other applications. The firmware upgrade may fail if any of the
RAID controllers in the system are performing I/O background tasks
(consistency checks, background initializations, rebuilds, or
reconstructions). Allow the background tasks to complete before
attempting to upgrade the firmware. Patrol Read tasks will not affect
firmware upgrades.

11. Important Information for Update Packages for Linux

a. Do not run other applications while executing Dell Update Packages.
b. If the following error occurs, "Error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or
directory", you must install the compatibility libraries. These
libraries can be found on the installation media or online. To install
the compatibility libraries, use the following commands:
"rpm -ih compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3.-*.i386.rpm" for RHEL 4 or 5
"rpm -ih compat-libstdc++-5.0.7-*.x86_64.rpm" for SLES 10
c. When Update Packages stop abruptly due to a power outage or abnormal
termination, perform the following steps:
- Remove the lock file.
- Type the following command: rm -f /var/lock/.spsetup
- Run the Update Package again to reapply the update.
d. Do not ru
CERC 6/i Integrated
PERC 6/i Integrated Blade
Performing the Firmware Upgrade

NOTE: This initial section of the Installation Instructions applies only to configurations with (greater than) 2TB SEDs.

1. Update the firmware version to this version using preferred method below (Zip Pack, Windows DUP, Linux DUP).
2. Reboot for the new FW take effect
3. Un-assign any (greater than) 2TB SED Dedicated or Global Hot Spares in the configuration. Not all configurations have hot spares.
4. Use CTRL-R or OMSS to issue Instant Secure Erase to all un-configured (greater than) 2TB SED drives (all data in these drives will be lost)
5. Re-assign (greater than) 2TB SED Hot Spares.

Zip pack:

1. Click the Download Now link to download the file.
2. When the File Download window appears, click Save to save the file to your
hard drive.

Extract Files
1. Browse to the location where you downloaded the file and double-click the
new file to unzip the download package
2. Click Continue.
3. Specify the location to unzip the files.
4. Click onthe OK button to extract files.
After the files are extracted the message all files were successfully
unzipped will appear.
5. Click the OK button to exit from the installer.

1. Copy extracted files to bootable media.
2. Reboot system to bootable media.
3. Execute update.bat to perform flash.
5. After flash is complete, remove bootable media.
4. Reboot system for changes to take effect.

Windows Update Package:

1. Click the "Download Now" link to download the file.
2. When the File Download window appears, click Save to save the file to
your hard drive.

1. Browse to the location where you downloaded the file and double-click the new file.
2. Read over the release information presented in the dialog window.
3. Download and install any prerequisites identified in the dialog window
before proceeding.
4. Click the Install button.
5. Follow the remaining prompts to perform the update.

Linux Update Package:

1. Click the Download Now linkto download the file.
2. When the File Download window appears, click Save to save the file to your hard drive.

1. Read over the release information presented by executing the
./FRMW_LX_RXXXXXX.BIN --version command from the shell.
2. Download and install any prerequisites identified in the above step before
3. Run the update by executing ./FRMW_LX_RXXXXXX.BIN from the shell.
4. Follow the remaining prompts to perform the update.

GnuPG Signature of Dell Update Package Instructions for FRMW_LX_RXXXXXX.BIN:

1. Click the Download Now link to download the file.
2. When the File Download window appears, click Save to save the file to your hard drive.

1. Import the Dell public key. (You only need to do this once on your system.)
2. Verify the Dell Update Package by using its signature file, FRMW_LX_RXXXXXX.BIN.

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