Dell Software Update Package (SUP), v. 3.4.790, A05

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This file is used to upgrade your 701N/705N NAS Appliances from Operating
System v3.x to v3.4.790.

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Correzioni e miglioramenti

Enhancements in v3.4.790:

- Includes support for Mac OS X v10.1.2
- Introduces NFS GID support since it maintains NFS group ownership
information and enforces group rights.
- PV Servers can participate in Windows environment using NTLM
- Administrations can now power off a Server (705N) or upgrade to future
releases of the O.S though the Web user interface.
- New OSUpdate utility to upgrade PV DELL Servers via command line.
Please refer to the extracted OSUPDATE.TXT file from the 3.4 PV Assist
self-extracting zip file ast34790.exe for more details.

Fixes addressed in current v3.4.790:

- Fixed vulnerability issues with OUSPG SNMPv1 test suite. CERT SNMP test
suite complete without errors.
- Fixed a File/Folder "Group Permission" issue with v3.4.770
- Addresses 16 GPF fatal error/panics experienced in the field.
- Fixed an issue with v3.4.77x when a domain user is specified on the
domain controller as only being allowed to log on (i.e. locally) to a
particular workstation or list of workstations, he cannot log in to the
Server that authenticates against the domain.
- Fixed an issue where if a user changes an NT user password using a Mac,
the Server cannot connect to the Domain controller using that name to
retrieve users and groups.
- Fixed an issue where Solaris is not able to mount snap server version
3.4 over NFS version 2.
- Fixed issues with NFS retry counts very high and continuing to increase.
- Fixed a bug where the PV Server failed to lock files with HPUX 10.2/11
NFS clients.
- Fixed NFS file permission and access issue for files created by non-NFS
- Fixed a Netware protocol issue where a user was not able to delete
empty subdirectories from Windows Explorer in some cases with the
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 NCP client.
- Fixed a bug where a user can't save modified file on server due to
permissions error with Win98.
- Fixed an issue where after printing documents using MS Office 97 and
Office XP, the client failed to remove the temp file.
- Fixed issue where the Server panics after FRU drive that was formatted
with /nocore option is rebuilt into array. Same issue with FRU drive
having a larger capacity than that of existing drives.
- Fixed an issue where the Network stack or NIC itself was going deaf on
the LAN. Associated with Windows SMB/CIFS clients.

Includes following fixes previously distributed with v3.1.618:

-Fixed a bug where a NFS Panic would occur using TAR.
-Fixed a problem where a panic would occur with ftp transmission errors.
-Fixed a bug where NCP (Netware) DOS VLM clients could not connect to the
PV Server.
-Fixed an infrequently occurring AFP (Mac) pfree overflow detected panic.
-Fixed an AFP (Mac) panic when user logged in with empty user ID.
-Fixed a problem when accessing roaming user profile on the server, users
would be denied access and switched back to local profile.
-Fixed a problem where SNMP using a MIB browser would not report the
number of actively connected users to the server but would instead show
the total number of users configured on the server.
-Fixed a problem where the server failed to obtain an IP address when
accessed via an Addtron ADR-E 200 home DSL router.
Più dettagli


3.4.790, A05

Data di rilascio

18 apr 2002

Tipo di download

Sistemi operativi


Utilità di sistema


Dell Technologies consiglia di rivedere questo aggiornamento per stabilire se è applicabile al sistema. L'aggiornamento contiene modifiche che interessano solo alcune configurazioni oppure offre nuove funzioni applicabili o meno all’ambiente in questione.
Formati disponibili

Formato file: Estrae file direttamente sul disco locale
Nome file: sup34790.exe
Dimensioni file: 6.98 MB
File di grandi dimensioni. A seconda della velocità di connessione, l'operazione di download potrebbe richiedere tempo.
Descrizione del formato:
Questo formato di file è costituito da un archivio di file che possono essere decompressi in una directory sul disco rigido. L'installazione può essere quindi eseguita da tale directory.
Per assicurare l'integrità del download, verificare il valore del checksum.
Non disponibile
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Non disponibile

Con il download l'utente accetta i termini del Contratto di licenza del software Dell. (in Inglese)

Ulteriori dettagli

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Instructions for sup34790.exe:

You must have a computer running Windows 98, 95, Me, XP, 2000
Professional, or NT 4.0 on the same network as the PV70xN to perform the
Operating System upgrade.
1) From this computer, download the executable file (sup34790.exe).
2) Double-click the downloaded executable called sup34790.exe to run and
extract the PowerVault_sys.sup and PowerVault_hlp.sys files to this
computer. The default extract location is c:\Dell\PVupgrade.
3) Run the version 3.4 PowerVault Assist Utility from this computer that
contains the SUP files.
4) Select the server in the Servers list.
5) Click Advanced and login using an administrator account, such as
6) Click Upgrade Server to display the Upgrade dialog box.
7) Click Browse and locate the O.S SUP file you will need to update your
PowerVault NAS Appliance. Specify PowerVault_sys.sup that you extracted.
8) Click Upgrade to start the process. The Upgrade process will
automatically update the O.S as well the help files using the extracted
PowerVault_hlp.sup file.
9) Assist displays a status bar that indicates the progress of the update
and the percentage complete. The upgrade procedure can take approximately
25 minutes, because it validates the upgrade file and restarts the server.

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