Intel LS-120 Drive, v. 101, A00

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LS-120 Drive Firmare Utility

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Correzioni e miglioramenti

This utility updates the firmware on the LS-120 Drive, DP/N 042YKW, used on the Dell PowerEdge 7150 platform. It must be run from the EFI
Più dettagli


101, A00

Data di rilascio

10 giu 2002

Tipo di download



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Dell Technologies consiglia di rivedere questo aggiornamento per stabilire se è applicabile al sistema. L'aggiornamento contiene modifiche che interessano solo alcune configurazioni oppure offre nuove funzioni applicabili o meno all’ambiente in questione.
Formati disponibili

Formato file: Una o più immagini disco a estrazione automatica all'interno di uno zip a estrazione automatica
Nome file: B6T70600.exe
Dimensioni file: 493.5 KB
File di grandi dimensioni. A seconda della velocità di connessione, l'operazione di download potrebbe richiedere tempo.
Descrizione del formato:
Questo file contiene un set compresso di file. Scaricare il file in una cartella sul disco rigido, quindi fare doppio clic su di esso per decomprimere il set di file. Seguire le istruzioni per completare l'installazione.
Per assicurare l'integrità del download, verificare il valore del checksum.
Non disponibile
Non disponibile
Non disponibile

Con il download l'utente accetta i termini del Contratto di licenza del software Dell. (in Inglese)

Ulteriori dettagli

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Hard Drive Floppy Disk Creation for B6T70600.exe

1. Get 1 blank, formatted floppy disks.
2. Click the new icon on the desktop. The Self-Extractor window
3. Click Setup. An MS-DOS window appears with a message indicating
that you need 1 floppy diskettes.
4. Press the [ENTER] key. A message appears prompting you to insert
a blank floppy diskette. Insert a floppy disk into the floppy disk drive.
5. Press the [ENTER] key. A message appears indicating that all data
on the disk will be erased.
6. Press the [y] key and then press the [ENTER] key. The files are
copied to the floppy diskette. Once the files have been copied to the
diskette a message appears prompting you to insert the second diskette.
7. Repeat steps 4 – 6 until you reach the end of the diskette set.
8. After all the files have been copied to the last floppy disk,
press the [ENTER] key and the MS-DOS window closes.

The unpack utility is DOS based. Run the executable file on a Windows
based machine (not IA64), the
following files will be unpacked and copied to a standard 1.44MB formatted


Place the floppy in the Ls-120 drive and
Boot to the EFI Boot Manager Screen
Select the EFI Boot option
Should see the Device mapping table
Look for the FS#'s to identify the Floppy, CDROM, and Hard Drives
The LS-120 will have a description of Primary Master or Device 00.
The Hard Drive will have a description of Scsi or Device 80.
The command "map –r" will remap the devices.
If the Device 80 or Scsi is FS1 then type: "FS1:" to change to the
hard drive.
Type: "dir" to print a directory to the screen.
This is the main directory where the files should be copied.
Should also see the dellup Directory.
Copy the five files to the hard drive, (verify fs0 corresponds to the
floppy drive)
type: "copy fs0:auto.prm"
the response should be fs0:\auto.prm -> fs1:\auto.prm[ok]

Type: "update"
the utility will begin the following should appear on the screen.

Beginning Update Process
New revision (file): C936M924
Old revision (ROM): C932M923

Note: If the Old revision number does not appear here then this drive
cannot be updated !

Continue with the update of the Flash-EEPROM? (y/n)
Type: "y"

Loader F/W Revision: 101
Erase Processing
Erase OK
Write Processing
Write OK
Flash Load: OK

The flash has completed and you are then returned to the EFI Prompt.

Tutorial e guida ai driver