Dell PowerApp.BIG-IP Version 4.x (NON-ENCRYPTED) Updates, v. 4.2 PTF5 Non Encr, 4.2PTF5

자동 설치 완료 이 파일은 최근 업데이트의 일부로 자동으로 설치되었습니다. 문제가 발생하는 경우 수동으로 다운로드하고 재설치할 수 있습니다.
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This is an update(PTF 5) for Non-Encrypted BIG-IP Version 4.2(previously known as PowerApp.BIG-IP 220) It provides a number of bug fixes, and is cumulative from all previous PTFs.
For the exact description of fixes provided, please see the Fixes/Enhancement section.
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수정 또는 개선한 내용

What's new in this PTF (PTF-05)
Support for the Dell PowerEdge 2650 platform
This release includes support for the Dell PowerEdge 2650 platform.

What's new from PTF-04
MAC addresses for VLANs on IP Application Switch (CR15611)
On the IP Application switch, VLANs may now use the first member interface's MAC address as the MAC address for the BIG-IP on that VLAN. This duplicates the functionality on the server appliance.

Status lights (CR18605)
In an active-active configuration the annunciator lights now show the correct status (active or standby) on each unit.

VLAN headers for tagged interfaces (CR18623)
The BIG-IP no longer inserts random QoS values into 802.1Q VLAN headers.

Extra characters in log file (CR18879)
When UDP port * is enabled and UDP timeout is set to 0 (zero), extra characters are no longer entered in the log file.

RADIUS_pinger (CR19271)
The RADIUS_pinger no longer intermittently marks nodes down.

Dell 2650 ESM-4 support (CR19325) (CR20100) (CR21178) (CR21179) (CR21183) (CR21208) (CR21221) (CR21222)
The BIG-IP now supports the Dell 2650 platform.

bigip.conf file (CR19361)
A large bigip.conf file now loads more quickly when aliasing is used for node monitors.

IMAP_pinger default folder (CR20043)
If you do not specify an IMAP_pinger folder when defining a monitor based on the IMAP_monitor, the default folder "INBOX" will be used.

SNMP with wildcard virtual servers (CR20125)
The snmpwalk command now returns the correct values for virtual servers when a wildcard virtual server is defined.

Support for iControl v2.1 (CR20178)
This version supports iControl v2.1.

Apache+Mod_SSL on BIG-IP has a buffer overflow (CR20196)
We have addressed security issues regarding an Apache+Mod_SSL buffer overflow. For more information see

Windows Terminal Server (WTS) persistence (CR20241)
This release includes an updated version of the BIG-IP Windows Terminal Server (WTS) persistence feature. WTS persistence provides an efficient way of load balancing traffic to and maintaining persistent connections between Windows clients and servers that are running Microsoft's Terminal Services service. When BIG-IP WTS persistence is enabled, a Windows .NET Enterprise server participating in session sharing can redirect a mis-targeted connection to the BIG-IP virtual server, instead of to another server directly. This ability to redirect connections to the BIG-IP allows the BIG-IP to assume responsibility for redirecting connections to the appropriate servers when necessary. Also, when WTS persistence is enabled on a BIG-IP and the servers in the pool participate in session sharing, the BIG-IP load balances a Terminal Services connection according to the way that the user has configured the BIG-IP for load balancing. Thus, the use of Windows .NET Enterprise servers and session sharing, combined with the BIG-IP WTS persistence feature, provides more sophisticated load balancing and more reliable reconnection when servers become disconnected. For more information about this feature, see the technical note Configuring BIG-IP Windows Terminal Server Persistence.

big3d and TCP (CR20244)
TCP now functions properly with big3d on the IP Application Switch.

Obsolete VLAN commands (CR20254)
Using obsolete VLAN commands no longer causes errors when loading.

Default TCP timeout for SNATs (CR20270)
Loading a SNAT with a default TCP timeout no longer cause errors.

Active FTP port collision resolution (CR20417)
Active FTP port collision resolution through a SNAT now functions correctly.

Unsuccessful login reporting for SSH, RSH, RCP, and FTP (CR20435)
Previously the BIG-IP recorded unsuccessful login attempts for Telnet only. The /var/log/secure file now shows unsuccessful login attempts for SSH, RSH ,RCP, and FTP.

Setting port 0 timeout (CR20469)
You can now set the port 0 timeout without causing SNAT c
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4.2 PTF5 Non Encr, 4.2PTF5


29 5월 2002

다운로드 유형





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사용 가능한 형식

파일 형식: ZipPack 외장형
파일 이름: R43878.EXE
파일 크기: 20.63 MB
대용량 파일입니다. 인터넷 속도에 따라 다운로드하는 데 일정 시간이 소요될 수 있습니다.
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다운로드의 무결성을 보장하려면 체크섬 값을 확인하십시오.
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기타 세부 정보

모두 표시 | 모두 숨기기
Important: Ensure that your BIG-IP version 4.2 (previously known as PowerApp.BIG-IP 220) system has already been configured. You will not be able to run Kick-Start if you install the PTF without configuring your system.

After downloading the PTF, double-click on the files received to unzip them to the folder of your choice.

Log into the BIG-IP and download the correct PTF file to the /var/tmp/ directory on the target BIG-IP. For no-crypto systems you will download

Change your directory to /var/tmp/ by typing:
cd /var/tmp/

Enter the following command to install this PTF:
For no-crypto, type: im

The BIG-IP will automatically reboot once it completes installation

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