Dell OpenManage Array Manager, v., A05

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Array Manager software provides a comprehensive storage management solution in an integrated, graphical view. From a single location, Array Manager enables you to configure and manage local and remote storage attached to a server, while the server is online and continuing to process requests.

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Fixes & Enhancements

Added or Changed Features:

* This release of Array Manager supports global hot spares on the PERC 2, 2/Si, 3/Si, 3/Di, and CERC SATA1.5/6ch, and CERC SATA 1.5/2s controllers.

* Support for the 4e/DC, 4e/Si, 4e/Di, and CERC SATA1.5/2s controllers have been added in this release.

Removed Features:

* The PERC 4/IM controller provides integrated mirroring. The ability to create an integrated mirror with Array Manager has been removed in this release. You can, however, create the integrated mirror using the controller BIOS. If you do so, the integrated mirror will be displayed as a virtual disk in the Array Manager console.
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Versão, A05

Data da versão

11 nov. 2004

Tipo de download



Systems Management


A Dell Technologies recomenda aplicar esta atualização durante o próximo ciclo de atualização programado. A atualização contém alterações para manter a integridade geral do sistema. Ela garante que os softwares do sistema fiquem atualizados e compatíveis com outros módulos do sistema (firmware, BIOS, drivers e software) e pode incluir outros recursos novos.
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File Format: Extracts files directly to local disk
File Name: am360a05.exe
File Size: 39.02 MB
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File Format: External release notes
File Name: rdm360a05.txt
File Size: 42.16 KB
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Ao fazer o download, você aceita os termos do Contrato de Licença de Software da Dell. (em Inglês)

Mais informações

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Array Manager cannot be installed on a system that has the ASPI 4.7.x driver installed. If you have the ASPI 4.7.x driver installed on your system, you need to remove this driver and install the ASPI 4.6 driver. You can do this by downloading the ASPI 4.6 package from The ASPI 4.6 package uninstalls the ASPI 4.7.x driver and installs the ASPI 4.6 driver. Refer to the documentation of any other applications installed on the system to see if those applications have known problems with the ASPI 4.6 driver.

Applications that query the Array Manager Management Information Base (MIB) may experience unpredictable behavior when Array Manager is installed on a system that also has HP OpenView installed.

Please see the readme for more important info.
Novell NetWare
Windows Server 2003
Windows 2000
Windows Powered
Custom Instructions for rdm360a05.txt:

1. Click the "Download Now" link to download the file.
2. If the Export Compliance Disclaimer window appears, click the "I
agree" link to accept the agreement.
3. When the File Download window appears, click "Save" to save the file
to your hard drive.
Custom Instructions for am360a05.exe:

1. Click the "Download Now" link to download the file.
2. If the Export Compliance Disclaimer window appears, click the "I
agree" link to accept the agreement.
3. When the File Download window appears, click "Save" to save the file
to your hard drive.

Extract Files
1. Browse to the location where you downloaded the file and double-
click the new file to unzip the download package.
2. Specify the location to unzip the files.
3. Click on the unzip button to extract files.

1. Browse to the folder where extracted the download package.
2. Double click on setup.exe win the “Setup” folder. Setup should start
3. Follow the instructions shown in the Setup wizard.

Note: If you get an error message saying "An unsupported version of
ASPI has been detected on your system..." you must download the
ASPI 4.6 package from the website. Following the
ASPI 4.6 package instructions will uninstall the ASPI 4.7.x driver and
install the ASPI 4.6 driver, thus enabling installation of Array Manager
3.6.0. Refer to the documentation of any other applications installed on
the system to see if those applications have known problems with the
ASPI 4.6 driver.

4. Reboot the system when finished.

NOTE: When installing the managed system component on a Windows
2000 system, the Windows 2000 Plug and Play Manager will activate
after the reboot, indicating it discovered new hardware. You may be
required to perform a second reboot if volumes are present on your
system. Otherwise, allow Plug and Play to register the new driver. (This
occurs automatically.)

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