Seagate Cheetah VI 10K 146LP U320 36GB 68Pin, Cheetah VI 10K 146LP U320 36GB 80Pin, Cheetah VI 10K 146LP U320 73GB 68Pin, Cheetah VI 10K 146LP U320 73GB 80Pin, Cheetah VI 10K 146LP U320 146GB 68Pin, Cheetah VI 10K 146LP U320 146GB 80Pin, v.DS09, A00

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This utility updates the SCSI Seagate Cheetah 10K Drives firmware to DS09. This version addresses compatibility issues when drives are installed in U320 capable PV220/PV221S enclosures and other general quality improvements.
The following Seagate drives are supported in this release:
Seagate Model # ST3146807LW
Seagate Model # ST3146807LC
Seagate Model # ST336607LW
Seagate Model # ST336607LC
Seagate Model # ST373307LW
Seagate Model # ST373307LC

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Fixes & Enhancements

This version corrects issues found with drives going intermittently Off-line, or a hang condition with drives installed in U320 capable PV220/PV221S systems and introduces other quality improvements.
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DS09, A00

Data da versão

26 jan. 2004

Tipo de download



SCSI Drive


A Dell Technologies recomenda aplicar esta atualização importante o mais rápido possível. A atualização contém correções de bugs e alterações importantes para melhorar a funcionalidade, a confiabilidade e a estabilidade do seu sistema Dell. Ela também pode incluir correções de segurança e outros aprimoramentos de recursos.
Formatos disponíveis

File Format: One or more self extracting disk images inside of a self extracting zip
File Name: BR71432.exe
File Size: 873.65 KB
Este é um arquivo pesado. Dependendo da velocidade da sua conexão, o download pode demorar um tempo para ser concluído.
Descrição de formato:
Este arquivo contém um conjunto compactado (ou zipado) de arquivos. Faça download do arquivo em uma pasta no disco rígido e, em seguida, dê dois cliques para descompactar o conjunto de arquivos. Siga as instruções para concluir a instalação.
Para garantir a integridade do download, verifique o valor da soma de verificação.
Não disponível
Não disponível
Não disponível

Ao fazer o download, você aceita os termos do Contrato de Licença de Software da Dell. (em Inglês)

Mais informações

Mostrar tudo | Ocultar tudo
Cheetah VI 10K 146LP U320 146GB 68Pin
Cheetah VI 10K 146LP U320 146GB 80Pin
Cheetah VI 10K 146LP U320 36GB 68Pin
Cheetah VI 10K 146LP U320 36GB 80Pin
Cheetah VI 10K 146LP U320 73GB 68Pin
Cheetah VI 10K 146LP U320 73GB 80Pin
Custom Instructions for BR71432.exe:

Utility must be placed on a non-write protected diskette.

NOTE: In order to create this diskette, the file must be downloaded to and executed on a system running Microsoft Windows.

1. Click the "Download Now" link to download the file.
2. If the Export Compliance Disclaimer window appears, click the "I agree" link to accept the agreement.
3. When the File Download window appears, click "Save" to save the file to your hard drive.

Diskette Creation
1. Browse to the location where you downloaded the file and double-click the new file to create the diskette set.
2. Insert a blank diskette then click Continue.
3. After all the files have been copied to the last, click Finish.

NOTE: BACKUP ALL DATA BEFORE RUNNING THIS PROGRAM. Do not remove power from the devices or disturb the devices in any way while the download is in progress. Dell, Inc is not Responsible for any data loss resulting from the use of this program

NOTE: Before proceeding with the update, refer to README.TXT file, section 3.0 "Using The Update Utility" for important information regarding the update process.

Upon booting up from Update diskette, the user is displayed a menu and prompted to select the type of SCSI or RAID controller whose SCSI HDD is connected to.

1. LSI 1020 for PE1600 .....................................Controller
2. LSI 1030 for PE2600 .....................................Controller
3. 7890, 7899, 2940U2W family ..............................Controller
4. PERC2, PERC2/Si, PERC3/Si, PERC3/Di......................Controller
5. PERC3/SC PERC3/DC, PERC3/DCL, PERC3/QC...................Controller
6. PERC4/Di, PERC4/SC, PERC4/DC.............................Controller

If PERC3/xx, PERC4/xx is selected, the user is prompted to select
the channel number the drives are connected to:

1)Update Drives connected to Channel 0 of PERC3 ?
2)Update Drives connected to Channel 1 of PERC3 ?
3)Update Drives connected to Channel 2 of PERC3 ?
4)Update Drives connected to Channel 3 of PERC3 ?

Once the controller selection has been made, utility will prompt the user to continue the update. Follow the prompts to completely update all target Seagate U320 10K devices found.

Once the update is complete Remove the diskette and reboot the system.

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