Dell Rack Advisor Utility, V5.0

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This release contains Rack Advisor v5.0. Rack Advisor is a software application for use in configuring Dell servers and storage units into a Dell rack. There are different configurations allowed by region, based on the products sold in that region. There are four languages supported in this release: English, French, German, and Spanish.

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Fixes & Enhancements

The following product additions/changes were implemented to the Rack Advisor v5.0 database:

Worldwide Additions- PowerEdge 650, PowerEdge 1750, PowerEdge 3250, UPS Network Management card, 1500VA UPS, 1U Flat Panel Display, PowerConnect 3324, PowerConnect 3348, PowerConnect 5212, Dell\EMC CX200, 15 inch Flat Panel Monitor, 5000VA UPS (North America, Europe, China only)

North America Only Additions – 40 Amp PDU

Japan Only Additions- PowerConnect product line

Europe Only Additions- 15 inch Flat Panel Monitor Europe, 15 Inch Flat Panel Monitor U.K.

Asia-Pacific/China/Japan Only Additions- 15 inch Flat Panel Monitor

Products Moved To Legacy – PowerEdge 350, PowerEdge 1650, PowerEdge 2500, PowerEdge 7150, PowerEdge 8450, PowerVault 200S, PowerVault 210S, 128T, PowerVault 130T, PowerConnect 3024, PowerConnect 3048, PowerConnect 3248, ADIC 4000DLT, ADIC 7000DLT, 1400VA UPS

Europe Only Legacy Moves- CRT Monitor Europe, CRT Monitor Germany, CRT Monitor U.K.

Asia-Pacific/China/Japan Only Legacy Moves- CRT Monitor
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V5.0, V5.0

Data da versão

14 jan. 2005

Tipo de download





A Dell Technologies recomenda analisar esta atualização para determinar se ela é válida para seu sistema. A atualização contém alterações que afetam apenas determinadas configurações ou oferece novos recursos que podem ou não ser válidos para seu ambiente.
Formatos disponíveis

File Format: ZipPack External
File Name: R73797.EXE
File Size: 8.43 MB
Este é um arquivo pesado. Dependendo da velocidade da sua conexão, o download pode demorar um tempo para ser concluído.
Descrição de formato:
Este arquivo contém um conjunto compactado (ou zipado) de arquivos. Faça download do arquivo em uma pasta no disco rígido e, em seguida, execute-o (dê dois cliques) para descompactar o conjunto de arquivos. Siga as instruções para concluir a instalação.
Para garantir a integridade do download, verifique o valor da soma de verificação.
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Ao fazer o download, você aceita os termos do Contrato de Licença de Software da Dell. (em Inglês)

Mais informações

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Windows 95
Windows 98
Windows NT 4.0
Windows 2000
Custom Instructions for R73797.EXE:

1. Click the "Download Now" link to download the file.
2. If the Export Compliance Disclaimer window appears, click the "I agree" link to accept the agreement.
3. When the File Download window appears, click "Save" to save the file to your hard drive.

Extract Files
1. Browse to the location where you downloaded the file and double-click the new file to unzip the download package.
2. Specify the location to unzip the files.
3. Click on the unzip button to extract files.

1. The extracted files are four other self-extracting executable files representing the English, French, German, and Spanish versions of Rack Advisor v5.0.
2. Select the .EXE file which represents the language you wish to install and double-click to execute.
3. Following the on-screen instructions to extract Rack Advisor v5.0 to a directory of your choice. After the files are extracted, the Installation Wizard will begin automatically. Follow the Installation Wizard's on-screen instructions to complete the installation process. If the Installation Wizard does not begin automatically, you can begin the Wizard yourself by going to the directory where the files were extracted to and double-clicking on the setup.exe file.

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