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Global Positioning System (GPS) Set Up, Use and Troubleshooting

Shrnutí: Guides for Windows 7, 8 and 10 to set up GPS.

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Obsah článku


Click on the Operating System from the list below that is on the computer you are trying to use the GPS function.

If you are on another computer and need to know what Operating System is installed on the computer you are trying to connect to your wireless network, press and hold the Windows Logo key SLN293776_en_US__1iC_Windows_Key_BD_v4 then press the pause or break key (on notebooks it may necessary to press and hold the FN key before pressing the pause or break key). The System Properties window will open and the Operating System is listed.
Some newer notebooks no longer have a Pause or Break key.

Vlastnosti článku

Datum posledního vydání

21 úno 2021



Typ článku
