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Server Administrator Version 7.4 Messages Reference Guide



Dell OpenManage Server Administrator generates event messages stored primarily in the operating system or Server Administrator event logs and sometimes in Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) traps. This document describes the event messages that are created by Server Administrator version 7.1.2 and displayed in the Server Administrator alert log.

Server Administrator creates events in response to sensor status changes and other monitored parameters. The Server Administrator event monitor uses these status change events to add descriptive messages to the operating system event log or the Server Administrator alert log.

Each event message that Server Administrator adds to the alert log consists of a unique identifier called the event ID for a specific event source category and a descriptive message. The event message includes the severity, cause of the event, and other relevant information, such as the event location and the previous state of the monitored item.

The tables in this guide list all Server Administrator event IDs in numeric order. Each entry includes the description, severity level, and cause of the event ID. The message text in angle brackets (for example, (for example, <State>) describes the event-specific information provided by the Server Administrator.

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