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Monitor mount for 2016 E-series and E2417H Dell monitors Installation guide


Supported clients and monitors

The monitor mount for 2016 E-series and E2417H monitors is designed to work with the following clients and monitors:

  • NOTE: The mount is designed to work with Dell monitors and clients listed in this section. The mount should not be used with other Dell or third party monitors or clients.
Supported clients are:
  • Dell Wyse 3010 (Tx0) thin client
  • Dell Wyse 3020 (Tx0D) thin client
  • Dell Wyse 3030 (N03D) thin client
  • Dell Wyse 3030LT (N06D) thin client
  • Dell Wyse 5010 (Dx0D) thin client
  • Dell Wyse 5020 (DxoQ) thin client
  • Dell Wyse 5030 (PxN) PCoIP zero client
  • Dell Wyse 5060 (N07D) thin client
Supported monitors are:
  • E1916H
  • E1916HV
  • E2016
  • E2016H
  • E2016HV
  • E2318H

  • E2216H
  • E2216HV
  • E2316H
  • E2416H
  • E2417H

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