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2013年1月22日 17:00

[观点分享]Stephen Manley 谈如何在混乱局面中赢得回报

EMC 备份恢复系统部门首席技术官 Stephen Manley 分享他对数据备份战略的看法,解释了备份团队为何必须采用服务提供商的方法来满足业务需求并保持相关性。


Why do these groups diverge from the central backup offering? First, the backup team does not meet their needs. Second, unlike a decade ago, each group can create its own solution. The root of the problem is that the three core backup technical trends drive the divergence.

  • Performance. Backup and recovery performance drives customer satisfaction. With more VMs, consolidated applications, billion-file NAS servers, and remote offices around the globe, backup teams struggle to maintain service levels. Since businesses are pushing IT to improve services, backup remains a critical bottleneck. In response, hypervisors, applications and storage systems have built tools to help optimize backup (e.g., VMware’s Changed Block Tracking, which can enable 10x better backup and recovery performance). Of course, if the company’s legacy backup application does not support the optimizations, the other teams will find point products that do. 
  • Visibility. VM, application, and storage administrators understand that data drives the business. They worry about not knowing the status of their backups. They complain that much of the time-critical restore workflow is out of their control. They want more visibility into their data protection and more control over restores. If the company’s backup team does not enable broader visibility, the other teams will deploy point products that they control. 
  • Disk Backup. When tape was the only viable backup media, centralization was required. Most application administrators didn’t want to purchase, manage, or attach tape devices to their servers. Disk, on the other hand, enables groups to create their own backup solution.




2 Intern


3.2K 消息

2013年1月22日 19:00

     道理都懂可是真正实施有几个可以真正的考虑周到呢?很多情况实施的攻城狮们把东西搭建好就仍给甲方或者半价方的攻城狮。结果你能指望这些甲方的人吗?反正偶是不信,一出现问题他们只会一个劲的打报告说你这个当初就没有给他们弄好。偶目前作为半甲方的一个攻城狮,看过了太多的“惨案”。很多客户最后只会尖叫“where is my data?”,如果实在不想烦神不如多花钱请专业团队架构您的备份这样在晚上也能睡个好觉。


2 Intern


1.4K 消息

2013年1月22日 20:00

Business Continuity is one of the biggest challenges in today's virtualized data center design. Great points here!

32 消息

2013年1月23日 05:00

the other teams will deploy point products that they control. 这个深有感受,对于关键数据,用户或者部门永远希望自己来掌握,从来不相信IT。

2 Intern


1.1K 消息

2013年1月23日 22:00


2 Intern


3.2K 消息

2013年1月23日 23:00

他们还是在初级阶段,不断挑对方的不是不仅是个不利己的短期行为而且“断送”了自己向更高一个层次前进的机会。设想一下当自己四五十岁了还与二十几岁的小伙子干同样的事情,那不是讽刺是什么?偶就是一个搞Oracle的总是有人不停的问你管那么多干嘛? 问那么多干嘛

