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2017年6月22日 22:00

配置NetWorker VMware Protection完成后发现 vSphere Web Client 上看不到 “EMC 备份和恢复 ” 的用户界面


配置环境是Networker8.2.3,备份和恢复应用装置 是(0.5 TB OVA)。全部已经安装好,也测试备份都是正常的。但是无法在 vSphere Web Client 上看到 “EMC 备份和恢复 ” 的用户界面。导致无法进行恢复测试和其他更多操作。有知道的兄弟指点一下,非常感谢!


4 消息

2017年6月28日 08:00

非常感谢Roger W的回答。目前问题已经解决。




Unregister existing EBR Plugin:

(1) Login vCenter MOB by going to https://your-vcenter-hostname.domain.com/mob

(2) From the MOB screen click on content > ExtensionManager

(3) Under "Methods" click on "UnregisterExtension"  and enter com.vmware.ebr2 (and com.vmware.networker2.config)  in the second window that pops up. Then click on "Invoke Method":

(4)reboot vSphere Web Client service

# service vsphere-client restart

(5)Restart tomcat: emwebapp.sh --restart

NOTE: this will register the EBR Plugin in MOB

(6)Clear browser cache and cookies

最后重新登录vSphere Web Client即可。

2 Intern


4K 消息

2017年6月25日 20:00



Connecting to the EMC Backup and Recovery user interface in the vSphere Web Client


1. From a web browser, open the vSphere Web Client: https://IP_address_vCenter_Server:9443/vsphere-client/

2. In the Credentials window, type the vCenter user name and password for the dedicated EMC Backup and Recovery user you created and then click Login.

3. In the vSphere Web Client, select EMC Backup and Recovery.

4. In the Welcome to EMC Backup and Recovery window, select a Backup Appliance from the drop-down. The drop-down lists all the VMware Backup appliances registered in the vCenter.

Each vCenter Server supports up to 10 appliances. The EBR Appliance field, as shown in the following figure, displays the appliance names alphabetically in a drop-down list. In the EMC Backup and Recovery user interface, the name of the active appliance displays on the left pane, and the appliance name in the drop-down list is the first in the list of available appliances.

5. Click Connect.

4 消息

2017年6月25日 22:00

感谢Roger.w的回答。我是按照你说的这个文档来配置的。配置过程都很顺利没有报错。vsphere是6.0的。配置完成后我在Networker 界面进行备份配置和测试都成功没有报错。唯独登录到vSphere Web Client上的时候没有看到 EMC Backup and Recovery 这个插件,所以无法进入到EMC Backup and Recovery的操作界面。如我发的图所示没有看到EMC Backup and Recovery插件。

2 Intern


4K 消息

2017年6月26日 02:00


VBA: Backup Appliance is not listed in vSphere Web client https://support.emc.com/kb/472041

VBA: EMC Backup and Recovery (EBR) plugin does not display in the vCenter web client https://support.emc.com/kb/493052

EMC Backup & Recovery (EBR) Virtual Backup Appliance (VBA) was deployed but it is not displayed in the VMware vSphere Web Client https://support.emc.com/kb/463300

VBA: EBR Plugin Missing From vSphere Web Client https://support.emc.com/kb/486788

VBA: Missing EMC Backup and Recovery plugin on vCenter 6.0 for VBA https://support.emc.com/kb/482349

VBA: EMC Backup and Recovery plugin is not displayed in the vCenter web client https://support.emc.com/kb/481603

2 Intern


4K 消息

2017年6月28日 20:00


7 消息

2017年7月18日 01:00


2 消息

2019年4月24日 00:00


2 消息

2019年4月24日 00:00

能发下“”VBA-“”补丁的链接吗?百度云方式的,谢谢了。另外还有个问题,我这个NetWorker VMware Protection在部署时候没有报错提示成功,后面再networker中看不到备份应用装置,是为什么?

