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April 18th, 2016 18:00

XPS 15 9550 1.보조 모니터 사용시 글자 흐릿함, 2. 블루투스 연결, 3. McAfee 인증

XPS 15 9550 사용 중입니다.

1. 글자 깨짐

보조 모니터 사용시 글자가 깔끔하게 나오지 않는 문제가 있습니다.

사용 모니터는 삼성 S27E310 이며 크롬 브라우져나 기타 프로그램 등에서 글씨가

깔끔하게 나오지 않습니다.

동일 환경에서 주 모니터를 삼성 모니터로 변경 후 재부팅하면 깔끔하게 나오나 이번에는

노트북의 화면이 깔끔하게 나오지 않는 문제가 있습니다.

이번에 3대 구입 중 2대에서 동일 증상이 있으며 1대는 시간관계상 확인을 하지 못하였습니다.

2. 블루투스 연결

잘 사용하고 있다가 가끔씩 재부팅 후 연결이 안될 때가 있습니다.

아무리 해도 안되다가 재부팅을 하면 다시 연결이 됩니다.

대기모드에서 복귀했을 때도 블루투스 마우스가 안됩니다.

3. McAfee 인증

1년 사용 인증이 안됩니다. 전화문의를 하였는데 서비스번호를 확인하지 못합니다.

7 Technologist


2.8K Posts

April 18th, 2016 22:00

USER1924님 안녕하세요.

Dell 소셜미디어팀입니다.

제품 정보 확인을 위해 번거로우시겠지만 제품 서비스 태그 및 메일 주소를 저의 포럼 ID 클릭 후 <개인 메시지 보내기>로 보내주시면 감사하겠습니다.

문의 관련해서 안내 도와드리겠습니다.

1. Chrome 속성으로 진입 후 <호환성> 탭에서 높은 DPI 설정에서 디스플레이 배율을 사용하지 않음' 옵션을 체크 및 적용해보시겠습니까?

2. 블루투스 관련해서는 아래 내용에 대해 한번 확인 부탁드립니다.

1). 무선 드라이버 최신 버전 업데이트 진행해보셨나요?

DW1830 드라이버 사용을 하신다면 하기 링크를 참고하세요.

2). Dell Wireless 1830 WiFi Driver ( 지원되는 운영체제:  Windows 10, 64비트)

설치 방법: 기존 드라이버를  제어판에서 <프로그램 및 제거> 에서 제거하시고 재부팅하십시오.

파일 다운로드 후 마우스 우클릭하셔서 <관리자 권한으로 실행>으로 설치 부탁드립니다.

3. 맥아피 인증 관련해서는 맥아피 고객센터로 직접 문의를 하셨나요?

DellCaresKR  델 기술지원 포럼  델 공식 트위터  델 공식 페이스북

2 Posts

April 18th, 2016 22:00

1. DPI 설정으로 해결하지 못함.

 모니터 배율이 100%인데도 흐릿하게 보임

 주모니터 변경에 따라 보조모니터의 문제가 보이는 증상으로 하드웨어적인 결함으로 보임

 모니터(2번) - 노트북(1번 주모니터) : 모니터 글씨 흐릿함, 노트북 깔끔하게 보임

 모니터(1번 주모니터) - 노트북(2번) : 모니터 글씨 정상, 노트북 글씨 흐릿하게 보임

2. 드라이버 재설치 (해결된 것 같음)

3. 맥아피 고객센터 문의 하였으나 서비스 태그 조회 안된다함.

서비스 태그 및 메일주소는 메시지로 보냅니다.

1 Message

November 20th, 2016 01:00

2번대로 설치했으나 아래와 같은 오류가 납니다....

어떻게 해야 하나요?

해결부탁드려요 ~~~~꼭 !!!! ㅜㅜ...


[11/20/16 17:43:35] Update Package Execution Started
[11/20/16 17:43:35] Original command line: "C:\Users\DellXPS9550_JBK\Downloads\9550_Network_Driver_JKRJ9_WN32_1.566.0.0_A04.EXE"
[11/20/16 17:43:35] DUP Framework EXE Version:
[11/20/16 17:43:35] DUP Release: JKRJ9A04
[11/20/16 17:43:35] Initializing framework...
[11/20/16 17:43:35] Data in smbios table is (hex)value = 9 , Chasis type (hex)value = 9 , System type is : Client
[11/20/16 17:43:35] logo.png
[11/20/16 17:43:37] User Command: attended
[11/20/16 17:43:37] DUP Capabilities Value: 39845887 (0x25FFFFF)
[11/20/16 17:43:37] DUP Vendor Software Version: 1.566.0.0
[11/20/16 17:43:37] Local System/Model Compatible with this Package? Yes
[11/20/16 17:43:37] Local System OS Version:
[11/20/16 17:43:37] OS Compatible with this Package? Yes
[11/20/16 17:43:37] Local System OS Language: KO
[11/20/16 17:43:37] Language Compatible with this Package? Unknown
[11/20/16 17:43:37] Extraction-miniunz path: C:\PROGRA~3\22F38D~1\dell\drivers\9550_N~1.0_A\miniunz.exe
[11/20/16 17:43:37] Extraction-arguments:  -x C:\Users\DELLXP~1\DOWNLO~1\9550_N~2.EXE -o -d C:\PROGRA~3\22F38D~1\dell\drivers\9550_N~1.0_A
[11/20/16 17:43:38] Extraction-GetExitCode: 0
[11/20/16 17:43:38] Identified Behavior : attended
[11/20/16 17:43:38] Temporary payload log file name: C:\ProgramData\22f38d79-eb8b-4a44-a2ab-4393a6f596e8\dell\drivers\9550_Network_Driver_JKRJ9_WN32_1.566.0.0_A04\DUP8A8C.tmp
[11/20/16 17:43:38] Translated Command Line : setup.exe "/vLOGFILE="C:\ProgramData\22f38d79-eb8b-4a44-a2ab-4393a6f596e8\dell\drivers\9550_Network_Driver_JKRJ9_WN32_1.566.0.0_A04\DUP8A8C.tmp""
[11/20/16 17:43:38] Path : C:\ProgramData\22f38d79-eb8b-4a44-a2ab-4393a6f596e8\dell\drivers\9550_Network_Driver_JKRJ9_WN32_1.566.0.0_A04
[11/20/16 17:43:38] Identified Behavior : attended
[11/20/16 17:43:47] Append Vendor Software Log: C:\ProgramData\22f38d79-eb8b-4a44-a2ab-4393a6f596e8\dell\drivers\9550_Network_Driver_JKRJ9_WN32_1.566.0.0_A04\DUP8A8C.tmp
[11/20/16 17:43:47] 
--- Start of Vendor Software Log ---

[11/20/16 17:43:47] ASCII payload log file detected.
[11/20/16 17:43:47] Installation log file for "DW WLAN 카드".
Log Starts on Date: 11-20-2016 Time: 17:43:46
17:43:46: GetOSInfo(): Detected Windows 10
17:43:46: GetOSInfo(): Product Type: Home Premium
17:43:46: PreInstallSetup(): Using ini file: 'C:\Users\DELLXP~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{11979DC6-B121-4C74-A227-62BD612884B1}\{F16DD1B4-4933-4019-BC07-A9BF18830338}\bcmwls.ini'
17:43:46: Using inf file: 'C:\Users\DELLXP~1\AppData\Local\Temp\BcmWLSetup\Drivers\WinThresh\WL\x64\bcmwdidhdpcie.inf'
17:43:46: Installation root: 'C:\Program Files\Dell\DW WLAN Card'
17:43:46: OEM is Dell
17:43:46: Driver interface is PCI
17:43:46: HW detection for installer
17:43:46: ResultCode=118
17:43:46: Hardware id is not found in driver inf. Either the device is not present or the device is not supported.
17:43:46: InstallShield script aborting.
17:43:46: Entering function CreateEventLog()
17:43:46: Exiting function CreateEventLog()
Log ends on Date: 11-20-2016 Time: 17:43:46

[11/20/16 17:43:47] 
--- End of Vendor Software Log ---

[11/20/16 17:43:47] Vendor Software Return Code: 118
[11/20/16 17:43:47] logo.png
[11/20/16 17:43:47] Name of Exit Code: ERROR
[11/20/16 17:43:47] Exit Code set to: 1 (0x1)
[11/20/16 17:43:47] Result: FAILURE
[11/20/16 17:43:53] User Command: attended
[11/20/16 17:43:53] DUP Capabilities Value: 39845887 (0x25FFFFF)
[11/20/16 17:43:53] DUP Vendor Software Version: 1.566.0.0
[11/20/16 17:43:53] Local System/Model Compatible with this Package? Yes
[11/20/16 17:43:53] Local System OS Version:
[11/20/16 17:43:53] OS Compatible with this Package? Yes
[11/20/16 17:43:53] Local System OS Language: KO
[11/20/16 17:43:53] Language Compatible with this Package? Unknown
[11/20/16 17:43:53] User Parameter: logfile
[11/20/16 17:43:53] User Parameter: logfile changed to: C:\ProgramData\Dell\UpdatePackage\Log\9550_Network_Driver_JKRJ9_WN32_1.566.0.0_A04.txt
[11/20/16 17:43:53] Extraction-miniunz path: C:\PROGRA~3\9C3574~1\dell\drivers\9550_N~1.0_A\miniunz.exe
[11/20/16 17:43:53] Extraction-arguments:  -x C:\Users\DELLXP~1\DOWNLO~1\9550_N~2.EXE -o -d C:\PROGRA~3\9C3574~1\dell\drivers\9550_N~1.0_A
[11/20/16 17:43:54] Extraction-GetExitCode: 0
[11/20/16 17:43:54] Identified Behavior : attended
[11/20/16 17:43:54] Temporary payload log file name: C:\ProgramData\9c3574fd-9dcc-4b13-8364-4fbb2b3ed2aa\dell\drivers\9550_Network_Driver_JKRJ9_WN32_1.566.0.0_A04\DUPC852.tmp
[11/20/16 17:43:54] Translated Command Line : setup.exe "/vLOGFILE="C:\ProgramData\9c3574fd-9dcc-4b13-8364-4fbb2b3ed2aa\dell\drivers\9550_Network_Driver_JKRJ9_WN32_1.566.0.0_A04\DUPC852.tmp""
[11/20/16 17:43:54] Path : C:\ProgramData\9c3574fd-9dcc-4b13-8364-4fbb2b3ed2aa\dell\drivers\9550_Network_Driver_JKRJ9_WN32_1.566.0.0_A04
[11/20/16 17:43:54] Identified Behavior : attended
[11/20/16 17:44:02] Append Vendor Software Log: C:\ProgramData\9c3574fd-9dcc-4b13-8364-4fbb2b3ed2aa\dell\drivers\9550_Network_Driver_JKRJ9_WN32_1.566.0.0_A04\DUPC852.tmp
[11/20/16 17:44:02] 
--- Start of Vendor Software Log ---

[11/20/16 17:44:02] ASCII payload log file detected.
[11/20/16 17:44:02] Installation log file for "DW WLAN 카드".
Log Starts on Date: 11-20-2016 Time: 17:44:01
17:44:01: GetOSInfo(): Detected Windows 10
17:44:01: GetOSInfo(): Product Type: Home Premium
17:44:01: PreInstallSetup(): Using ini file: 'C:\Users\DELLXP~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{AF07687F-9AD1-445B-8543-B30A999AB146}\{F16DD1B4-4933-4019-BC07-A9BF18830338}\bcmwls.ini'
17:44:01: Using inf file: 'C:\Users\DELLXP~1\AppData\Local\Temp\BcmWLSetup\Drivers\WinThresh\WL\x64\bcmwdidhdpcie.inf'
17:44:01: Installation root: 'C:\Program Files\Dell\DW WLAN Card'
17:44:01: OEM is Dell
17:44:01: Driver interface is PCI
17:44:02: HW detection for installer
17:44:02: ResultCode=118
17:44:02: Hardware id is not found in driver inf. Either the device is not present or the device is not supported.
17:44:02: InstallShield script aborting.
17:44:02: Entering function CreateEventLog()
17:44:02: Exiting function CreateEventLog()
Log ends on Date: 11-20-2016 Time: 17:44:02

[11/20/16 17:44:02] 
--- End of Vendor Software Log ---

[11/20/16 17:44:02] Vendor Software Return Code: 118
[11/20/16 17:44:02] logo.png
[11/20/16 17:44:02] Name of Exit Code: ERROR
[11/20/16 17:44:02] Exit Code set to: 1 (0x1)
[11/20/16 17:44:02] Result: FAILURE
[11/20/16 17:44:40] User Command: attended
[11/20/16 17:44:40] DUP Capabilities Value: 39845887 (0x25FFFFF)
[11/20/16 17:44:40] DUP Vendor Software Version: 1.566.0.0
[11/20/16 17:44:40] Local System/Model Compatible with this Package? Yes
[11/20/16 17:44:40] Local System OS Version:
[11/20/16 17:44:40] OS Compatible with this Package? Yes
[11/20/16 17:44:40] Local System OS Language: KO
[11/20/16 17:44:40] Language Compatible with this Package? Unknown
[11/20/16 17:44:40] User Parameter: logfile
[11/20/16 17:44:40] User Parameter: logfile changed to: C:\ProgramData\Dell\UpdatePackage\Log\9550_Network_Driver_JKRJ9_WN32_1.566.0.0_A04.txt
[11/20/16 17:44:40] Extraction-miniunz path: C:\PROGRA~3\99556B~1\dell\drivers\9550_N~1.0_A\miniunz.exe
[11/20/16 17:44:40] Extraction-arguments:  -x C:\Users\DELLXP~1\DOWNLO~1\9550_N~2.EXE -o -d C:\PROGRA~3\99556B~1\dell\drivers\9550_N~1.0_A
[11/20/16 17:44:41] Extraction-GetExitCode: 0
[11/20/16 17:44:41] Identified Behavior : attended
[11/20/16 17:44:41] Temporary payload log file name: C:\ProgramData\99556b27-da11-4ffd-89f7-2ff7cfdbcb2a\dell\drivers\9550_Network_Driver_JKRJ9_WN32_1.566.0.0_A04\DUP7EB2.tmp
[11/20/16 17:44:41] Translated Command Line : setup.exe "/vLOGFILE="C:\ProgramData\99556b27-da11-4ffd-89f7-2ff7cfdbcb2a\dell\drivers\9550_Network_Driver_JKRJ9_WN32_1.566.0.0_A04\DUP7EB2.tmp""
[11/20/16 17:44:41] Path : C:\ProgramData\99556b27-da11-4ffd-89f7-2ff7cfdbcb2a\dell\drivers\9550_Network_Driver_JKRJ9_WN32_1.566.0.0_A04
[11/20/16 17:44:41] Identified Behavior : attended
[11/20/16 17:44:49] Append Vendor Software Log: C:\ProgramData\99556b27-da11-4ffd-89f7-2ff7cfdbcb2a\dell\drivers\9550_Network_Driver_JKRJ9_WN32_1.566.0.0_A04\DUP7EB2.tmp
[11/20/16 17:44:49] 
--- Start of Vendor Software Log ---

[11/20/16 17:44:49] ASCII payload log file detected.
[11/20/16 17:44:49] Installation log file for "DW WLAN 카드".
Log Starts on Date: 11-20-2016 Time: 17:44:48
17:44:48: GetOSInfo(): Detected Windows 10
17:44:48: GetOSInfo(): Product Type: Home Premium
17:44:48: PreInstallSetup(): Using ini file: 'C:\Users\DELLXP~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{12B589D5-A256-4231-AB7B-A894D9AD108D}\{F16DD1B4-4933-4019-BC07-A9BF18830338}\bcmwls.ini'
17:44:48: Using inf file: 'C:\Users\DELLXP~1\AppData\Local\Temp\BcmWLSetup\Drivers\WinThresh\WL\x64\bcmwdidhdpcie.inf'
17:44:48: Installation root: 'C:\Program Files\Dell\DW WLAN Card'
17:44:48: OEM is Dell
17:44:48: Driver interface is PCI
17:44:48: HW detection for installer
17:44:48: ResultCode=118
17:44:48: Hardware id is not found in driver inf. Either the device is not present or the device is not supported.
17:44:48: InstallShield script aborting.
17:44:48: Entering function CreateEventLog()
17:44:48: Exiting function CreateEventLog()
Log ends on Date: 11-20-2016 Time: 17:44:48

[11/20/16 17:44:49] 
--- End of Vendor Software Log ---

[11/20/16 17:44:49] Vendor Software Return Code: 118
[11/20/16 17:44:49] logo.png
[11/20/16 17:44:49] Name of Exit Code: ERROR
[11/20/16 17:44:49] Exit Code set to: 1 (0x1)
[11/20/16 17:44:49] Result: FAILURE
[11/20/16 17:44:50] Open file: C:\ProgramData\Dell\UpdatePackage\Log\9550_Network_Driver_JKRJ9_WN32_1.566.0.0_A04.txt


7 Technologist


2.8K Posts

November 20th, 2016 16:00


Dell 소셜미디어팀입니다.

제품 사용에 있어 불편함을 겪게 해드린 점 죄송합니다.

노트북 사양 확인을 위해 사용하고 계시는 노트북 서비스 태그. 메일 주소를 저의 포럼 ID 클릭 후 [개인 메시지 보내기]로 보내주시겠습니까?

그리고 컴퓨터 어떤 증상으로 해당 드라이버 설치를 시도해보셨나요?

DellCaresKR 델 기술지원 포럼 델 공식 트위터 델 공식 페이스북

이벤트를 찾을 수 없습니다!
