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This post is more than 5 years old


April 2nd, 2016 13:00

2048x1152 is the best 4K 980M resolution to use.

It's the same fps ats 1920x1080.

3840x2160 is a real graphics killer.  I get half the frame rate I get with 2048x1152 on maximum ultra settings.

It's still 16:9 format.

314 Posts

April 2nd, 2016 13:00

i am waiting for nvidia pascal so i can play witcher 3 and farcry4 @ 4k

202 Posts

April 2nd, 2016 13:00

A highest level ti pascal will be like $1000 on ebay.

If it's your only PC you can do $250 a month and pay it off in 4 month.

If you game at home it would be wiser to just get a high end pascal and use it with the alienware external thing.

4k but it's actually UHD, looks amazing on the 17 R3.  Getting 60 fps on 4k everywhere would be insane.

314 Posts

April 3rd, 2016 18:00

I know, i won't even bother playing witcher 3 and other games when i have to set to medium on 4k. 1090ti will be $700. AW graphic amplifier can be purchased on ebay for $100.

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