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March 5th, 2013 19:00

m18x r2 graphics glitch - screen jumping

When I am playing wow and other gui programs there is a horizontal glitch that appears intermittently.  It's really annoying and changing the screen resolution (in windows and in game) does not fix.  I don't think it is hard ware and im pretty sure I am up to date on all the drivers.  what can i do to rectify this.  I havent seen any other reports of this yet.

2.4K Posts

March 6th, 2013 19:00

i am in that mode


Then you have confirmed what you are getting is screen tearing. At FPS below 60 it doesn't happen. 60hz is your refresh rate on the M18x so you need to keep FPS at or below 60fps. If you go higher tearing can happen. 

I googled Vsync with AMD and got this from someone's post:

" in CCC - graphics - 3D - all - scroll down to 'Wait for vertical refresh' and and set it on the 'quality - allways on' option on far right on the slider " 


8 Wizard


17K Posts

March 5th, 2013 20:00

When I am playing wow  ... there is a horizontal glitch that appears intermittently. 

Turn on Vertical Sync or V-Sync inside WoW video options. 

2.4K Posts

March 6th, 2013 18:00

i turned it on but the glitch remains.  I unplugged the machine and it gives me this prompt to restart the computer in a different graphics mode (fn-f7).  this mode does not experience the glitch.  but the performance is pretty terrible.  whats the difference between these modes and can i switch between them without unplugging the machine?


Make sure Vsync is on in both the control panel and in the game. When you test your game check your FPS. Make sure it is not going over your monitors refresh rate. If you are getting something like 65FPS and your monitor is 60hz then Vsync is working.  

If you confirm your FPS is matching your refresh rate then maybe something like your SLI bridge went bad or it's a driver issue.

March 6th, 2013 18:00

i turned it on but the glitch remains.  I unplugged the machine and it gives me this prompt to restart the computer in a different graphics mode (fn-f7).  this mode does not experience the glitch.  but the performance is pretty terrible.  whats the difference between these modes and can i switch between them without unplugging the machine?

March 6th, 2013 19:00

iz fixed.  my problem was one of vocabulary i guess.  Catalyst labels "Vsync" as "Wait for vertical refresh".  I turned it all the way up to "always on" and now its gone.

I cant really say i've identified the problem as tearing.  I know tearing as when you rotate the camera, the graphics do not display for a bit and then suddenly appear.

the problem I am seeing is more of if you looked at the game as a sheet of paper, and tore that paper in half horizontally.  there was a 2 mm "hole" in my screen.  it seemed mouse sensitive cause it would flash in and out close to the mouse pointer.  that was probably the game doing something special with the cursor image.


March 6th, 2013 19:00

lol, i guess i found the answer as you were typing it

March 6th, 2013 19:00

i found the catalyst control center and it has 0 settings for vsync...  this feels like a rabbit hole since my fps is way below 60...

March 6th, 2013 19:00

minecraft is getting between 45 and 55 fps.  no tearing glitch.

March 6th, 2013 19:00

with good graphics mode, i get just under 40fps, avg is close to 37.  this machine has AMD Radeon HD 7970M  which is neither of those.

2.4K Posts

March 6th, 2013 19:00

minecraft is getting between 45 and 55 fps.  no tearing glitch.


Turn on the dedicated graphics if it's still off. If you are not sure how try right clicking the start icon ( .exe )  for the game and click the run with dedicated graphics  card option. I didn't have a M18x but you could also try the FN + F7 to turn it on. That worked on my M17x.

I don't know much about AMD so I'm not sure how to turn on the Vsync with it. Let Tesla tell you how.

March 6th, 2013 19:00

i am in that mode

March 6th, 2013 19:00

where do i set the vsync in the control panel?  i've never heard of that being a windows native option.  it's always been something within the program to ensure locations.  right now, in the lower graphics mode, im getting 11 fps.  let me reset once again in the higher graphics and find the good graphics number

2.4K Posts

March 6th, 2013 19:00

where do i set the vsync in the control panel?  i've never heard of that being a windows native option.  it's always been something within the program to ensure locations.  right now, in the lower graphics mode, im getting 11 fps.  let me reset once again in the higher graphics and find the good graphics number


The setting will be in your Nvidia or ATI control panel.

For Nvidia set it to On.

2.4K Posts

March 6th, 2013 20:00

lol, i guess i found the answer as you were typing it



Screen tearing is a very common problem. That is why Vsync was the first thing Tesla said to do and why I said to turn on both even though you said you turned it on already. You may also run into input lag or mouse lag but most games have a option for that too.  

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