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March 23rd, 2010 03:00

Does an XSet ManagementPolicy allows to define both base and event retention duration ?


The XAM API allow to apply a management policy on a Xset (XSet.applyManagementPolicy), but what I don't know is if it is possible for a management policy to define both "base" and "event" retention durations.

For example:

policy name: myPolicy



So when I use xset.applyManagementPolicy(true,"myPolicy"); before commiting the xset (on creation), I have only to use "xSet.setRetentionStarttime("event", false);" to start the "event" retention without using first "xSet.setRetentionDuration("event", false, Long.parseLong(duration));"



417 Posts

March 23rd, 2010 03:00

David - it is possible to set both. The XAM fspec contains an FSM showing valid transitions.

Give it a go!

Regards, Graham L. Stuart

Centera SDK Architect

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