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May 16th, 2010 21:00

Mcdata 4400 cannot be pinged

Hi All,

Need some help as we are unable to ping/telenet or connect through web interface to a Mcdata 4400 sphereon switch.

Tried power-off/on the switch > still no luck.

Changed network cable > still no luck.

All suggestions and steps shall be highly appreciated.



12 Posts

November 29th, 2010 05:00

To help reset the IP manageability please follow the steps below:

1. Set up a null modem (RS-232) cable to the maint port on the back of the switch.
2. Using Hyperterminal, make a connection using the COM port with the following settings:
a. Bits per second 57600
b. Data Bits 8
c. Parity None
d. Stop Bits 1
e. Flow Control None.
3. Then use the password `level-2', it should show as all x's.
4. Press enter, and you will see a SSP0> (or similar)  prompt.
5. Now type the command ipconfig
6. You will see the current IP address, subnet and gateway.
7. Unplug the Ethernet cable from the switch and using the command ipconfig again enter ipconfig yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy zzz.zzz.zzz.zzz where is the IP address, yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy is the subnet, zzz.zzz.zzz.zzz is the gateway, and change the IP address by one number.
8. Then change it back using the same command.

if that does not resolve issue please see emc133068


542 Posts

May 17th, 2010 07:00

I this a new or production switch?

I cant remember if the 4400's had a serail port to connect to.  Was thinking the web server needed to be restarted but if you power cycled it and it didnt work then there is something wrong with it.

You can try these:

Management Ports

The McDATA Sphereon 4400 also provides for management through either a DB-9  RS-232 serial port or through a 10Base-T and 100Base-T.

Connecting to the DB-9 RS-232 maintenance port requires a null modem cable  and the following connection settings:

  • 115200
  • 8 data bits
  • No parity bit
  • 1 stop bit
  • No flow control

The default IP address of the ethernet management port is

Reset Button

The reset button performs two functions; a switch reset and an Initial  Machine Load (IML).

Switch Reset

A reset is disruptive to Fibre Channel traffic and resets  the following:

  • Microprocessor and functional logic for the control processor (CTP) card and  reloads the firmware from FLASH memory.
  • Ethernet LAN interface, causing the connection to the browser PC or  management server to drop momentarily until the connection automatically  recovers.
  • Ports, causing all Fibre Channel connections to drop momentarily until the  connections automatically recover. This causes attached devices to log out and  log back in, therefore data frames lost during switch reset must be  retransmitted.

Complete the following steps to reset the switch:

  1. Press and hold the RESET button for ten seconds.
    - After holding the  button for three seconds, the amber ERR LED blinks at twice the unit beaconing  rate.
    - After holding the button for ten seconds, the ERR LED stops blinking,  and all front panel LEDs illuminate.
  2. Release the button to reset the switch. During the reset:
    - The green PWR  LED on the switch front panel illuminates.
    - The amber ERR LED on the switch  front panel blinks momentarily while the switch is tested.
    - The green LED  associated with the Ethernet port blinks momentarily while the port is  tested.
    - Green and amber LEDs associated with Fibre Channel ports blink  momentarily while the ports are tested.
    - The switch-to-browser PC (or  management server) Ethernet link drops momentarily.

Initial Machine Load

An Initial Machine Load (IML) or reset is performed at the switch front panel  using the RESET button. An IML does not cause power-on diagnostics to execute  and is not disruptive to Fibre Channel traffic. An IML:

  • Reloads switch firmware from FLASH memory.
  • Resets the Ethernet LAN interface, causing the connection to the browser PC  or management server to drop momentarily until the connection automatically  recovers.

Complete the following steps to IML the switch:

  1. Press and hold the RESET button (about three seconds) until the amber ERR  LED blinks at twice the unit beaconing rate.
  2. Release the button. During the IML, the switch-to-browser PC (or management  server) Ethernet link drops momentarily.

hope this helps

234 Posts

May 18th, 2010 05:00

Thanks Kenn for all time taken.

Shall try a serial connection to the switch to check if it responds or not? If it doesnt shall try IML and reset.



542 Posts

May 18th, 2010 07:00

Sure,   see if you can get into it that way.  Not sure what you can do once you are in that the reboot didnt fix though.

Try to see if there is a way to safe the config so you have all the zones and dont have to recreate them for some reason.

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