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This post is more than 5 years old


February 6th, 2018 02:00

Non-Compliant Systems not displayed


After upgrading to OME 2.4 version I cannot see any systems in the Non-Compliant Tab, list.

I can see in the Summary Tab the compliant and non compliant system as bars in the graphic and with the corresponding numbers, counts.

I can see also in the Compliant Tab systems but I see nothing in the Non-Compliant Tab.

After upgrading to 2.4 version I've rediscovered and reinventoried All Ranges, i.e. all the systems,

Then trying to solve the problem I've updated to the newest Firmware Update Catalog -> not solved -> and then reimported form other source, i.e. ftp and restarted OME server also -> but with no results, not solved

Thanks in advance,


February 6th, 2018 03:00

Hi Augustin,

Thanks for the post on OME 2.4.

The new bar graph is clickable, can you try clicking the non-compliant (RED) bar and see if it navigates to the tab with results?

39 Posts

February 6th, 2018 04:00

Hello Shivendra,

I've already did that and before and not visible, solved.

I've tried also Mozilla Firefox and Chrome browsers and the same :(

Kind regards,


February 6th, 2018 21:00

Can you try clicking the refresh button on right corner of non-compliant tab and see if populates the list?

39 Posts

February 7th, 2018 01:00

Hi Shivendra,

I did it and not working, i.e. Non-Compliant list remains empty.

Yesterday I imported once again Firmware Update Catalog and after that about 20 systems appeared on the Non-Compliant list. Now it's empty again.

To me looks like it's an application bug. What else should I try to fix it? :( :)

And one more thing, I can see there is no refresh button on the right corner of Compliant Tab.

Is this OK? I suppose it should be there, just as it's on Non-Compliant Tab.

Kind regards,


2 Posts

February 7th, 2018 08:00


I have excactly the same problem after upgrading from OME 2.3 to 2.4.

But after trying refresh button a couple of times I got this error:

System.Exception: The data cache did not refresh correctly.
Method timed out: LoadLocationRobos(...)
Method timed out: DataCache.Security.Load(waitHandles)
Method timed out: LoadTaskTables(...)
Method timed out: LoadDataSchemas(...)
Method timed out: LoadDeviceImport(...)
Method timed out: LoadCredentials(...)
Method timed out: LoadIdentitySets(...)
Method timed out: LoadComputePools(...)
Method timed out: LoadDeviceBackupProfile(...)
Method timed out: LoadManifestToGroup(...)

   ved SmartConsole.DataCache.FaultTolerateTimeouts(Dictionary`2 waitHandles)
   ved SmartConsole.DataCache.Load()
   ved SmartConsole.DataCache. b__28c()
   ved SmartConsole.Update.UpdateManager. b__b(Object wcParam)
The data cache did not refresh correctly.
Method timed out: LoadLocationRobos(...)
Method timed out: DataCache.Security.Load(waitHandles)
Method timed out: LoadTaskTables(...)
Method timed out: LoadDataSchemas(...)
Method timed out: LoadDeviceImport(...)
Method timed out: LoadCredentials(...)
Method timed out: LoadIdentitySets(...)
Method timed out: LoadComputePools(...)
Method timed out: LoadDeviceBackupProfile(...)
Method timed out: LoadManifestToGroup(...)

System.Exception: The data cache did not refresh correctly.
Method timed out: LoadLocationRobos(...)
Method timed out: DataCache.Security.Load(waitHandles)
Method timed out: LoadTaskTables(...)
Method timed out: LoadDataSchemas(...)
Method timed out: LoadDeviceImport(...)
Method timed out: LoadCredentials(...)
Method timed out: LoadIdentitySets(...)
Method timed out: LoadComputePools(...)
Method timed out: LoadDeviceBackupProfile(...)
Method timed out: LoadManifestToGroup(...)

   ved SmartConsole.DataCache.FaultTolerateTimeouts(Dictionary`2 waitHandles)
   ved SmartConsole.DataCache.Load()
   ved SmartConsole.DataCache. b__28c()
   ved SmartConsole.Update.UpdateManager. b__b(Object wcParam)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Local Stack Trace:

SmartConsole.ErrorHandler >> Show
Dell.OME.OMEProxyManager >> ShowError
SmartConsole.Update.UpdateManager >> b__b
System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback >> WaitCallback_Context
System.Threading.ExecutionContext >> Run
System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback >> System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.ExecuteWorkItem
System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue >> Dispatch
System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback >> PerformWaitCallback


Then I Have to touch the "Reload OME" button.


39 Posts

February 7th, 2018 09:00


This confirms what I've said before, that's an application bug.

I see no other things to do trying to fix it.

Kind regards,


2 Posts

February 7th, 2018 10:00

I am having the same exact results as well after upgrading to OME 2.4 

2 Posts

February 8th, 2018 12:00

I have reverted back to OME 2.2 after backing up the OME DB, uninstaling OME 2.4, restoring the OME DB prior to ugprade, and reinstalling OME 2.2 and I'm back in business. 

I notice that the web interface is much more responsive in OME2.2 vs OME2.4 as well.  OME 2.4 UI was very laggy/unresponsive along with the non-compliant tab issue.

February 8th, 2018 21:00

I suggest you to get in touch with Dell Support, they can take a closer look and help in resolving the problems.

39 Posts

February 9th, 2018 05:00

Just to give me a link where from I can submit a support case related to OME.
On Dell TechDirect I can do it only for hardware problems.

Thanks in advance,

131 Posts

February 19th, 2018 09:00

was there a resolution for this as I'm experiencing the same issue after upgrading from 2.3 to 2.4?

45 Posts

February 22nd, 2018 22:00


we have the same Problem.



1 Message

March 23rd, 2018 00:00

Hello, did you find something to sort out this non-compliant system issue?


We are having the same problem and it's very annoying. If you stay on the non-compliant page and wait for a couple minutes then it will populate the list, but it takes way too long...

March 23rd, 2018 00:00

Hi, please get in touch with Dell Support. They will help to resolve this problem.

1 Message

April 4th, 2018 14:00

Would anyone from Dell care to publish an SQL script I can run against my OME DB to fix the broken [Catalog].[usp_DeviceApplicablePackages] stored procedure? I have found the problem to be within the "FilteredServerPackages" portion of that procedure and edited out the filtering, which restored my non-compliant system display. So I'm wondering what exactly that part of the query is filtering because my list of non-compliant devices is accurate now?! Cheers!
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