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This post is more than 5 years old



August 14th, 2008 23:00

Dimension 9150 won't power up

My 3 year old Dimension 9150 won't power up.   If I unplug the power cord for about 30 minutes and plug the cord back in, the pc powers up (OS goes in boot mode) for about 2 minutes then shuts itself down.  I tried to hit the power button at this point and nothing  happens although the green LED on the motherboard is lit.  If I unplug the power cord and plug it right back in, the front panel light flashes for about 5 seconds and shuts off.  Pressing the power button at this point doesn't do anything.  I have tried switching out the PSU (I have a couple working PSUs laying around) and didn't seem to make a difference.  I jumped the green/black wires on the 24 pin psu motherboard plug while it's still plugged into the motherboard and the psu stays on but no video on my monitor and the front panel flashes a few seconds and then it's off even though the PSU remains on.  I tried taking out all the connectors from the motherboard and leave only the 2 PSU motherboard plugs in and nothing.  I can unplug the power cord for 30 minutes again and power up the PC and hit F2 to go straight to the CMOS menu and it powers down after 2 minutes (so as to rule out the OS).  I have taken out the memory and unplug and replug in the power cord and front panel lights flash for a few seconds and shuts off (no beeps at all).  At this point I am thinking it's the motherboard that's faulty.  What do you think? I have searched this forum and saw quite a few people having similar issue with their 9150 I wonder if it's a common thing for this particular motherboard.  Is there a possibility that the CPU is faulty?  Also can anyone tell me how much Dell charges for a replacement dimension 9150 motherboard from their parts department?



15 Posts

August 15th, 2008 03:00

Disconnect all external devices.


Remove all add in cards like graphics, modem or sound cards.


Try with one memory at a time if you have two memory modules.


Reseat the CMOS battery> Try to boot with and without CMOS battery


Reseat the cables for Hard drive as well.


Still Doesn't work...Try a different power supply and see what happens, If that also doesn't work then you try and check you Hard Drive on a different Computer.


Lightning and powesurge can also be a cause..check the MOBO for any signs of fry.



3 Posts

August 15th, 2008 17:00

I guess I failed to mention in my original post that I have done the following:


- disconnected all external devices with exception to the front panel/power connector cable (front panel lights flash a few secs and shutdown)

- removed RAM (hoping to hear some beeps, no beeping just light flashes a few secs and shutdown)

- Removed CMOS battery  (light flashes for a few secs and shutdown)

- Removed CPU (hoping to hear some beeps and it didnt' beep just light flashes and shutdown)

- Reset RAM, CPU, Video Card, Modem card, CPU heatsink (same result as above, just light flashes for a few secs)

- Removed CDROM connection and leave only HDD (same light flashes for a few secs and shutdown)

- Tried 2 different brand new power supplies (420watts & 500watts) with same result as above.


I tried to look through the whole MB to for signs of burn/cold solder but didn't find anything (doesnt' mean it doesn't exist just that I am not able to find it). 


just checked froogle and looks like the price of a dimension 9150 motherboard ranges from $120 (refurb/pulls?) - $320 (new?).  Haven't decided yet to replace the MB or just junk the whole PC and build a new one. 

5 Posts

August 15th, 2008 17:00

I have a similar situation...

Disconnect/Remove EVERYTHING EXCEPT CPU, 2 Fans and try the Power ON Button...

All I get is an AMBER Blinking light...


Then I get an attempt to Startup, i.e3. Fans start...etc...


REPLACED CPU with a KNOWN GOOD one from another working computer.

Still Nothing...Blinking Amber power light when I push Power on....

OH..I did Try a NEW PS... made no difference.


Looks like we may have to opt for a MB Exchange...???

Anyone got the best place to do that..

CALL DELL Paid Support ?? OR Go to a third party ??


Would really appreciate anyones input here...

Maybe we are overlooking something ??




Perdido BEach, AL

1 Message

August 16th, 2008 10:00

I have a very similar problem.


My 2 year old Dimension 9150 does not power up after I returned from vacation. The system was off during 4.5 weeks and worked fine before. Now the power LED is flashing yellow when I try to power on the system, and nothing happens.


- Since my last use of the system, nothing was changed in the system configuration.

  The system was just off for 4.5 weeks; the power chord remained connected to

  the wall outlet.

- I checked the CMOS battery - it has 3.0 Volts, which is OK. After reinserting the battery

  and again trying to power on, LED again flashes yellow.

- I went through the Dell Tech Support Troubleshooting Wizard

  "No Power, No POST, No Video", Journal ID 08229WKZLY.

  The procedures (discharge by pressing power button several seconds,

  try to power on without any external devices connected) did not help.

  Power LED again flashing yellow.


Any ideas what should be tried?

Thanks for any help!


15 Posts

August 16th, 2008 13:00

Even after the reseating nothing works. then you should be looking ahead to replace mobo , power supply


Purchasing a new computer will be a good idea if system is not in warranty...

Message Edited by nidhin0816 on 08-16-2008 08:15 PM

5 Posts

August 16th, 2008 14:00

I have gone through everything too...

With everything disconnected, Except the CPU...Still get the flashing amber light...

Remove CPU and the fans start...but of course it cannot do anything...

Reconnected EVERYTHING EXCEPT CPU... Still trys to start....

Tested with a KNOWN GOOD CPU... Same type... P4Dual 

Had same trouble....

Removed CPU...Unit starts fans ....

SO...Bottom line seems to be...MOTHERBOARD....


You can get a replacement at Dell for about $150.00

Better than buying a new computer....


BUT ..this leaves me with a thought... WHY are we all having so much trouble with this....

Is there a FAULT with this MB ??

Something we should address with Dell ??




Perdido Beach, AL

3 Posts

August 18th, 2008 21:00

I think I figured out my problem.  I replaced the CMOS battery and it's powering up fine now.   I am just amazed that a low CMOS battery could cause the system to completely not powering up at all.  You would think that it would at least power up and display some error message on the boot screen to tell you that the battery is low.   Or at minimal cause the system to beep to indicate low battery.  Must be a design flaw for this motherboard. 

October 18th, 2008 17:00

I just experienced a similar problem with my 9150 - it wasn't powering up fully, with the POST lights indicating a memory problem. No beeps, and nothing displayed on-screen.  I replaced the BIOS battery and it booted successfully.


I'm tempted to reinsert the original battery, but I think I'll do that AFTER I finish the image backup :-).



2 Posts

August 2nd, 2016 09:00

Amazing. Replacing the CMOS battery also worked for me. That saved a bunch of time and money!

10 Elder


46K Posts

August 2nd, 2016 13:00

This thread has been locked due to it's age, if you have a similar issue, please use the 'New Post' feature at the top of this page and start a new thread.


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