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This post is more than 5 years old


January 20th, 2008 14:00

RAID problem on XPS420

Hi, I've had my Dell XPS 420 for just over week and it keeps giving errors on the RAID 0 system disk. This appears during bootup in the BIOS and says "Error Occurred" as well as the Intex Matrix Console reporting that the volume is failing. I've spoken to Dell Technical support twice, the first time they just cleared the error by marking the disk (Port 0) as normal, but the error returned after a couple of days. I spoke to them again on Friday, and this time they upgraded the Intel Matrix Console to v7.8 (from 7.6). But again the error returns and I've had several lock ups and failed boots. The version in the BIOS says v7.6.1.1001 ICH9R Is this a common problem or do I just have a faulty disk? I've e-mailed Dell support but received no reply or confirmation e-mail.

20 Posts

January 20th, 2008 15:00

Hello Nigel,
It seems RAID controller in XPS420 is not rock solid as it should and poorly reliable in some specific cases. I have some problems too, see here
Still no solution from Dell so far...
Latest A03 BIOS was delivered without mentionning specific RAID controler enhancement. Neither A03 and updated Intel Matrix Console v7.8 are solving the "fluffy" behavior of the Disk sub-system.
Dell, I've been told you're aware of this issue : this is about storage reliability and end-user data. Hoping this is tagged as high priority in your maintenance release plans.

32 Posts

January 20th, 2008 22:00

This is a very poor offering from Dell and Intel. Vista has been commercially available for over 1 year and we are still suffering fundamental issues like this?

I know that a number of other people who bought the same XPS 420 system have been experiencing similar issues with the RAID, so we are far from being alone.

I will call Dell yet again tomorrow and ask for a refund.

32 Posts

January 21st, 2008 04:00

No, you are not alone. I've never experienced any issues with RAID, yet (besides the buggy QuickTime video playback issues which was rectified when I downloaded the latest version of Intel Matrix Storage Manager).
But I have been randomly getting BSOD after I installed a Killer M1 NIC with the latest drivers. I have no idea how to approach this, but it usually occurs when there is heavy internet usage (i.e. multiple internet explorer windows open, online gaming, etc.).

32 Posts

January 21st, 2008 15:00

I've been waiting 1 hour for Dell to answer my call to the XPS "Premium" support. No response from the support ticket I logged on Friday either.

We even have to call an 0870 number in the UK which is a premium number!

39 Posts

January 23rd, 2008 13:00

Looks like I'm now in the same boat.  Was having "Error Occured" on drive 2.  Was able to mark it as normal and it went away but the system would still randomly reboot on its own with an unexpected shutdown.
This morning the system won't boot at all as the error occured is now on Drive1.
6 week old system....good grief.

32 Posts

January 23rd, 2008 15:00

I managed to speak to Dell in Ottawa late Monday night and they suggested I run through the hardware diagnostics (press F12 during bootup). As expected, all the hardware checked out fine including both disks. So clearly it's a problem with Vista and/or Intel Matrix. Question is what will Dell do about it? They don't even acknowledge or reply to e-mail submitted tickets!

1 Message

January 24th, 2008 14:00

Got my XPS420 two days ago.
Vista 32 Premium, Q6600, 8800 GT, 2 GB DDR2 6400, 2 * 500 GB Hard disks in RAID0.
I was so happy, all was going well until this morning. A freeze under Vista, could not do anything but power off the PC holding the Switch down.
When I reboot, I have the problem. First disk in the raid array is marked Fault.
I boot under Vista, can login, but it freezes in the minute.
I reboot, log, hurries to lauch intel matrix, mark the disk ok. then it freezes again.
Since, the raid array is marked ok, but the system can't boot completely, it keeps freezing and freezing.
I am very disapointed. I haven't call the support yet as I am at my work now. But I think I will ask for a refund as I am not any more confident in this PC.

31 Posts

February 10th, 2008 08:00

I've had this same problem too.  Also have upgraded the Matrix console to 7.8, but it does still intermittently fail a drive (if you look at event viewer, you can see it fails during the windows session), then next time you boot of course you see it in the startup screens as failed too.

It's done it twice now (the machine is 6 weeks old), once on each of the disks, and both times I was able to rebuild the array simply by marking it normal again.  All the disk diagnostics check out OK too.  My ROM version is (ICH9R).

Very annoying and quite concerning. :robotmad:

32 Posts

February 10th, 2008 09:00

I managed to rebuild my PC last night using the 2 new Seagate drives supplied by Dell (in response to the original Samsung drived allegedly being the cause of the RAID issues).


I created a primary system volume of 50GB and hoped to use the remainder of the disks as normal NTFS partitions. But it seems you need to use the rest of the disk as a RAID volume also, so I mirrored these as 250GB.


I still cannot understand why Dell configure these as RAID 0 as it offers very little benefits and the potential for losing all the data if either drive fails. As for the Samsung drives, again what kind of soak testing does Dell perform on new configurations? Surely they would have spotted the incompatibilities between Matrix and Samsung drives?


My advice to anyone here with the problem is to get Dell to fit the new drives for you and re-configure them as either separate drives or as mirrored (assuming the Matrix software works OK with Seagate drives and in a mirror configuration).

11 Posts

February 11th, 2008 10:00

exactly same problem here

6 weeks old..intermittent freezes caused by RAID 0 error messages (plus other errors)- Spent an hour allowing Dell to look at syatem through Dell Connect which found nothing but a number of error messages

Currently holding with Dell Tech Support to ask for (at least) a replacement - my concern is that this is a build fault that will not go away with a replacement

32 Posts

February 11th, 2008 11:00

Mine was running fine all yesterday after the rebuild, but just powered it up this morning and was replying to a gmail when the screen went black and there was a lot of disk activity. I let it finish (ie till the disk light went out) but had to power off as it was un-responsive.

On the third attempt, it finally booted into Vista, and the Intel Matrix is now saying Initialising.... which I presume means it is re-building the mirror.

So basically, it looks like the problem is not solved by swapping out the Samsung disks for Seagate ones. Vista simply does not work with the Intel Matrix controller, at least not in the Dell XPS 420.

11 Posts

February 11th, 2008 12:00

Is there any point asking for a replacement system? Will it not just recure on a new 420?

Does the 720 have any better a record?


8 Posts

February 13th, 2008 12:00

I bought an XPS420 just after xmas. As I'm going to have all my music aswell as important files etc on it, I opted for RAID 1. That was my first mistake.

In the 6 weeks I've had the server, I've had 2 disk errors (both on Disk 1) and one recovery fixed failure.


My first call, they seemed very helpful, said it was a known problem and was fixed with a bios and Intel Matrix upgrade.


I've upgraded both and guess what...........RAID 0 error and now the thing won't boot at all. I'm hugely un-impressed and unless the support folk are exceptionally good, considering what I've read, I'll be demanding my money back.

39 Posts

February 13th, 2008 13:00

Unfortunately, I'm back and posting again.  Since this weekend I've experienced one unexpected shutdown, one Error Occurred during startup on Disk 2 of the array and one blue screen during an attempt to simply reboot the system last evening.  Prior to that, after totally reinstalling the RAID0 config and OS the system was stable for the better part of three weeks.  Amazing how complacent I've become.  Overjoyed at not having a system problem for 3 weeks.  My original IBM PS/1 in 1997 was more stable.


So, my saga continues.  Perhaps I should consider upgrading the BIOS and Matrix firmware.


The only good news here is that I just got my $200 rebate card in the mail.  Maybe  I can use that to get a more reliable system?


Good grief...


32 Posts

February 13th, 2008 14:00

To me, the only solution is to disable all RAID volumes and use the bare drives. I'm hoping to try this later as mine is currently setup as a RAID 1 mirror (rather than the original stripe). My concern is that it might still need to go through the Intel Matrix controller which is likely to be the source of the problem. Ideally I should be able to break the mirror then disable RAID in the BIOS.

Dell promised to call me regarding the testing of the Seagate drives, but as yet, no call back. I don't really want to waste more money and time calling their premium number support line to fix their problems!
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