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September 30th, 2014 13:00

Insight IQ/Bash Code Vulnerability


I was wondering if anyone has run the  'yum update' to get the latest bash package from CentOS distribution?  (per the KB for this vulnerability.  When I try to run it I get the following:

sudo yum update

[sudo] password for administrator:

Loaded plugins: fastestmirror

Determining fastest mirrors

Could not retrieve mirrorlist error was

14: PYCURL ERROR 7 - "Failed to connect to 2a02:2498:1:3d:5054:ff:fed3:e91a: Network is unreachable"

Error: Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: base

I guess where I have Insight IQ installed, cannot get to that URL.  Does anyone know how I can get the contents of that URL loaded to InsightIQ?


Sue Flood

39 Posts

October 2nd, 2014 14:00


I had to use a work around to get the Bash patch installed. I had to copy the file to the vApp server and execute it as follows:

rpm -Uvh bash-4.1.2-15.e16_5.2.x86_64.rpm

Sue Flood

1 Rookie


20.4K Posts

October 1st, 2014 04:00

i did that yesterday on my InsighIQ instance, worked just fine but i have unrestricted outbound access on my network. Do you have a proxy server available that would allow you to get to the outside world ?

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