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This post is more than 5 years old


September 1st, 2016 08:00

Trying to run hdfs fetch image

cd /tmp

hdfs dfsadmin -fetchImage /tmp/.

16/09/01 10:09:37 INFO namenode.TransferFsImage: Opening connection to http://xxxx:50070/imagetransfer?getimage=1&txid=latest

16/09/01 10:09:37 INFO namenode.TransferFsImage: Image Transfer timeout configured to 60000 milliseconds

fetchImage: Connection refused

Please advice Am I missing any configuration on Isilon hdfs side for this image fetch to work?

252 Posts

September 2nd, 2016 09:00

Hi toashok,

One of my colleagues ran this on their test cluster without issue, so it sounds like it could be a configuration issue. There isn't enough information here to go on though to give you any advice as to where to look. I would recommend opening a ticket with Isilon Support to dive deeper into the issue.

However, based on the "Connection Refused" error, it does give us some idea what is going on.

If we work from the top down:

Every tcp connection needs to be in a groupnet/subnet/pool

Every groupnet/subnet/pool needs to be in a zone

Every zone needs a authentication provider

every authentication provider in a zone has services

So if you get connection refused it is most likely that the service is not running because nothing is listening on that port/socket. So you could start by checking on the services.

September 2nd, 2016 10:00

Hi toashok

OneFS hdfs protocol access does not support 'dfsadmin -fetchImage' since Isilon is OneFS and not an HDFS datanode some hadoop operations do not function with hdfs protocol based access to OneFS data.

Opening connection to http://xxxx:50070/imagetransfer?getimage=1&txid=latest

16/09/01 10:09:37 INFO namenode.TransferFsImage: Image Transfer timeout configured to 60000 milliseconds

fetchImage: Connection refused

Also your http connection is using 50070, Isilon does protocol access via 8082, so you may have a misconfiguration with hadoop - Isilon for other protocol access. MIght be worth checking that out.

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