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This post is more than 5 years old


June 9th, 2009 23:00

XPS M1530 running Windows 7 RC (Build 7100)

For starters, I was sick of dealing with Vista and it's issues.  Not to sound like what teens call a "hater", in my opinion Vista is the most inefficient operating system Microsoft ever produced.  So it was with very, very little apprehension that I dove into ditching Vista and placing a fresh new install of Windows 7 64 Bit RC1.  I've used it for several days now and can sum up my experience with an emphatic, LOVE IT!

The install and set up took about 30 minutes from start to finish.  Microsoft has made the install process even more simple than with Vista and I honestly did not have to do much in terms of searching for drivers.  Fresh out of the install, my wireless card, bluetooth, and touchpad all worked perfectly fine.  I did have to go to nVidia's site to update my video drivers.  Before the system would accept the nVidea update, I had to update my laptops BIOS to the newest version (A12).

All in all, Windows 7 looks like a polished version of Vista that is far more responsive.  Running idle my average CPU usage ranges from 2% - 4% with memory usage averaging about 640MB (which is less than what my 32bit Visa was using). 

Software Compatibility:  The only programs I have had an issue with so far is Adobe Premiere CS3, which will load but will not recognize my HDV options for starting a new project. 

Since It's only been a couple days, I'm going to keep throwing stuff at it and posting updates on results.  I apologize if I didn't go too in-depth, but i will try to provide more info as I go.

24 Posts

December 27th, 2009 16:00

On an XPS 1530, there are 3 places/way you can turn on/off the 355 BT module, and all 3 have to be on for it to work (annoying?):  1) BIOS, 2) Physical Switch, 3) Fn+F2. 

I would have tried to sort it out in this order:

1) Check that the BIOS sees the BT card.  If not, follow NorthVandea's link to reinstall the BT module.  If it sees it, then proceed.  If not, BT radio=dead.

2) Check in the BIOS to see how the physical switch affect the BT radio.  Set it to be turned on by the physical switch.

3) Assuming 1 is a yes, and the physical switch is on, then try reinstalling the software.  I have read, w/o verification, that's because BT was not written as part of the kernel or core drivers by MS, Windows Device Manager does not always recognize BT modules w/o the software. All Windows BT drivers were written later by WidComm or Toshiba (the Dell driver is written by WidComm).  Anecdotally, I had similar problems with an older Dell D400 where the XP Pro Device Manager didn't even know what HW it was until I installed the driver/software, so there may be some truth to it. 

If that doesn't work, then I am out of ideas.

Much luck.

3 Posts

January 13th, 2010 10:00

I have just upgraded from Vista 32bit to Windows 7 Pro on my XPS 1530.  I also am having problems with the touchpad being eratic and the scroll function not working as before. 

I have read many comments about posted solutions.  Where can I download the drivers mentioned, ie. Dell R228446.  Many have mentioned downloading Vista 64 bit drivers.  Will that be compatible with my system.  Intel Core2 Duo CPU  4GB 2.00GHz  T7250  32 bit operating system


January 13th, 2010 11:00

If you are using a 32-bit operating system then you should use the Vista 32-bit driver for the touchpad.  You can download it from the Dell website.  It should be called R166314.  After you install the driver the touchpad should regain its scrolling abilities and be more reliable.

24 Posts

January 13th, 2010 12:00

64bit drivers probably will not work on 32-bit systems. If you go to dell's support site, you can get the 32bit Vista version or should have come with the CD for your system.

Also, as an aside, I am curious for the choice of 32bit OS instead of 64.  My understanding is that a 32bit Windows OS won't utilize all 4GB that you have effectively.  For instance, Win7 Pro combined with your processor can use Virtual PC and XP mode (downloadable free from Microsoft), which would greatly benefit from more addressable memory.

January 14th, 2010 09:00

I don't think you can "upgrade" from 32-bit to 64-bit.  You would have to wipe your hard drive and install a fresh 64-bit OS from scratch.

3 Posts

January 14th, 2010 09:00

Thanks for your input.  Upgrading an OS is an area that I have not  ventured.  How costly and involved of a transition would that be? 

24 Posts

January 14th, 2010 10:00

The cost is a few hours time. 

Changing from 32 to 64 bit means that during installation, you will be forced to select the "clean install" option. The installation program will move 32bit windows to the Windows.Old subdirectory, and none of the current settings would be kept.  All programs need to be reinstalled (the newer OS won't know of the previously installed programs, even though they may still on the hard drive). I use to get the most popular programs/utilities, but commercial software will need to be manually reinstalled.  Additional pain is that all those programs' settings may need to be manually set again.

Your user directory would still be there, but back up anyway. 

Also watch out for a bad policy decision on MS part regarding directory sharing.  I am not sure if it affects Win 7 Pro edition, but in the Home Premium edition, depending on how you answered certain questions during installation, the entire "c:\users" subdirectory can become shared by default.  This is particularly bad because each user's personal directory inherits all the characteristics from the parent C:\users, i.e., your subdirectory is shared with the world by default, and no amount of manual overriding would do anything to change it.  You have to actually "unshare" the c:\user parent directory to make individual directory private or public.  This has been posted on MS forums for a while and no changes are being implemented at this point.  Caveat users.

3 Posts

January 14th, 2010 19:00

Thanks for tthe help.  Reinstalled the driver suggested.  All is working again with my touchpad!

2 Posts

January 15th, 2010 12:00

You need to download and run the patch located HERE.

1 Message

April 28th, 2010 04:00

I would like to thank all of you for this information i will be upgrading my laptop asap & will let you all know how everything goes.

2 Posts

September 24th, 2010 09:00

I had the same problem with my bluetooth after installing Win7 32bits on my XPS M1530. I solved it by installing the R140135 driver.

Open the driver to unzip the file downloaded from dell site. The following message pop up "turn on bluetooth". Press cancel.

Then go to the following folder:


And  run the "inst" application. Then run the setup. W7 will find the bluetooth device and update the driver.

Finally run BTW.




5 Posts

November 21st, 2010 12:00

I am just reading this old post as it is relavent to my situation. I have installed W7 on my M1530 with tthe A12 Bios and it will not take any of the invidia drivers. W& works fine until I install the drivers and then it will not boot up. It just has a dark screen and I have tried to reinstall several times.


Any suggestions?



5 Posts

November 21st, 2010 13:00

Well, I just got hte invidia driver to work and then I loaded Office 2010. Now it blue screens. Any issues with 2010 office with these drivers?



24 Posts

November 21st, 2010 18:00

I ran Office 2010 beta without problems using the nVidia driver ver 260.89 on one XPS 1530 with 8400M GS (128M VRAM) and another with 8600M GT (256M VRAM). Both systems have Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit (final) w/4G RAM. Don't have Office 2010 final.

5 Posts

November 21st, 2010 21:00

It was short lived. I cannot get any of the drivers to work with this. Every time I try, it just goes to a black screen. I have tried all of the drivers and even switched to 32 w7 to see if that made a difference. After reinstalling windows eight times today, I am spent.

Anyone else have this experience?



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