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This post is more than 5 years old


May 24th, 2007 09:00

How to install Fedora Core along with Win XP (in dual boot mode) in Inspiron 6400

My config are
Inspiron 6400, Processor Intel Duo Core 1.6Ghz, 1024 MB RAM, 120GB HDD).
I intend to load  Fedora Core 5 with pre-installed win XP OS . Also please suggest Drivers availability for Fedora for the inspiron.
P.S :  I tried with partition magic 8, divided the original partition into 4 partition and and tried to install FC in the Fourth (3rd extended partition), keeping the windows in the first primary partition.  This was while installing  & Fedora Core 3 along with win XP  and on proceeding with installation, it  got partially  installed & finally  gave error message - memory less than 75mb (although RAM is 1024MB).

Message Edited by PKP12 on 05-24-2007 05:27 AM

79 Posts

May 24th, 2007 13:00

dont use FC5. FC7 will be out soon and with that, support of FC5 will stop, so its a rather bad idea to install FC5 right now.

May 24th, 2007 18:00

Hi, I'm Dual-booting Ubuntu 6.06 and Win XP Home on my GX100, and it was pretty easy. Step 1: Insert windows install cd. Step 2: When you get to the partion menu, delete all current partitions (unless you have at least 5GB of unformatted disk space) and create a new windows partition (I split my drive 50-50, but you can do what you want with the sizes). Step 3: Install windows on the partition you just created. Step 4: reboot after installation is complete and put in the install disc for your favorite distro. Step 5: When you get to the disc selector menu, be sure to select "Use continuously free disc space" and proceed with installation. Step 6: When installation is done, reboot. You should get a menu with OS choices on it. Select the one you want, and *Tada!!!!!!* you're done! Ubuntu-Dude

43 Posts

May 24th, 2007 22:00

If you have an ATI card on your laptop, before installing, make sure to connect your laptop via LAN to the internet! Trust me, it makes the install much easier.
I also just want to let you know that it's even possible to Multi-boot Vista/XP/Ubunutu on your laptop (mine also).

3 Posts

May 27th, 2007 08:00

Hi Friends,
Thanks for the timely suggestions!
I am done with dual booting Windows XP Home & Unbantu 6.06. It was easy.  I am struck with wifi config. Shall fix it soon.

May 27th, 2007 10:00

Glad to help. I first started out with FC6 on my Linux Testing GX100, but I found it too hard to install any applications (./configure always gave me an error) and there was no package manager pre-installed. If you have any similar problems with Ubuntu, visit this link:

Have fun with Ubuntu! Ubuntu-Dude
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