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This post is more than 5 years old


June 28th, 2010 21:00

Home Network - Win 7 Ultimate cannot get files from Win XP Machine

In our Home Network - Win 7 Ultimate cannot get files from a Win XP Machine, but the XP Machine CAN get files from the Win 7 (Studio XPS Desktop 435T/ 9000, I7-920 processor, 8 GB ram, etc). In the Win 7 Network Map, the XP machine can be seen but not as a part of the Network ("The following discovered device(s) can not be placed in the map.")  The folders on the Win XP machine that have been assigned for sharing are all visible from the Win 7 Studio, but when trying to access, I get the message: "\\XP_Computer\SharedDocs is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions. ... Not enough server storage is available to process this command." BTW: the Studio is hardwired to the router, and the XP machine is wireless & neither platform has any issues connecting to the internet.

I have made sure we are all in a home network, all with the same workgroup, I have turned on file and printer sharing on the XP Machine. I can print from the Win 7 machine to the printer attached to the XP machine. I've even used, at the command prompt: " net user guest /active:yes". I've tried to install Microsoft's LLTD ( Link-Layer Topology Discovery protocol ), but the service pack (3) is newer than the patch offered by Microsoft. I have turned off the firewalls (Microsoft and Norton Security Suite). I have contacted Norton, and they insist it is not their product. I have read and followed all instructions for File & Printer Sharing. I have used all the Win 7 trouble shooters available. I just don't know where else to turn.

Advice please?

9 Legend


30.3K Posts

June 29th, 2010 15:00



Try this and see if it helps.


Share Files and Printers between Windows 7 and XP, this works both ways.




3 Posts

July 3rd, 2010 14:00


Many thanks, kind Sir!

Your posted link had a lot of good things to try, which, I think I would recommend as well to many. The tutorial was great for the novice. 

Unfortunately, I had already tried all of the tutorial and most of the discussion ideas, from changing registry values and entries, to changing home network name, to removing TCP/IPv6, to using straight IP addresses, to giving EVERY ONE full control, to installing LLTD over Win XP SP3; and this Dell Studio XPS 435T/9000 with Windows 7 Ultimate just will NOT connect with the XP machines. I've even opened the firewall (Norton Security Suite) to let anything and everything in. Still no luck.

Now, if I could only find a link at Microsoft to tell them some ideas so I can invent Windows too! (Maybe, before SP1 comes out!)

MANY thanks for taking your time and skills to apply to this problem!


9 Legend


30.3K Posts

July 4th, 2010 05:00



I never got into file and folder sharing. Some suggestions that may or may not work...


Do you have al the permissions to allow file and/or folder sharing?


Allow a printer past Norton


Allow communications between the computers. Firewall permissions.


They both belong to the same WORKGROUP. XP's default is MSHOME


Do you have a Gimli_R Account on both machines with identical passwords?


The Windows 7 machine, you need to go to the networking and sharing center and have to turn these on from here.




3 Posts

July 5th, 2010 09:00


Again, many thanks! It is quite obvious that you are an expert, and someone who is trying to make our ("modern") world a better place. Thank you for that!! You are making a difference!

The unfortunate part is that I have tried all of your additional suggestions to no avail.

I have isolated the problem to Norton Security Suite, versions 3 & 4, that we use on both machines (now both are version 4). Norton has a number of network traffic rules for inbound and outbound traffic. When I try to ping each machine from the other, I am only blocked (i.e., No response) from the Win7 Ultimate machine to the WinXPHome SP3 machine. When I ping from WinXp to Win7 - no issue, just as when I copy files at the XP machine to and from Win7.

So, I went to Norton on the XP machine, figuring that Norton is what is blocking the ping, and changed the traffic rules to allow anything and everything of every protocol. This allowed the Win7 machine to ping and exchange files!!! However, I don't want our home network so exposed, so I have turned that off, and will try to isolate which protocol and other settings need to be established for our local subnet. I suspect it is the specific Inbound ICMP because Ping is a tool of the ICMP, but I am not sure this will allow file sharing - (BTW, printer sharing has never been a problem). Trial and error are a big part of my future plan, now that I think I have isolated this. The bad news is that Norton chat support is clueless here too. So hopefully I am on my way to a "work around" solution. I'll update this as soon as I have a chance to.

Again, many thanks for your efforts!

Paul R. (GIMLI_R)

9 Legend


30.3K Posts

July 5th, 2010 10:00



Just thinking, maybe you'd want to try leaving the settings the way they are and try using a different firewall on the XP machine. I used to use Zone Alarm, when I had XP but now that I have Vista, the firewall works much better and is not needed. The XP firewall ONLY blocks incoming but not outgoing. This was corrected with Vista and Windows 7, so a third party firewall is recommended on the XP machine. Now you have me thinking, my wife's computer is XP and I didn't install a firewall but last time I checked it there was no malware. I see how much malware is on it when she gets back from vacation.


You could try testing the machine using Shields upand see how vulnerable the machine is. The ping part can be a setting on the router, on the one test so don't bee too alarmed.


I have been using FREE Avast Home Edition as my virus protection. Norton was a resource hog and slowed down my computer. I tries AVG and Avast and I love the real-time scanner of Avast much better. Avast and Mozilla Firefox with NoScript have saved our computers, many times.




1 Message

March 8th, 2011 09:00

Like you I am a new Win 7 Ultimate user connectiong to an existing XP netowrk - and I am having the same issues as you.

Did you come up with a resolve?

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