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This post is more than 5 years old


January 18th, 2009 20:00

Ispiron 1521 Suddenly Cannot Connect to Internet! Please Help!!!

My inspiron 1521 laptop just suddenly stopped being able to connect to the internet.  It does not even work when plugged directly into the modem.  Whether it says local access only or local and internet access, I cannot connect to web pages.  I have repeatedly reset the network adpter through the windows diagnose and fix program on my computer, but it does not work.  The problem definitely lies with the computer, because it stopped functioning at school on Friday, but it also will not connect at home now.  Also, both my school and home desktop computers work fine when plugged directly into the modem.  Please help!  [:'(]

78 Posts

January 19th, 2009 05:00

Oh and by the way, sometimes it seems as though I can "connect", but  I still cannnot browse the internet.

1 Message

January 19th, 2009 17:00

I hope you get a good response to this question.  My Dell desktop in my office is connected to the internet, but no applications can access the internet.  The computer indicates that it is connected and is sending and receiving on the internet.  I've turned the firewall off, deleted anti-virus programs, repaired the adapter, replaced the adapter with a Realtec one that also says that it is connected.  I had a version of Microsoft Office that I could not register, so I deleted that.  Computer connected, but cannot browse, receive e-mail with Outlook, update programs, etc.  Every one of them says there is no internet connection, but network places shows a good connection.  Does anyone have any ideas?

2.2K Posts

January 19th, 2009 18:00


Have you reset the modem and the router? If not uplug power to both. If the modem is a cable modem with digital phone service you will need to remove that battery while the power is off. After about 4 minutes power up the modem. Once it is fully powered then power up the router. Try to connect once this is done. You may also need to run and type in cmd and then hit enter. Then type ipconfig /release. Enter and then type in ipconfig /renew. Hit enter. See if it can renew.

You also may need to see how many networks are found and listed for wireless. Then remove aall other than your home network or make sure it is at the top of the list.

Run through some troubleshooting steps to attempt to figure out where the problem is.   First, on the problem computer, try booting into Safe Mode with Network Support and if you can connect to the internet in that mode.  You get to the safe mode options by repeatedly tapping the F8 key at boot-up and when you see the Dell logo. If you can, then the problem is with some program that runs from startup and blocks the internet connection.  

If it doesn't work in Safe Mode with Network Support, in Normal Mode, try running Internet Explorer with no Add-ons.  To do this, go to Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Internet Explorer - No Add-ons.   If it works in that mode, then you know it is a problem with an Internet Explorer Add-on and you take take steps to get rid of the Add-on.

78 Posts

January 20th, 2009 14:00

I will try the safe mode option and let you know if it is successful.  I know that the problem is not the modem, because I cannot access the internet at home in DE or at school in PA (two different locations and networks).

1.7K Posts

January 23rd, 2009 13:00

That definitely limits the problem to the computer.

Does the connection work anywhere at all?  Has it ever worked?

What does ipconfig /all show when you have the network cable plugged in?  If you computer has a wireless network card, is it able to View Available Networks?

Last, but possibly most importantly, do you have firewall software installed?  If so, does it "trust" the network you are trying to connect to?

78 Posts

January 24th, 2009 10:00

No, the connection does not work anywhere, but it has worked for an entire year, both plugged in and wirelessly, until just this month.

When it's plugged in, ipconfig/all shows:

Windows IP Configuration

          Host Name ...............................: Jeanee-PC

          Primary Dns Suffix ....................:

          Node Type ...............................: Hybrid

          IP Routing Enabled ..................: No

          WINS Proxy Enabled ................: No

          DNS Suffix Search List ..............: Belkin

Wireless LAN adapter Wireless Network Connection:

          Connnection-specific DNS Suffix: Belkin

          Description ...............................: Dell Wireless 1390 WLAN Mini-Card

          Physical Address ......................: 00-1E-4C-73-62-2C

          DHCP Enabled ..........................: Yes

          Autoconfiguration Enabled .......: Yes

          Link-local IPv6 Address ............: fe80::1569:2da7:f43b:d09a%10(Preferred)

          IPv4 Address ...........................:

          Subnet Mask ............................:

          Lease Obtained .......................: Saturday, January 24, 2009 12:42:01 PM

          Lease Expires ..........................: Tuesday, March 02, 2145 7:16:24 PM

          Default Gateway ......................:

          DHCP Server ............................:

          DHCPv6 IAID ............................: 167779916

          DNS Servers .............................:


          NetBIOS over Tcpip ................: Enabled

Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:

          Connection-specific DNS Suffix: Belkin

          Description .............................: Broadcom 440x 10/100 Integrated Controller

          Physical Address ....................: 00-1D-09-B4-BF-A6

          DHCP Enabled ........................: Yes

          Autoconfiguration Enabled .....: Yes

          Link-local IPv6 Address ..........: fe80::9031:9700:55c0:7186%9(Preferred)

          IPv4 Address ..........................:

          Subnet Mask ..........................:

          Lease Obtained .....................: January 24, 2009 12:46:41 PM

          Lease Expires ........................: Tuesday, March 02, 2145 7:16:24 PM

          Default Gateway ....................:

          DHCP Server ..........................:

          DHCPv6 IAID ..........................: 201334025

          DNS Servers ...........................:


          NetBIOS over Tcpip ................: Enabled


The wireless network card is able to view available networks.  In fact, it seems that it is able to "sucessfully connect" to a network.

I am not sure about the firewall software trusting the network.  I will try to figure this out, but I have not installed any new software or updates and this was sudden.

78 Posts

January 24th, 2009 11:00

I have reset WINSOCK and the stacks by the instructions here:

When I pinged the ip addresses, everything worked fine until I pinged  It said "Ping request could not find host"

I also just did windows network diagnostics and it says, "there may be a problem with your Domain Name Server (DNS) configuration"


78 Posts

January 24th, 2009 14:00

And also, by the way, I have Windows Vista OS - If that helps at all ...

14 Posts

January 24th, 2009 18:00

GOOD LUCK getting an answer on here. Dell will help you for a price. I have had the same problem with my Dell Inspiron 1525. Connected to wireless but cannot browse internet. My Landlord had same problem and it cost her $270.00 for them to do some configuration via remote access. You will not get the answer on here. I would be shocked if you did. I have done all I could think of and all the researching on the net. At this pont I am so frustrated and upset that dell support will not answer this question when so many people have the same issue. So if anyone finds an answer please share as I will if I find one.

366 Posts

January 25th, 2009 08:00

JCMT, have you tried flushing the DNS? Open a command prompt and type 'ipconfig /flushdns' (without quotes).

14 Posts

January 25th, 2009 17:00

About flushing DNS, I am using my air card to get on internet. Should I disconnect air card before I do flush?

78 Posts

January 26th, 2009 21:00


78 Posts

January 26th, 2009 21:00

If I didn't make it clear enough, flushing the dns was the solution that worked!

1.7K Posts

January 27th, 2009 13:00

This means your computer had stale DNS information cached that it was using instead of going out and getting 'fresh' info.  Usually just resetting the network card clears that (disable then re-enable), but every now and then you run into a situation where the ipconfig /flushdns is required to get things cleared and back to normal.

I'm glad to hear you got things fixed that way.  Hopefully it will help the other person having the problem as well.

January 28th, 2009 13:00

Dear Larry,

Tried this, including some other hints you gave, but I get the message that i can\t connect to the dhcp.

I can't reach the internet neither by using static IP adress nor IP through DHCP.

On the loggin of the router the computer connects to the router.

We even tried to connect to our local network using a plain cable.

I even tried to connect to the internet using a wireles 3G modem.

Neither leads to any success.

The problems seems therefore not in the hardware.

All firewalls etc and windows firewall are shut down at this moment. 

All other computers in the house, including this one are working fine and as usual.

Do you have any hints?

Thanks for any reply.


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