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This post is more than 5 years old


November 25th, 2011 22:00

Wireless card seems slow on my XPS 14z

I just got a XPS 14z.  The wireless signal isn't consistant and it is weaker than my old XPS 1330.  It's actually painfully slow.  Every thing is exactlly the same.  I have my old computer next to the new computer and the wireless signal is working much better on the old computer.  Pages are loading more quickly on the older model.  Is anyone else having problems with how their wireless is performing on their 14z?  There is nothing wrong with the router or internet connection.  Help.

19 Posts

April 21st, 2012 15:00

Just out of curiosity, what type of modem and router do you have or are you using a combo gateway?

The reason I ask is because the issue may in fact not be with your laptop but within your network. As a test I would suggest you take your laptop to somewhere that has a different network to try.

The drivers directly from Intel corrected my problem immediately and it works on all networks. I am typing on it right now and it is very fast. I've made no other adjustments except I ditched McAfee A/V which ALWAYS caused my system to pause. You may want to try that if it is installed.

Good Luck!

April 21st, 2012 16:00

I did ditch McAfee. The router is Linksys. It shouldn't matter though, since, in safe mode, the speed is pretty good - 29 to 33 the last few tests, compared to about 4 to 7 out of safe mode, so it's something that's 'on' or 'running' out of safe mode. Aack!

April 21st, 2012 16:00

Meant to add I will be trying with another router - I just don't expect it to be the answer.

19 Posts

April 22nd, 2012 08:00

Rather than trying another router, try your laptop on another network. As you already know these adapters are finicky and don't respond to all router/modem or gateway set ups the same. Until you get laptop dialed in, it's important to ensure that it isn't the modem/router running block. In thinking back I did re-boot my modem & router after I updated the drivers.

June 1st, 2012 22:00


As a published author, my livelihood lives or dies by my computer. In 2010 I purchased a Dell Studio 17. A seven day a week machine that has been booted up and run almost every day since purchase. A great machine. When my college student (computer engineering) son needed a computer for school I told him to pick the best Dell laptop, something that would take him through the next three years. He went top of the line compromise between size and computing power – Dell XPS 14Z. Tricked out with solid state drive and 8 gigs ram.

The fact the machine has a problem doesn’t bother me nearly as much as Dell’s position on the matter. I don’t even find the XPS Z wifi problem listed in Hot Topics. And I know a ton of people with the same unresolved problem. We run an optical internet connection. 40 mps down/5 up. In our house we have an iPad, a few iPods, Blackberry, Toshiba laptop, Vaio laptop, two Dells (aside from the XPS Z) and everything connects and works fine. No exception.

My son has engaged in lengthy chats with Dell support. Dell support has connected to the machine and updated/configured/looked at/perused everything. The last service call (one day ago) the service tech finally said (in chat) the software is fine, I can’t fix the problem. Then promptly logged off and offered no other suggestion or solution.

The machine in question has been tried at his college, at wifi hotspots, and at other home connections with different routers. The router here has been configured as directed by Dell. The problem has not been resolved.

The bottom line for me as a Dell user is that logic dictates that if every other wifi enabled device in the house works fine on our router with our connection, the Dell XPS 14Z should work as well. Or least be able to be configured to work.

This isn’t about hardware or software – this is about consumer experience. What I find most disturbing is that I’m sure Dell is aware of this problem (scope) and is keeping a lid on it.

I was pretty excited about my son’s new laptop. In every other respect it is top of the line. And the time has come for me to change mine. I was planning on going the same route before the end of the year. Unless this is resolved fairly quickly, I not only won’t be purchasing a Dell XPS 14Z, I won’t be buying a Dell.

6 Posts

June 17th, 2012 21:00

So has anyone actually got their 14z fixed?

Dell came out and replaced my Intel 6230 with another 6230 but I still have the same problem. I rang them back last night and they have put a request in to have the whole laptop replaced, and should have an answer within 2-3 weeks if they can do that.

I'm worried that it won't solve the issue though. I recommended my brother-in-law buy a 15z and he has exactly the same problem. Very, very disappointed.

Would love to hear if anyone has had a successful fix.

June 18th, 2012 09:00

I spoke to my son yesterday (traveling, in France right now) and his problem continues. I believe the most disheartening aspect of this is Dell's absolute lack of acknowledgement of the problem. Until they man up, there won't be a solution. I'm looking at the HP Envy. At least they're working on the red color problem with the monitor and by the time I get ready to buy, that should be fixed.

But as long as Dell stays mumm on the 14z problem they won't be getting any more of my money.



6 Posts

June 22nd, 2012 00:00

I have had 2 technician visits after reporting the fault to Dell. The first time the tech came last week he replaced the motherboard and the wireless card. After that failed, I rang Dell again and asked for the machine to be replaced. The agent put a request to her supervisor but it was rejected, so they offered to send a 2nd tech. He came again today armed with exactly the same replacement parts. He replaced the wireless card but said there was no point in replacing the motherboard.

While he was here we did some side-by-side testing between the 14z and a Latitude E6530 (my company laptop). Here's the results:

Click the pictures to see the full size quality.

Dell 14z  

Dell E6530

The laptops

Notice how the E6530 picks up 4 additional networks in buildings nearby my office? The 14z doesn't even see them.

The internet connection in our office is 20mbit, so you can see that the E6530 is not having any problems almost maxing out the connection yet the 14z is struggling. The E6530 has full signal 5/5 bars and the 14z has 3/5 bars. The wireless AP would have been around 20 metres away with clear line of sight. (It's a powerful Cisco expensive AP too.)

The technician suggested it may be worth replacing the screen as that's where the antennas are.

If Dell won't admit to this fault and fix it I'll be requesting a full refund and I'll buy a different laptop... this has got to be fixed.

19 Posts

June 22nd, 2012 04:00

I've often wondered if this issue is an antenna issue (like the first release of the iPhone 4). The antenna is in a tight cramped are of the new thin profile lid. We own two 14Z's and after updating all the drivers from the intel site, they work acceptably. The wireless is certainly not the best we have ever had but works.

June 22nd, 2012 07:00

My son is traveling with his XPS 14z. Regretably, unable to finish addressing this issue before leaving two weeks ago. He says the problem is worse in Europe. It was working so-so in Paris but in Hungary no luck at all. We're Skyping through his iPod.


5 Posts

July 2nd, 2012 09:00


I live in Hungary. I have bought a new DELL xps 14z laptop some weeks ago (in Canada). 

I have the same problem. The wifi connection is very-very poor.  I refreshed the software and the 

connection would be 5 times better, but it has been poor, yet. My old laptop - Toshiba  -  which is minimum 6 year construction

made 3-4 times better connection up to this day .

Expert said I had to changes something in the wifi router, BUT I want to used my laptop on my way, not only my home.

Should have I ring all free wifi routers holders's home so as to change them wifi?

I think not. It is the contruction mistake, made by DELL, and the experts of DELL

should have solved the problem as soon as possible!!! 


''Ultra-thin 14", luxury laptop loaded with powerful technology that's sleek, stylish and portable'' 

But unusable?

I am flustrated and furious, sorry!

Please, if anyone has idea to solve the problem help us, because I think I am not alone!!!


July 2nd, 2012 10:00

My son was just in Hungary last week. Budapest. Same problem he's been having since purchasing his XPS 14 as you're having. His iPod worked fine, though, so we were able to stay in touch through Skype.

You'll notice that Dell has stopped commenting out here. They've sold a defective design/hardware that will require them to replace all these machines and they're hiding. My son returns this week. We'll be seeking a refund. I suggest you do the same, PA.


9 Legend


30.3K Posts

July 2nd, 2012 12:00



I hope you did the International Ownership Transfer Form


They only latest information I have is...

Dell has Updated Drivers for the Intel 6230 Wireless Networking Adapter


Intel® WiFi Products — Power Save Polling (PSP) causes connection issues with some access points

Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Power Options\Create a Power Plan

Select High performance.

Start, control panel, device manager. Click on Network and then right click on your wireless adapter, left click properties, power management. Uncheck the box, allow computer to turn off this device to save power.


5 Posts

July 2nd, 2012 13:00


Thank you! I have got back the confidence!

My storry:

The internet download speed was between 0,62-082 Mbps.  Before I wrote in this topic, I had updated drivers (from to version.) It helped to increase it to 4.0-5.0 Mbps. Your advice helps to increase it again. I saw the unbelievable 10 Mbps value in the speedtest.

Thank you very-very much, your advice was invaluable! I hope it will be usefull for other!


July 2nd, 2012 14:00

We've tried it all from a driver and hardware point of view. Nothing helped at all. Dell has been in the machine remotely twice, they finally said everything looks good. Then promptly signed off. I've read other posts that talked about in house visits to change this or that, always leaving them pretty much as they were before the tech arrived. And I haven't seen anyone come out and side by side compare a new or fixed Dell of the same model as the one you probably have, or my son's that says - works great. Works as good as my Vaio or Mac, Toshiba, or my old Dell. This is a design issue at the component level. They have a chip in there that doesn't cut the mustard.

The only way to get a solid and strong connection is to cable connect direct to the router. Which says the problem is in the receiver. And the only thing that improved (somewhat) the wireless connection was rolling back the bluetooth. That let's him work at about a third of the speed from about eight feet away.

The problem with Dell is a loss of moral compass (or, more likely, complete lack of one). They act like small children that break something accidently or get caught. They don't have the moral compass yet to realize the quickest path to resolving the issue is admission of guilt and taking the actions needed to set things right. Dell is cowering in the closet, hiding from the people that are most important to them - their customers.

It really is sad.

I'm thinking a class action suit might wake them up.



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