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November 5th, 2019 18:00

Background RAID Consistency Check without Reboot?

I have a T320 with iDRAC Enterprise, PERC H310 and a RAID-1 array.  I go to Virtual Disks, and add a Consistency Check to the array's Pending Operations queue.  Then I go to Pending Operations to try to force the start of the operation, and it appears that I have to reboot to invoke the operation?  I cannot believe that.  Do I have to do this from the command line with racadm or (?) to invoke an immediate consistency check?  Thanks for any help.

November 7th, 2019 02:00

Hi John,

Glad you have made progress on this observation. After initiating consistency check on H310 controller, make sure system is booted to host OS. After booting to host OS only, all the background operations start running by utilizing host memory in case of H310 controller. 

If controller (H310) is not booted to host OS, no background operation can be progressed from Pre boot environment.

November 6th, 2019 03:00


You can use CLI command line to perform consistency check operation on RAID1 disk:

command:  racadm raid ccheck:FQDD

For example:

  1. Login to putty and connect to server using iDRAC IP.
  2. get details of the Virtual Disks present using: #racadm storage get vdisks (output will have virtual disks details like: Disk.Virtual.0:RAID.Integrated.1-1)
  3. using the FQDD perform consistency operation using the above command (ex: #racadm raid ccheck:Disk.Virtual.262145:RAID.Embedded.1-1)
  4. Get PERC controller FQDD by using the command: racadm storage get controllers
  5. To create job without reboot operation, use command: 

    racadm jobqueue create -s TIME_NOW --realtime

Do you have the operating system deployed on this RAID1 disk?, there are few Post OS tools such as Open Manage, PERCCLI to initiate consistency check without undergoing reboot operation.


November 6th, 2019 09:00

When I invoke the final command to start the queue immediately, I get:

ERROR: STOR081 : The job could not be created because the reboot type selected for
the job creation and the reboot type required for pending operations do not match.
Change the reboot type for job creation and retry the operation.

According to the online help within the iDRAC, the way you specified the command looks correct.  I don't know where the requirement for reboot is coming in.

November 6th, 2019 09:00

Can you confirm for me, if I reboot with the Consistency Check in the queue, if the check will be performed in the background while the system is up and operational, or will it get jammed up the BIOS for 8 hours?

November 6th, 2019 09:00

Upon further research I see that I have:

RealtimeConfigurationCapability = Incapable

I had understood that Gen 12 (I have T320) and later hardware was capable of realtime actions.

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