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This post is more than 5 years old


January 29th, 2012 21:00

Autostart 5.2.2 console wont start connect to domain on one node

Hi there.

I have a problem with Autostart console connecting to a domain.
On Node A i get the error when trying to connect "Connect attempt failed - cannot connect to a secondary agent"

Any ideas?

63 Posts

January 30th, 2012 13:00

AutoStart console connections are only serviced by AutoStart Primary Agents.  It appears that your Node A is an AutoStart Secondary Agent in the AutoStart Domain.  An AutoStart Domain may consist of up to 10 AutoStart nodes, but only 5 can be Primary Agents and the other 5 must be Secondary Agents.

Here are the steps to promote the AutoStart Agent from a Secondary to a Primary:

  1. Connect the AutoStart console to an AutoStart Primary Agent.
  2. Select the AutoStart node "[DOMAIN] -> Nodes [NODE]".
  3. Right-click and select "Promote Node".
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