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December 14th, 2010 13:00

RecoverPoint in iSCSI only environments

For an iSCSI only solution – can the RPA’s be direct-connected to the Clariion FC ports that will otherwise be un-used?    I saw some verbiage in the deployment manager guide that indicated it might be possible, but it was just a short sentence in the section about setting up distributed consistency groups.    It’s not mentioned anywhere else, which seems strange so I am trying to verify if this is a supported config.

From the RP Deployment Manager Guide:

Zoning for distributed consistency groups

◆In FC environments, ensure that all the RPAs are connected to the SAN through a FC switch, and zoned together so that they see each other in the SAN.

◆In iSCSI environments, ensure all RPAs are physically connected to each other through their HBA FC ports.

Note: In iSCSI configurations, there can be a maximum of two RPAs per RPA cluster since two of the four existing RPA HBA FC ports are already connected directly to the storage (for high availability). If more than two RPAs are required for the cluster, connect all of the RPAs in the cluster through FC switches and zone them together.Distributed consistency groups are only supported if there is a Fibre Channel (FC) connection between all RPAs in an RPA cluster (site). Therefore, in each cluster:



45 Posts

December 29th, 2010 11:00

yes for Celerra Unified (the NS series).  However the iSCSI ports used for the block I/O must be from the CLARiiON not from the front end DMs.

Both ports on each RPA must be attached to both SPs.  You need two RPAs.  Also if you have MirrorView configured to use an FC port it can not share the FC port with RecoverPoint.

The CLARiiON splitter must be used.


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