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September 18th, 2013 08:00

EMC Smarts Java API - working with GA_StingDictionary class

Hello All.

I have problem to work with GA_StingDictionary class methods via invokeOperation from Java method.

Operations for class GA_StringDictionary:


    insert stringKey stringValue

    remove stringKey

    contains stringKey

    find stringKey




    put data

If i try to get Instances or execute "get" method from SmRemoteDomainManager class is work perfect but when i try to execute invokeOperation method on class GA_StingDictionary  i get null exception.

And i cannot get Exception ) Just null return )

Anybody had this problem?

Code Example when i just try to run "dump" method.

public static void add2GA_String(SmRemoteDomainManager remoteDM,

                                        String IpAddr, String ga_string_class, String ga_string_name, List mgr_list)

            throws  IOException, SmRemoteException, Exception {

        String ErrMsg;

        MR_AnyVal[] paramList = new MR_AnyVal[1];

        paramList[0] = new MR_AnyValString(IpAddr);

        paramList[1] = new MR_AnyValString("bla");

        try {

            log.debug("Run add2GA_String function, IpAddr: " + IpAddr + " class = " + ga_string_class +  " name = " + ga_string_name + " mgr_list: " + mgr_list.toString());

            //remoteDM.invokeOperation(ga_string_class, ga_string_name, "dump", null);

            MR_AnyVal key  = remoteDM.get(ga_string_class, ga_string_name, "keys"); // works perfect

            remoteDM.invokeOperation(ga_string_class, ga_string_name, "insert", paramList);        // fails with 0. wtf with this EMC Java API?

        } catch (IOException ioe) {

            ErrMsg =   "IOException: Failed or interrupted I/O operation. " + ioe.getMessage();

            log.error(ErrMsg, ioe);

            throw  ioe;

        } catch (SmRemoteException sre) {

            ErrMsg =  "SmRemoteException: Exception in a remote InCharge Manager. " + sre.getMessage();

            log.error(ErrMsg, sre);

            throw sre;

        } catch (Exception e) {


            throw e;



Just get next error with  0:)

2013-09-18 16:20:13 ERROR XSmartsHandler:182 - 0

2013-09-18 16:20:13 WARN  XSmartsServiceImpl:74 - 0

138 Posts

September 18th, 2013 20:00

Problem is solved:

Change parameters declaration to next format

MR_AnyVal[] prm =  {new MR_AnyValString(IpAddr), new MR_AnyValString("bla")};


MR_AnyVal[] paramList = new MR_AnyVal[1];

paramList[0] = new MR_AnyValString(IpAddr);

paramList[1] = new MR_AnyValString("bla");

The question why i didn't get normal exception test like in SMRemoteException :-)

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