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This post is more than 5 years old


March 4th, 2010 14:00

Is there any tools or simulator can handle exported VCMDB backup file

I have bunch of VCMDB backup files on the local file system, and I would like to update some info such as node name inside VCMDB and generate some reports based on it, don't really want do this on production because lots of reasons. 

My questions is if there is any tools or simulators let symmaskdb or symmask handle the backup VCMDB files on local file system, so I can change and report freely. Thanks very much for any clues.

131 Posts

March 4th, 2010 14:00

you can install symcli in offline mode on other server and play with it.

look at this thread.

4 Posts

March 4th, 2010 15:00

Thanks, Boom. So the SYMCLI_OFFLINE will do this trick, but how could the symmask / symmaskdb locate the backup VCMDB file locations ? And could I update VCMDB backup file in offline mode ?

131 Posts

March 4th, 2010 16:00


Please check this thread.

There is solution availalbe.

you have to create backup file and point command to the backup file.

you can list the database but not sure abt change.

you cannot run some configuration command like symcongifure.

419 Posts

March 5th, 2010 03:00


you can run query type commands against a backup of your VCMDB


symmaskdb ‑sid XXX backup -file vcmbackup03052010.txt

symmaskdb ‑sid xxx ‑file vcmbackup03052010.txt -v list database

There is no need to set offiline mode since you are already specifying that you are running against a file.

You can not edit this file, but is is useful for troubleshooting or auditing purposes and should fullfil your needs.

The number of commands you can run against the database backup is restricted to the following

list database [‑dir all [‑p all] | ‑dir <#> [‑p <# | all>]][‑wwn | ‑awwn | ‑iscsi | ‑aiscsi ]

-v option is available with all the above options.

A similar function exists in the VMAX for symaccess database.  Syntax for this is below.

symaccess ‑sid | ‑file

list [‑name ] [‑v]

list ‑type : | | < , ...>>] | port [‑dirport

: ] | initiator [‑wwn | ‑iscsi ]> [‑name ] [‑detail | ‑v]

list devinfo [‑ig ]

list view [‑name ][‑v][‑detail]

list chap [‑dirport

: ][‑v]

show ‑type

show view [‑ig ]

Hope this helps

Message was edited by: Paul Martin

4 Posts

March 5th, 2010 05:00

Thanks, Paul. As we mask disks centrally using wwn  and didn't have SE installed on each server, so the node name is actually wwn, but we would like to generate host allocation statistics by symmaskdb -sid nn list capacity -host xxxx command, so there is need to update old node name from wwn to server host name like symmask -sid nn  -wwn xxxxxxxxx rename hostname.

We have dumped the host name to wwn relationships list from SAN health report, but not sure if it's 100% accurate, that's another reason we don't wanna touch production. Do you know some utility can update VCMDB backup file offline like this ?

419 Posts

March 5th, 2010 08:00


you don't need to have SE installed on every server, just on your management hosts.  There is no tool that can update this file offline for later use.  (it would make auditing a nightmare)

You could build a script to make changes which is what a lot of cusotmers actually do for provisioning.

Once you have you script together you can do a bulk rename.   (once you've checked and doublechecked that your name to WWN associations are right).

Another thing you could look at is storagescope which is part of ECC which will allow you to do capacity reports and present them in neat tables which you can use for chargeback later.  .

4 Posts

March 5th, 2010 11:00

Hi, Paul:

  I have no problem to do script, but just don't want update production VCMDB with inaccurate info and plus all management procedure have to follow, explanation of risk, etc. The reason I mentioned SE on every host is that you can always run symmask -sid nn discover hba -rename to have node name populated automatically and which is more accurate.

  Our ECC is in upgrade, and very slow to get unix/intel resource for help on some master agent issue, so storagescope is not available for awhile about host info. Anyway, thanks for your information, looks like we need find other way to figure out this.

9 Posts

August 20th, 2013 11:00

Here is the script for backing up the configuration

*** Begin Script ***

REM Backup of VCMDB

@echo off

echo Backing up VCMDB ...

cd "C:\Program Files\EMC\SYMCLI\bin"

symmaskdb -sid XXX backup -file C:\SAN_Scripts\VCMDB\vcmdb_backup.txt -nop

echo Renaming file to inlcude date stamp

For /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /t') do (set date=%%a%%b%%c)

ren C:\SAN_Scripts\VCMDB\vcmdb_backup.txt "%date%_vcmdb_backup.txt"

echo VCMDB backup complete


*** End Script ***

13 Posts

November 29th, 2013 13:00

Hi Raja,

Thanks for the script...As i dont have that much hands on scripting..can you please help me to understand below two lines


For /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /t') do (set date=%%a%%b%%c)



9 Posts

November 29th, 2013 21:00

In Sha Allah,

I would email the script on Monday

Allah Hafiz

Sent from my iPhone

13 Posts

December 1st, 2013 20:00

ASAK Raja,

Thanks for your reply…I will wait till Monday.

Allah hafiz

9 Posts

December 2nd, 2013 05:00

Dear Masud,

Here is the actual script that I prepared for one of my customer.

echo Backing up VCMDB...

@echo off

echo renaming file to include date stamp…

echo When you take the backup for the first time this step is not necessary. Next time SYMCLI cmd returns file already exist hence I am putting a small batch script to rename the file with DATE stamp so that no conflict arise at the time of creating new backup file


cd SAN_Scripts\VCMDB

ren c:\SAN_Scripts\VCMDB\VCMDB_BACKUP "VCMDB%date:4,2%%date:7,2%%date:10,4%%time:0,2%%time:3,2%%time:6,2%"

echo temporarily Backing up to another Management host for secondary copy if in case there is no backup setup for EMC bin volume...

xcopy /Y c:\SAN_Scripts\VCMDB\*.*

echo Deleting files older than 7 days...

echo When you have multiple backup that occupy the space on EMC bits volume hence clear up the space and also set up the backup simultaneously. So that space is not constraint on bin volume.


cd SAN_Scripts\562_SYMDB_BACKUP

forfiles /p c:\SAN_Scripts\562_SYMDB_BACKUP\ /S /D -7 /C "cmd /C del @file : date >= 7 days >NUL"



forfiles /p c:\SAN_SCRIPTS\VCMDB\ /S /D -7 /C "cmd /C del @file : date >= 7 days >NUL"

echo – Taking actual VCMDB Backup...


cd program files\emc\symcli\bin

symaccess -sid 563 -f c:\SAN_Scripts\VCMDB\VCMDB_BACKUP -nop backup

echo VCMDB backup complete

@echo on



Let me know if you have any questions.



13 Posts

December 2nd, 2013 05:00

Can I have the script please. you can share on below mail ID

From: Shaikh, Masud

Sent: Monday, December 02, 2013 10:05 AM

To: ''

Subject: RE: - Is there any tools or simulator can handle exported VCMDB backup file

ASAK Raja,

Thanks for your reply…I will wait till Monday.

Allah hafiz

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