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This post is more than 5 years old


December 22nd, 2010 21:00

Dell Venue Pro crashing

I received my Venue Pro yesterday (Dec 21st) and have been experiencing multiple phone crashes and freezing issues.

It seems to happen at random at this point, and has been getting worse as time goes on. This could be tied to downloading apps on the marketplace as that’s when I first noticed the problem.

The phone seems to heat up considerably around the lower back (above the micro usb port) right before the phone will either shut off, or the phone will display the on screen image frozen. I even removed the battery and experienced the same problem when the phone was just plugged in.

I owned the HD7 prior to purchasing the DVP, and found my experience with that phone to be almost flawless, but returned it in favor for the AMOLED screen, better form factor, and longer battery life. At this point im really starting to wonder if I made the right choice after all.

Has anyone else experienced this issue? Wondering if this is software or hardware related.

I am going to play around with the phone a bit more, but I plan to contact Dell tomorrow in regards to the issue...

2 Posts

May 25th, 2011 01:00

I have received my DVP 8GB on 05/20/2011, it has the .206 firmware, I upgraded it with the NoDo update of WP7. I am seeing the crashes when downloading apps from marketplace or streaming videos, and sometimes when I am browsing. In a few instances, even if the device recovered and came back to the home screen, the applications would not launch successfully, and some apps will loose their icons and instead have a generic placeholder icon (a white circle inside a grey rectangle if I remember well).

Since I don't have a data plan, WiFi is the only option for me to have internet access, it is too bad that such a well designed device suffers this kind of issues.

I am not sure if I should return/exchange my unit, not sure why people are receiving different firmware versions. The thing is I am not sure at all if the exchange unit would be any better.

I think there needs to be a blog post or press release from Dell that officially describes the issue, the models affected, possible workarounds/remedies and eventually a timeline for a fix, if such an article is already there, could someone please point me to it?

It is very frustrating to see so much complaints over the internet, but no follow up from the company that makes this otherwise awesome device, I understand that the problem might be harder to fix than initially thought, or that last minutes issues are delaying a firmware update, but I guess since this issue has been around for so long, Dell's silence will only make us (Dell's customers) feel left out in the cold.

Please, Dell, keep us updated about the progress of this issue, a good communication strategy is badly needed for this lingering problem.

2 Posts

May 25th, 2011 12:00

I also noticed that the Radio software version: I am now able to connect to TMobile's HSUPA when before I would only connect to 3G.

18 Posts

May 26th, 2011 12:00

Just to keep a record of my experience so if anyones interested they can compare and contrast with their experience.

Just logged call with Dell Mobility for the following issues:

Dust under capacitive screen

WiFi consistently crashing device and requiring battery out

SD card (Original factory) causing a reset of device and a message about it's failure - battery out clears for a few days

Response was that they are going to pick it up in a weeks time and have it for at most 12 business days for repair. Not sure what the repair will entail as the support representative wasn't sure and to be honest it'll be a chore to be without my device for that length of time (thankfully held on to my iPhone) but attempting to remain optimistic.

Dell Venue Pro 16GB

OS: 7.0.7392.0

Firmware: 2250.1800.7355.210

Hardware revision: 112.576.2.0

Radio software:

Radio Hardware: 8250


Chip SOC:

18 Posts

June 3rd, 2011 07:00

Update to my previous post:

31/05/2011 - UPS picked up Dell Venue Pro

01/05/2011 - Dell phone to confirm pick up

03/06/2011 - Dell phone to claim the device has been tampered with advising that there was a missing anti-tamper sticker from the device. I've duly advised them that the device is exactly as it came brand new from box and pointed out that it was only DAYS old, some £500 in cost and that I'd be a fool to remove some form of factory seal.

Naturally I then sort re-assurance that this wasn't an indication that I'd in fact been sent a reconditioned device when I'd clearly purchased brand new direct from the Dell website.

The support agent assured me this was not the case and after consultation with a supervisor confirmed the repair would go ahead.

***THERFORE ITS VERY IMPORTANT*** and I'd advise that despite not being sure what it should look like that you ensure there is some form of sticker within the battery compartment, if your DVP doesn't have this from new then I'd recommend sending it back immediately to avoid this form of difficulty or indeed any doubts over whether or not the device has been through whatever quality control processes they may have and indeed a nagging doubt over whether it's new from factory.

3 Posts

June 3rd, 2011 08:00

I tried turning Wifi off, it didn't help. I tried a new SD card (the 32GB one suggested by several others) and it didn't help. I didn't call support because I saw how everyone else got no real help from them and I didn't feel like going through the hassle.

I gave up this week and replaced my Venue Pro with a Samsung Focus, moving from TMobile to AT&T. The Focus has been running for two days now with no crashes, no lockups, no hiccups of any kind. Dell's silence and intransigence on this issue has soured me on their company and I will never even consider buying anything from them again.

June 3rd, 2011 11:00

Looks like I got Blackberry Stormed again, thanks a lot Dell!

What's it been, six months that these phones have had these glaring issues and it still isn't fixed.

I used to buy all my computers from Dell, never again. You have lost me as a customer forever.

4 Posts

June 7th, 2011 19:00

I mailed, called almost 20 times the support people, But no answer.

I hate this device like anything. I could have got Samsumg Focus in this much amount. I hate the moment I decided to go with Dell.

It freezes almost in every hour.

I dont know, why such a big brand behaving like a stupid on this issue.And definately I never ever gonna buy any product from Dell.

10 Posts

June 8th, 2011 18:00

I'm just confused why Dell is mums on the progress of a resolution. They have acknowledged said issues and they even said a fix was in the works. How long before this fix is launched? A very simple question that requires no parsing. It's like the Venue Pro isn't even being supported anymore, what the hell is going on?

17 Posts

June 8th, 2011 21:00

I'm just confused why Dell is mums on the progress of a resolution. They have acknowledged said issues and they even said a fix was in the works. How long before this fix is launched? A very simple question that requires no parsing. It's like the Venue Pro isn't even being supported anymore, what the hell is going on?

Not sure what carrier you're on, but I got mine when they were only a T-mobile offering. It seems that we were guinea pigs as I see now they also have an AT&T offering as well. I'm really not sure if those "newer" phones are working any better... Any input on that would be welcomed. Anyways, I agree with you completely that the phone has had issues from day 1 back in NOV/DEC 2010 and here we are June/2011 without a single attempt from Dell to correct even one issue. That's a fantastic way to instill customer confidence and loyalty...:emotion-43:

2 Posts

June 9th, 2011 15:00

When is there gonna be a fix???

i got 16gig 206 firmware, its basically unusable on wifi

2 Posts

June 16th, 2011 12:00

WMPU reviewed the beta of the new firmware, no ETA was given yet:

 Huge Change – Wifi Works!

 Better Signal – Yes

 Yahoo Mail Bug – Solved

 Camera Updates

18 Posts

June 22nd, 2011 14:00

OK - By way of a further update, just received my Venue Pro back, took a while! Nonetheless here's the result:

Absolutely Nothing, zero, I was just denied the 30 day return option because it's taken so long.

Oh I tell I lie, the missing warranty sticker over my SD card slot (from new this wasn't present) has been added and they downgraded the OS (see below).

So in short I lost access to my device since the end of May so they could completely overlook all the issues raise and take my £500 device from me to add a sticker. Details below on exactly what wasn't done, so I'm left entirely bemused about what they took it from me for and why make me run through this pointless exercise? I appreciate that there's a firmware fix purportedly on it's way but why take it from me if the intention was to do little or nothing?

Used to praise Dell having worked with their desktop/server/laptop devices for Government sector and had always been impressed with their kit and support, now feeling a fool for leaping in and buying this device for laptop money.

Now left pondering my options, will update once I've digested, gutted.

Issues raised:

Dust under capacitive screen - Nothing done, returned with screen as was no obvious effort made to remove/resolve.

WiFi consistently crashing device and requiring battery out - After loading all media on and all apps via wireless it was looking good but then boom, apps stopped responding and just returning to home screen, exactly as before.

SD card (Original factory) causing a reset of device and a message about it's failure - battery out clears for a few days - No errors from card so far.

Dell Venue Pro 16GB

OS: Came back without NODO version, in fact the OS version details were corrupt and reported gobblydygook characters - patched back up to 7.0.7392.0 via Zune

Firmware: 2250.1800.7355.210  as before sending back to Dell

Hardware revision: 112.576.2.0 as before sending back to Dell

Radio software: as before sending back to Dell

Radio Hardware: 8250 as before sending back to Dell

Bootloader: as before sending back to Dell

Chip SOC: as before sending back to Dell

17 Posts

June 28th, 2011 20:00

Well, not that anyone should be holding their breath at this point, but there's a posting stating July 13 as the "target" date for the "new" magical firmware:

June 29th, 2011 10:00

My phone is pretty stable. I had only one issue, the Wi-Fi problem. I resolved it myself by switching my router's wifi settings. My router was using channel 12 for Wi-Fi, I changed it to channel 11 and now my phone detects my network (secured) and it connects without any problem.

My phone details :
Firmware Revision Number : 2250.1800.7355.210
Hardware Revision Number : 112.576.2.0
Bootloader version :
Chip SOC Version :
OS Version : 7.0.7392.0

12 Posts

June 29th, 2011 11:00

Wow... this is hopefully great news... bring on the magic. By magic, I mean making the phone work like it was supposed to since when I got it (over 6 months ago).

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